#12 Endings?

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Calvin Núñez

Watching what they were doing to him should affect me, but to be honest, he brought this on himself, "You like what you see brother?" For someone who was tied to a steel chair, he'd been talking smack the whole time he was being tortured

I thought that maybe being in and out of consciousness would've helped him learn how to shut the hell up, but nuh, my little brother had to be a big shot to the end, "I wonder what madre would say about you just standing there as I'm being tortured" he mussed, which he was right about, madre wouldn't be happy, but I had a plan for that

"You know for someone who's near death, you sure do talk a lot" I walked over to him, unlocking his chain, "But then again, I've never known you not to talk shit even in situations as bad as this" I said, while unchaining him from the steel chair then picking him up off it

He grunted, "So what now" his breathing laboured, "you helping me escape?" If he thought that that was what I was doing, he had another thing coming. I wanted madre to see him for the last time before...well before she wouldn't

I chuckled, cause my plan was not me helping him escape, it would be something that would break mi madre's heart, "Well, to be honest I'm not helping you escape" because escaping was not an option for him, "Instead, I negotiated with all them niggas you done pissed off to have me take you home. Madre would kill me if I didn't bring you home" I told him the truth

He looked shocked, or at least that was what I thought he looked like, with his bruises I couldn't really tell if he was shocked or if it was just my imagination, "You watched niggas beat me up, only for you to take me home and nurse me back to health" he scoffed, but his little attitude didn't really phase me

I was used to him acting like a little brat, I just never thought that his little tantrums would result in such mayhem all round, "Where is everyone anyway?" He tried looking around to see where his torturers had gone, "They hiding somewhere? Waiting to jump me and finish me off for good" he kept yapping, while I half carried him to the car

I tried to be gentle as I placed him in the car, then shut his door and jogged over to the driver's side, once I was inside I started the car and drove off to my former home

The whole drive home, Cole either moaned, grunted or kept talking about how he'd fucked up with the stupid plan that he concocted, just to get back at padre for not giving him the seat as the head of the family. But he knew better than to ever believe that padre was ever going to give it to him, it was my rightful title, even if I never wanted to be in that position

It was late, and I didn't expect to see the lights of our childhood home still on at this time, but knowing madre she probably felt as if something was off and couldn't sleep...plus padre wasn't getting any better, so it could be that she was checking up on him, making sure that he was okay

Once again, I carried him out the car and to the front door of the house, trying my best not to drop him as I juggled trying to keep him standing and digging in my pockets for my keys

Lucky for me though, madre heard the commotion and opened the door for us, "Boys" she breathed, then looked closely at Cole, "Cole?" The tears in her eyes nearly broke me, but I knew that they were nothing compared to the ones that would spill in a few minutes from now

She moved aside to let us in, but I couldn't rush Cole, his injuries slowed him down a little more than usual but even on his pace we were able to get to the living room, so I could sit him on the couch, "You okay honey?" Madre had brought a bowl of warm water, a cloth and disinfectant Cole's wounds

I had stepped back to watch her mother him so I could place a call, "Yeah, I brought him back home" Cole looked at me, his other eye sealed shut from how swollen it had gotten, "Yeah, that's the plan" I agreed with the person on the other end, "Ait, will do" I said before hanging up

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