#3. Family First

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Morgan Martins

We all chilled in my room for a few more hours, til the boys had to leave to do God knows what. Them niggas always knew how to disappear, and reappear whenever they feel like they would be needed

 Them niggas always knew how to disappear, and reappear whenever they feel like they would be needed

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Andre Martins/Morgan's father

It had been decided that this whole Cole shit would be left alone. It didn't hurt neither that there was whispers of someone trying to expose Cole to his family, so that they can take care of him. Less work for us, plus if they didn't sort him out, the rest of the big leagues will

The fam was genuinely worried about me, even though I was okay, mums even came through, fussing and crying on some her baby got shot at. Its funny cause once she was done fussing, she mugged pops, yelling at him on some how he could've let this happened. Currently, they were yelling at each other, well actually she was yelling at him, cause she wasn't about to lose a child over this dumb shit

Pops had his people scrambling tryna find out what the fuck was going on? Who the fuck was tryna kill us? He wanted answers, and he wanted them like yesterday already

But see we already knew what was going on, so we weren't as panicky as he was. It helped to have eyes, and ears in the underground, being that we we're known as 4M obviously cause our last name started with an M, and there were four of us, so the name represented each of us

As of currently, Ellen and I were chilling in my room, listening to Yuna's Chapters album, while I smoked a blunt. Ellen hated it when I smoked, but today she didn't seem to mind me smoking

She breathed out heavily, "So...have you spoken to Calvin yet?" she eyed me out the corner of her eye

Ah fuck, I honestly didn't want to talk about Calvin. I didn't want to think of the Nunez family, especially when baby brother was tryna get to the top by eliminating big time family members. I don't like intimidation, and being intimidated by any nigga, drives me insane

I ran a hand over my face, "Can we not talk about him?" I closed my eyes, my head finally reaching the clouds

The whole Calvin and I situation-ship was a little complicated. We met when we were younger, maybe pre-teenage years. I didn't know who he was, let alone who his father was, but he knew just about everything about me

It was hard, even back then, for us to hang out, cause our families didn't really get along. They've had a feud for about the same time that my family moved here. Why they wanted each other dead? That's the kinda question I've been asking myself since we started hanging out. But at least now, we were in some sort of truce...kinda

Calvin always wanted us to be more than friends, but I personally, didn't want to have a Romeo and Juliet real life story, as a part of my life. So I stopped whatever was developing, before it even got anywhere

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