Chapater 9:Netflix and Chill?

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Peridots P.O.V

"Yeah I'm gonna stay the night, thought I might wanna hang back since it gets lonely back at my place" Lapis said with a smile. She stroked my hair and I swear I think I was purring a little. Some people assume I'm part cat or something because of my feline characteristics, it doesn't really bother me since cats are cute so technically people are calling me cute. "Okay, so what do you wanna do?" I asked Lapis, wondering if I gave her any "ideas" of some sort. She looked up at me from my neck and smiled a goofy smile, it looked almost like she was drunk! Her pearly whites showed through and my god I would kill for teeth like hers!

"Mmm I dunno, it depends, we could just have some fun messing around your house, cook stuff, play pretend, play video games, watch Netflix, I don't really care.." She uttered in a laid back tone. The way she said it was in a raspy tone which was getting me all giddy, gosh darn why is she so damn attractive I swear! I thought about what she suggested we should do, messing around the house seemed like fun but there would be a huge mess to clean up afterwards and both of us are lazy as hell. Cooking is okay if we wanna burn the house down "Breaking Bad" style, playing pretend isn't really my thing, it's basically acting and my acting is terrible considering no one can tell what I am when playing charades. Watching Netflix would be nice, it'd be the two of us watching "Crying Breakfast Friends" together and then we could impress Steven with our knowledge. *Gasp* ooh or I could get Lapis to watch "Camp Pining Hearts" with me! Oh and I could show her my OTP Percy and Pierre!! "Squee!"

"Uhum you okay?" Lapis asked half giggling half confused since I just practically squealed like a little girl. Great, more evidence I'm practically a toddler, at least it's Lapis and not Jasper, thankfully. *Ahem* "Yes I'm fine I was just, getting lost in my thoughts for a moment there heh" woo I hope I didn't sound so much of a fool to Lapis like I do in my head. So Netflix it is I guess, oh but wait.
That stupid thing called what is it "Netflix and Chill" or whatever. *Sigh* I mean it's not like I wouldn't want to do "it" with Lapis it's just, we just kissed like 10 minutes ago so I think we should take things just a bit slower. "Thinkin' about me?" Lapis asked with a smirk. Holy smokes she is turning me on right now and I swear if she keeps on being so attractive than I might just go for Netflix and Chill. "N-no well yes but not in that way, I mean-"

"Shhh" Lapis whispered placing her index finger on my lips. She scooted closer towards me to where the tips of our noses were touching. "Well uh I was thinking maybe we could play video games?" I mumbled. She placed her hand on my cheek and lightly stroked, I love it when she does that. I enjoyed the touch of her soft, smooth skin on mine, her angel like touch, it was so relaxing. "Peri are you purring?" Lapis giggled. Oh jeez what's wrong with me, what am I?! A cat or a toddler for crying out loud! "No." I retorted sounding uptight. I was pretty uptight sounding most of the time, I just hope that doesn't do anything to hurt our relationship.

Lapis stopped giggling and stared into my eyes, her eyes sparkled like the Pacific, I could see beautiful ocean waters in them. "Video games sound nice, what should we play? Mario kart, Mortal Kombat, CoD, Just Dance?" Lapis suggested. She was so enthusiastic about spending time with me. It made me feel...


Alright second Chapter update of the day!Woohoo, there wasn't as much fluff in this chapter since they did literally just kiss, we don't want to just force them to like make out or something, I'm takin it slow for them, for now *wink wink* ;)

Anyways that's all for now :P

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