#6. The Proposal

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Calvin Núñez

Discreetly leaving Morgan's side of her family home wasn't exactly easy, but I was lucky enough that she had talked her dad into cutting down on the guards that guarded her section to a minimum

Knowing her, she was probably angry that I was able to kick her teams ass, but I'm pretty sure that they let me win. Knowing them, they probably wanted to see if I had the kind of skills needed to protect Morgan from anyone that might want to harm her

I knew that under normal circumstances I wouldn't have been able to lay a finger on them, either that or I was really getting good at this whole martial arts thing. But I knew better than to think like that

Going back home was the last thing I wanted to do, but ma would be worried if I didn't. The thought of worrying my mother alone, is the reason why I still lived at home. But I needed to move out

It's a good thing that I'd been meeting up with a realtor to look at houses, I don't think I'd be able to live in the same house, or around, my uncles and father, so somewhere far would be really nice. Hence why I'd already gotten a place

I parked in the driveway of my parents home, then rubbed on my temples to alleviate the headache that had gotten worse the minute I drove into this gated community

The stress that my family brought onto me could only be alleviated by Morgan's presence. She had a way about her that would make me stop my thinking and calm me down

I honestly can't wait to move into my new home. With all the changes I was making to my home, it has taken a little long for it to be ready, but now that it will be done in a few more weeks I can't wait to move into it

Plus it doesn't hurt that it's as far away from this craze ass family as possible, and closer to where Morgan lives (her actual home)

Maybe once I moved away, I'd get some peace of mind, instead of this bullshit

The minute I stepped out of my car, my mother was already on my ass, "So where have you been?" She asked, and I didn't have to look at her to know that she was giving her disappointed look

I ran my hand over my face as I sighed, "Nowhere special mami" I told her as I walked into the house

My mother smacked her teeth at me. She probably had an idea as to where I had gone, buy I knew she didn't know to whom exactly, "If it wasn't anywhere special, then why did you go there?" She tried to bait me to talk, but I didn't feel like it right now

I looked back at her following behind me, "Why you so curious about my whereabouts? So long as I'm dealing with the shit that your son is caught up in, then you don't need to know where I'm going, or where I've been" I mumbled disinterested

She grabbed me by the arm, so I could turn around and look at her, "Mijo, Cole is still your brother, even though he's a mess right now. Just" she sighed, "just save him, mijo. Save your brother" she pleaded

I looked at her, boredom clear on my face, "He brought this onto himself. If the families that he's been attacking decide to take care of him, then I'm not gonna stop them from doing so" I told her honestly

The look she gave me, almost had me hugging her so she wouldn't cry, but I didn't care right now. I didn't want this life, and the fact that I'm being dragged into it had me going insane

She ran her hand down my cheek, smiling lovingly at me, but what I didn't expect was for her to rear her hand back, and smack me hard enough that I nearly stumbled back, "What the fuck?!" I yelled in shock

"You help your brother out of the situation that he's put himself in, or so help me God mijo shit won't get any easier for you" she pointed her finger at me, seething

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