i wouldn't mind // he is we

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"I really love Japan." Michael smiles as we sit in the car on our way back to the hotel. We have three off days in Japan and it's always amazing. Michael is always happy in Japan. He loved the last time we went. Today is the day and I'm honestly so nervous. I don't know how or when or where. All I know is that I'm going to do it. I keep looking to Ashton for some sort of coping help, but he just keeps laughing. Both him and Calum know and they aren't helping one bit. We get time to ourselves without any interviews or things we have to do as an entire group. Ashton and Calum easily agreed to let Michael and I go on a date somewhere. I still don't know where because anywhere we go, we'll get recognized. Hopefully we can do something.

We finally get back to the hotel and Ashton takes me to his and Calum's room and Calum takes Michael somewhere. I honestly don't know where but it wasn't Michael and I's room. For some reason, when we are split up, I always end up with Ashton. Ashton pushes me onto the bed and then goes to the closet getting out the nice outfit he picked out for me before we left. I roll my eyes.
"Do I have to dress up? Seriously, Ashton. I don't feel like we need to." I sigh.

"Hush. You're dressing up." He says, pulling out the exact same outfit I had worn for the iHeart Radio Music Awards. I sigh again, rolling my eyes again. I pull on the outfit feeling like I'm too dressed up. "Do you have it?" He asks. I nod, putting the small box in my jacket pocket. "Alright." Ashton says, coming up behind me and blindfolding me.
"What are you doing? Ashton?!" I practically yell as he ties the blindfold, leading me somewhere. All I know is that he lead me out of the room and down the hall somewhere. The blindfold was taken off and I realized that we were in Michael and I's room. It was all made up to be a fancy restaurant. The next thing I realize is Michael sitting there, laughing as I'm trying to un-blind myself without the blindfold on.

"We had help from room service." Ash says in my ear as him and Cal leave the room. Michael was wearing just a button-up and some black skinny jeans. I sit down at the small made up table across from Mikey.
"I can't believe they made us dress up." He laughs.
"I can't believe they did this." I said nervously, laughing it off and rubbing the back of my neck. As we finish eating, we start talking about random stuff. Every laugh and giggle that came from him loosened my nerves and I became more comfortable. Mikey and I never have actually gone on a date like this. So it was sort of weird.

"So why is this all set up like this?" He chuckles. I take a deep breath, smiling. I take both of his hands from across the small table.
"Michael, I have loved you for three years. I will love you forever. I honestly don't think that there is ever anything that will make me stop loving you." I pause, taking a breath. "I want to stay with you forever. I want to grow old with you. I know a year ago we said this was way too early. We're young, but I can't wait anymore." I pause again, standing and going to his side. I could feel my hands start to shake as Michael's face just looks confused. I pull the small box out of my pocket, getting down on one knee. "Michael, will you marry me?" I ask. The look in his eyes was priceless. He just looked at me in awe as if I were the last person on earth and he was so lucky to have me.
"I wouldn't mind." He smiles.
"So is that a yes?" I ask, smiling. My hands are shaking and it's so noticeable. Michael takes my hand that's holding the box, holding it in place as he pulls out both rings.
"If it will be a yes from you if it were the other way around." He chuckles. I nod, smiling more. He puts mine on and his on since my hands are so shaky. "Now get up off the floor." Michael smiles, laughing a little bit. He stands and then pulls me up with him. He pulls me close, kissing me passionately. He smiles underneath the kiss and I smile back. "I love you, Luke. I love you so much."

"I love you too, Michael." I hug him tightly as he hugs me.
"Can we get these skinny jeans off? They're bothering me." He laughs. I nod. We both change into our pjs. We crawl into bed, turning on netflix.

"What movie do you want to watch?" I ask. He shrugs as he scrolls through the movies. He stops on The Notebook.
"I haven't watched this in a while. We're watching it." He laughs, kissing my forehead as his arm is wrapped around me. "We can play that game where we mute the movie and say what we think they are thinking. Or we can do bad lip readings." Michael laughs more.
"Deal. I didn't really like this movie so we can do that." I laugh a little too loud and Ash and Cal basically come crashing in on us. They both poke their heads out from the corner, looking at us just staring at them.
"So?" Ashton says quickly.

"What did you say?" Calum asks right after Ashton speaks. Michael and I both start laughing.
"It was a yes." I smile, looking up at Michael. He smiles down at me, kissing me sweetly.
"YES." Cal and Ash say in unison and then leave. Both Michael and I start laughing really hard. I swear, those two try so hard to keep us together. We continue the movie game. Tonight was a really perfect night. It was my favorite night of many nights together.

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