#9. Unwanted Guests

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Morgan Martins

2 months later

Moving in with Cali was the best decision we'd ever made, not only could I get ass from him anytime I wanted to, but we had our own privacy, which was much needed if you asked me

Right now, I was at 4M headquarters, and we were getting close to the little Núñez kid, he just didn't know how close we were. We had all kinds of surveillance on him, which had him sloppy and made him paranoid

Paul walked in while I was tapping into his offshore accounts, and shutting him out of them electronically, "Pops wants us at the crib ASAP" his usual nonchalant, disengaged demeanour on full display, but I knew him better than to believe that he wasn't phased by this

I knew that he wanted to know what pops wanted to talked about, especially since he found out that his kids are assassins that he has worked with before

I stopped what I was busy with, giving myself a mental note to finish off blocking Cole from his bank accounts, and moving his shit to untraceable offshore accounts

It was rare that pops would want a meeting with us, and even though lately it had been happening a lot more than usual, it was still something that we were never ready for

The ride to the family home was quiet, with the tension that was rolling off of Paul, and me keeping myself busy with answering my emails and shit

We walked in to find Ellen and Ro waiting around in the lounge, looking as nervous as Paul felt, I could feel the stifling energy swirling around the room and honestly I didn't understand why pops scared them like he did, when we did what we did for a living

After a few minutes of silence between all of us, I couldn't stand it, "Y'all for real?" I didn't mean for it sound as fucked up as it came out, but damn, I don't get why they were skittish

Ellen cast her eyes my way, "What?!" She snapped, which had me look at her like she had lost her damn marbles

Had to give myself a young pep talk, just so I didn't jump on a bitch. Plus, with the stress that everybody was in I kinda understood why she was on edge like she was

But before I could call her on her shit, pops walked in with some light skinned...they looked like a couple, I'm guessing, and the dude didn't look happy at all to be here

Pops looked between all of us, sizing us up before finally addressing the reason why we were all here, "This is Brian and his wife Mona" he introduced the two people who I knew were a couple from the protective way the male was towards the female

"They come from South Africa" he said enthusiastically, but it was more sarcastic than happy, "They are here because of Cole" shit I thought as pops cast his eyes towards me

For a nigga who was as elusive as he was, he sure did cause a lot of trouble for a lot of people around him, and this was a prime example. A dark skinned nigga, standing a little further away from the couple

Paul cast his eyes towards him, his body becoming rigid and an antsy Paul was something that we didn't want to deal with, "And you are?" I looked over at the dark skinned nigga, Brian doing the same

The dark skinned nigga, moved closer to that Brian nigga, "My name's Rori, but people call me Pac" he cocked his head to the side, his energy telling us the kinda man he was, but not one that we were afraid to take

Ellen looked at me, no words spoken but what she was thinking I heard loud and clear, "So your his right hand" I didn't have to ask him, he knew that it wasn't a question, "and your body language says your an assassin" now it was my turn to cock my head to the side

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