#5. Please Explain...

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Morgan Martins

To say that I wasn't impressed by Cal's little presentation, would've been a lie. This guy wanted his brother dealt with, which in my line of work would be a good thing, but only if he hired us

The others were listening in on the conversation through a small earpiece hidden in my ear, just in case shit went south, and we needed to, discreetly, break up the beginning of a war

"Yo, you think this Spanish motherfucker is for real, or is he just fucking with us" Romeo asked through the earpiece in my ear

Of course Romeo would be the one to say something like that, he was after all, the product of our father

Romeo was my dad's exact duplicate, whatever my father didn't agree with, Romeo would second his motion...but only up to a certain extent. But as much as he was like my father, he and Paul were like freaking conjoined twins, always thinking alike

"Yeah well it sounds like it" Paul answered him back, "But on the chance that he lying, can I kill him?" He asked curiously

"Settle down you heathens...let's just hear what more he has to say" Ellen chimed in as well, "Maybe he might allows us to off his brother, now that I would gladly do" she on the other hand sounded estatic at the prospect of killing Cole

I cleared my voice, these motherfuckers chattering in her ear was disrupting my listening to what Calvin was trying to saying

Cali looked at me, "Well Ms Martins" he paused, "Are we going to work together?" He asked, cocking an eyebrow at me

I looked over at my dad, trying not to listen to the chatter of my siblings in my ear. Pops had a way that would let me know what he was thinking, without him uttering a word

The look he gave me told me exactly what he was thinking, which ironically was the same thing his kids had been saying to me after hearing that the Núñez family wanted a truce

Calvin was clearly patient. He must've known that his request was a little past ludicrous, but he was smart enough to know that our families teaming up would stop the madness that Cole had caused

"We don't mind the truce" Cali breathed a sigh of relief, but soon he frowned from what came out of my mouth next, "But...as we both are trying to protect our families, if we sense any danger, then this truce is done" I looked him dead in the eyes, so he knew how serious I was

My dad's signature mug was gone, replacing it was a small smirk. He seemed to like the fact that I was a natural at this whole "leader" thing, but me...I wasn't into the whole leadership thing

Cali nodded in understanding, whilst his uncles mumbled their disapproval. But seeing that Calvin's father had given him the leadership of the entire family, he was the one to decide what was best for the family itself

It seems as though his uncles were bit unhappy with his decision, even though his father didn't contest to his decision for both our families to work together. I, however, knew better than to believe that his father didn't have a problem with what Calvin was proposing

These two families have been feuding for years, and this proposal is most definitely seen as a joke between each party, so the truce is more like a standstill, where both families want to see who will fuck up first so we can kill each other

But then again, I could just be synical, and this whole thing might just work. For Calvin's sake, I hope it does

Once hands were shaken, my dad and I left the Núñez family home, to go discuss this whole "truce" thing further

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