#2. Shit Storm

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Morgan Martins

We got home, and news that I was shot at travelled to my pops before we even got there. If Andy wasn't already scared shit-less, I'm pretty sure he would be now. Especially now that pops looked like was gonna kill his ass

"What the fuck happened?" My dad's big baritone boomed throughout the house. To say that my old man was pissed would be an understatement. Pissed didn't come close to how he was. He was livid, mostly at Andy than me

After my little pep talk with Andy, he seemed to get the drift of things, and didn't tell my folks that I'm the one that saved his ass and mine, instead of him. Which if you had ask me, should've been his job not mine. I mean, the old man paid him enough for him to protect me right?

Andy looked from me to my dad "Uhm...sir" he cleared his throat, looking like he wanted to die right there, I, on the other hand, could've cared less "We were ambushed, I never saw it coming. I'm sorry sir, I promise it won't happen again" I winced, he shouldn't have said that, now pops was gonna pop his ass

"Mo?" Pops looked my way, "We good here baby girl, you can leave"

I got up and left them in my pops' home office. I didn't have to guess what was going to happen to Andy. I know for a fact that I'd have a new "bodyguard" by the morning. Hopefully, this new nigga is going to be a lot more capable than Andy, cause if he ain't, then I'ma put a bullet in his ass my damn self

I was sick and tired of the people pops employed to protect us. In his eyes they could do their jobs, which they could, but I was better, and I expected the guys who would "protect" me to be better as well. These incapable niggas where everywhere, and I mean everywhere, scattered around the house like they could protect this fam, or some shit. Yeah right I thought as I rolled my eyes

I mean on the real, I could slit all these niggas throats and they wouldn't even see it coming, and trust me it wouldn't because I live in this house neither, I'm just that good

I finally made my way to my "room", which I was relieved about. Soon as I walked in, I took off my Louis Red Bottom heals near the door. Had them shits on the whole day, now my feet were killing me, they needed some relief

I wouldn't consider my room, a room, cause it honestly felt like my own house within the house, being that my folks' house was huge, and we all had our own wings, therefore, my room was literally an apartment

I always liked an open plan crib, which is why my wing was such. From the door you could see my sitting room, half of my kitchen, my balcony, and the doorway to my bedroom. Like I said, we each had our own wings inside the house, which gave my sister, brothers and I some privacy from our pops' illegal businesses

I walked to the kitchen, to make myself a sandwich before heading to my bedroom to take my clothes off and prepare myself to take a shower. I wanted to scrub today's fuck up off me, plus I needed some time to relax and take a breather

After taking my shower, I dried off, wrapped a long towel around my body and headed to my walk-in closet. While in there, I lotioned up, went through my drawer, took out a tank top and sweats, pulled my uggs on my feet so I could head to my secret office, but not before taking half a bite from the sandwich I done made

Pops didn't know of my secret office, and what kinda shit I did in it. It had all kinds of gadgets, keeping me in touch with the whispers of the underground. In my business, you always needed to make sure that you knew what was going on around you, keep your ear to the ground, and your nose clean

Pops thought he was the only one doing some seriously illegal shit, he doesn't even know that his kids got shit that we do that isn't exactly on the legal side neither. Hell even the niggas who got the law on lock, tend to call us for some help when they want to get rid of somebody, make it look like an accident is what they would mostly say

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