#4. Truce?

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Calvin Núñez

Walking outta Morgan's wing was the last thing I wanted to do, but she was right, family always comes first. She didn't know it, but my father has been sick for the last couple of months. Bone cancer to be specific, so I had been taking care of business since his illness, which wasn't easy, given that I never really wanted to take over the family business

I'd stepped back from this family almost three years ago, took off, and left the bullshit behind. But once my father got ill, I was demanded to come back, and take over. The council had decided that since I was the first born son, I would, without a doubt, take over the family business

My brother Cole wasn't happy about it, whereas, I on the other hand would've preferred to stay away from it all. Cole wanted it all to himself, and was willing to do just about anything to take it for himself. Hell, the boy was willing to kill family members of the most powerful kingpins in the world, just so they would swear their alliance with him

Now I had to do damage control. The family wasn't happy that Cole was taking such drastic measures in order to secure a place at the top, and they wanted him gone, before he caused the rest of kingpins to turn on our family

I walked into the house, letting the cold of the place wash over me. This place never really felt like home to me, as much as I hated to admit it, my home was with Mo. From the moment I met her, I knew she was mine to have, but our families would've never allowed that to happen

I was reading the content that Mo had on the file about my brother. It didn't really have much, just some info about his whereabouts, and who he's been trying to recruit into his new gang. If you asked me, he was grasping at straws, but I was glad I kinda knew where he was, so I could get to him, before someone else did

I stepped into the living room with Cole's file still in my hand, then landed on the couch with a thud, "Well, that must be an interesting read" her wannabe sultry like voice entered my ear canal

Ah, shit. What the fuck does she want here?

Fuck! The last person I wanted to see was Jessica, her and her face that looked like she caked a whole kit of makeup on, and her claw like nails. She was the chick I was to wed the minute I came back to the family, cause they wanted into her family business. Our union would be a great way to merge our families, even though I wasn't feeling the whole she's gonna be my wife thing

Personally, she made me sick. Every time she touch me, or tried her sexy woman thing towards me, made me sick. The only reason why I endured her presence is cause I didn't have much of a choice, the family wanted her to be treated like the princess she knew she was

This bitch actually liked being a cartel princess, whereas, I would rather be anyone else, but the new king of the Núñez family. It made me sick, but it is what it is, and I had to live with it

"Get your grimy hands off of me" I seethed, looking at her with nothing but hatred in my eyes

She just bat her fake ass eyelashes at me, smiling, what she thought was a sweet smile, but I knew it wasn't, "You need to be nicer to me, dear husband of mine"

I stood up, about to blow a fuse, "Calvin" I heard a voice come from behind me, so I spun to look at another woman, who, unlike the bitch on the couch, brought light into my life, "You know very well, you should not be talking to the perra like that" my mother's thick Spanish accent spoke to me

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