#11. Caged

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Morgan Martins

My team and I had spent the last few days planning on how we would capture Cole, and now it was time to put the plan into action

Shutting him out from his bank accounts was the easy part. He thought that he was smarter than anybody who tried to find after him, giving my pops an envelop with pictures of me doing off with people, nearly killing me, his mother and father, and everyone else he wanted to cripple with killing their family members so he'd be the Alpha to all families in our line of work

Even going as far as recruiting not only his uncle to help him dethrone his own brother, but also a bunch of wannabe gangsters into his makeshift gang, which I figured he'd kill them off once he got what he wanted

Now, we had him surrounded, all we had to do was flush him out if his hiding place, which was only a few cities outside of where the Martins family and the Núñez family resided. He'd moved back this side a few weeks after we had found out that he was in Rio, once he found out, from the leak in Cal's family, that we had found where he was hiding

Initially, we thought that we could attack him from four different directions, but as slippery as he was, it didn't seem like such a good idea. So instead we decided that flushing him out slowly seemed to be the better option

He'd lost his cash cow, his bank accounts are frozen and the one alliance that he had in the Núñez family was now dead, but Calvin kept the front long enough for Cole to think that their uncle was still alive

From the intel that we had been gathering, we could tell that the money thing was playing a major factor in his being as frustrated as he was. Most the little alliances that he had made, had given him an ultimatum to either get them their money, or they would walk

Which in turn had Cole running around like a mad man, trying to payoff his debts to the people he hired, putting us at a great advantage

Today was no different, he might've thought that him going underground was the safest way for him to move around, but we had eyes and ears everywhere, making it easier to shut down any money transactions he might want to obtain

That Brian nigga didn't seem to want to leave, so I politely asked him to lend some of his people so that we could capture Cole. Like I said, that little fuck was slippery, and I didn't want him passing through our fingers cause God knows how long he would hide for this time

I didn't really trust Brian's people to be as effective as my team and I, but from the way he ran a tight ship, I had a feeling that Cole won't be passing through our fingers this time...I hoped

"I got a visual" Paul spoke over the in earpiece, "Proceed?" He asked, but we had to hold back till we had him where we wanted him, and right now he was far from where we wanted him

Paul sighed, I could tell that he wanted nothing more than to get his hands on Cole, but we had to wait a while before we could get a piece of him

We were waiting for him to meet up with the guy who would be giving him the money that we gave to him

The whole thing was pretty simple really. One of the people Cole thought were part of the people who would have his back once he forcefully rose to the top, well we bought him off. Money speaks a lot more than any kind of promise ever would

And with the fact that currently Cole had no funds, it was pretty easy to buy certain people off so they would work for us instead of him. He thought that buying people would gain him loyalty, but that's not how loyalty is gained. Trust is always the best option, and of course, knowing them for a number of years

We placed a chip on the guy that was to hand Cole cash, so we would be able to listen in to what they were discussing. It was pretty simple, he'd hand over the money to Cole and we'd catch him. We had all the major exits blocked off and for good measure, we had a secret weapon on the nigga that would give Cole the cash, just so he wouldn't fuck us over

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