#10. Finders Seekers

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Calvin Núñez

Cole was proving to be a lot more trouble than I thought he was, and madre wanted his ass alive when this was the kinda shit he was pulling. Someone explain to me why the fuck he would go to South Africa and try to kill someone who has a connect to the Legae family? Damn, even if I tried to save him, I wouldn't be able to now

Morgan was displeased with the fact that I allowed Brian and his people to stay when there was no need, but we just got through one waring family, we didn't need to deal with a new one so soon after we made a truce. Her walking out of the lounge with her ear to her phone, and Elle in towed, showed me just how royally I had fucked up

"I need to understand what exactly went down before I allow you a piece of my little brother" I needed answers, and Brian was the only one who would give them to me

He whispered something in his boy's ear, who looked over at his wife, and from the look on her face, she knew what was up. Next thing I knew both Rori and Mona were leaving the lounge to give Brian and I some privacy

"It was close to a year ago. I was finally getting married to my woman, and giving her everything that she needed in terms of her dreams wedding" he began, looking down in what I assumed was thought

"Everything was running smoothly, we had beefed up security cause let's face it Mona's last name has some weight to it, and mense from my own hood don't necessarily like me" he shrugged looking up at me

I walked over to a the small bar area, so I could pour us both a drink before he went on, then handed it to him before sitting down across from him and waiting for him to continue, "Salute" he said with a raised glass and a head nod

"We were done with the whole vow exchange thing" he waved his hand dismissively, "And had moved over to the reception where we'd be dinning and shit. It had come to the point where Mona and I were about to have our first dance, that there was commotion and next thing I knew shots rang out from somewhere, then I got shot. First in the shoulder, then next thing I knew your brother was walking up to me and shot me point blank in the head" he took a sip of his bourbon and rubbed on the scar on his head

"Doctors say I was lucky because he got distracted by Pac, which had him shoot me in an angle that didn't allow for the bullet to go straight into my brain" he shrugged again, taking another swig of his bourbon, "But I had seen his face, and I was more than determined to get better once I was out of my coma so I could take his ass out" he gritted, clearly still peeved that Cole had tried to kill him

The whole time he was talking, I was listening, visualizing just what had him this determined to dead Cole. Ain't nobody going to tell me that I don't love my brother, but this shit that he's out here doing, I can't stop people for wanting him dead

I didn't even know what to say to Brian, "I gotta know something" he caught my attention, even though his pronunciation of the word "something" sounded a bit off

I nodded, waiting for whatever he wanted to know, "Why's he coming for everyone?" Now that was a question even I wanted too, "I mean, he's the prince of the Núñez business right? So why's he trying to wipe out everyone in the business?" He asked curiously

Damn I rubbed on my chin in thought. I mean, I didn't even know why he was doing what he was doing. Maybe it was because when I left he thought that he would be the head of the family, but it's not my fault padre wanted me back, and I had no say in it

"I guess you could say that he went crazy the moment I was demanded to come back and be head of the family" for the first time in a long time, I was being honest, "He thought he'd be head when I left, which was what I was hoping for, but my dad wasn't having it, so I had to come back and that's what had Cole go crazy" I rubbed on my chin

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