Chapter 1 'Raging Fire'

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"There's a dragon coming! You must listen to us! Many will die if you do not as we say" The head of the dwarves guard said. But Thrór would not listen. He simply waved his hand and two of the strongest guards carried their former struggling leader away.

When the ex-captain of the guard of the lonely mountain, Finn Alcarin came home, he was happy to see his daughter again. She was only eight years of age, and yet she sometimes said the wisest things. "Ada, will you tell me a story please?" Altáriël begged. She loved his stories as much as he loved telling them to her. Finn looked at her, thinking that they should probably go. Letters containing warnings about a dragon had been coming in all day. But he could never say no to his daughter. "Alrighty my little warrior. Let me tell you the story of a deaf king" He answered.
Altáriël was so into the story, she thought she the screams she heard belonged to her, imagining the story. It was when her Ada stopped talking and she snapped out of the magical story she realized it wasn't her imagination. Looking out of the window she only saw chaos. It was when her father spoke, she started to move. "My little warrior, grab everything you love, your bow, your favourite cloak and dagger, we must go on one of our adventures". Her papa's look almost calmed her down, but when the house next to them exploded from still unknown cause. "Ada! What is it? What is attacking our city?!" "Do not panic Altá, the dragon I was telling you about in the story, its real, and it is here now." She panicked even though her father had told her not to. But how couldn't she? There was a dragon ruining everything she loved. Altáriël looked around once more, the stone-grey walls, the dining table with some food and her book still on it. The girl looked around for her bag, and quickly threw the book in, some fresh clothes and her favourite dagger. She finally grabbed her bow and then her father's hand. And together they ran out of their house. To not only get somewhere safe, but to find her mom as well.
The normally quiet street was erupting into chaos, more and more dwarves and men started to notice the enormous shadow flying over the town. Smaug had come. "Ada? Weren't auntie Rýn and Lya coming to visit us? Ada!" Father and daughter ran out of their house, unlike most Finn knew what was happening. Altáriël was running after her father, her black cloak flying behind her. Everywhere she looked the girl saw looks of terror, burning houses and dead people. The brunette looked back at her house one last time, only to see that the dragon had set the roof on fire. Everything she loved, all her memories, her dad's stories, all was gone with one breath. Her dad shouted her name, and when she turned around, she stopped just in time. A burning ledge from above them had fallen between them. Her father and she were separated. "Altá! Stay there! I'll come to get you!" She didn't hear her father's words, she had lost sight of him.

"Perhaps it wasn't such a good idea to visit them mommy, the city is on fire" Rýn Lossëhelin smiled at her daughters remark. But her smile quickly disappeared when she looked back at the sight before her. Her best friend and her godchild where in that storm of fire. She knew that if anyone could make it out, it would be them. But they would also be reckless enough to search for each other. Enelya knew her best friend was in the burning city. She wondered what her mom was thinking, her mother had recently lost her husband in an orc raid. And now there was a big chance that she would lose her best friends. That's why she asked; "Emillë, are you alright?" [mother] "Yes Lya, dear, I am alright. Why would you ask?" Her mom answered, calm as ever. Enelya paused for a moment, thinking of a good answer that would not be too rude. "because the city of Dale is being attacked by a monster".

What could she do? In the time she had been thinking about a plan to get back to her father the house on her left had come crashing down. It was the house of one of her friends, she heard their screams and suddenly they stopped. She was too shocked to cry, too afraid to think. Altáriël took two large steps back and ran, jumping over the barrier. Her father had been looking for a way over as well, and suddenly his daughter came flying through the smoke. His little girl wasn't so little anymore. She nudged him, signing him to move. He didn't know what to do, he should get his daughter to safety, but he also had to find his wife, Arátë. For him she was as beautiful as a fire moon. "Ada, where are we going? You are making me even more frightened when you're ignoring me in this situation". Altáriël was never afraid, nor from the monsters under her bed nor from the creepy man that always roamed under the bridge nearby. She knew that she would lose her house, maybe even the entire city. But seeing her always calm and strong dad in panic, frantically searching for her mother, was freaking her out. She stopped running. Deciding this was the best way to get her dads attention. He turned around when he didn't hear his daughter's breaths anymore and saw the panic on his daughters face. Realising that his attempt to safe both of them at the same time could mean that he would lose everything. Finn sank to his knees and said; "Altá, you must get out of the city. You are a warrior, you are smart. Find Enelya and aunt Rýn. With them you will be safe. I will find your mother. Meet me tomorrow at the big oak at the beginning of the mountain. I will be there. Go my little warrior, I love you". And with those words, he disappeared into the panicking crowd. She was on her own now. People bumped into her, forgetting to apologize. She ran to the opposite direction her father went. She kept running towards Erebor, the one place she knew to be safe, until a young dwarf knocked her over. Her body colliding with the ground. The last thing she saw were two strong arms and the raging fire all around her.

The young prince Thorin easily recognized the daughter of the former leader of his Guard. He had successfully saved as many dwarves as he could, his sister, father and grandad were almost safe. He had always liked the young girl for her spirit and her need to learn more about the different techniques of fighting. And when the young prince saw her fall, he rushed over to pick her up and bring her to safety. Away from the fire and away from the dragon. He held the girl in his arms, he needed to find her parents. Finn was one of the best fighters he knew. He ran towards the market, if her mother would be anywhere it would be there. The girl stirred in his arms and opened her eyes. "Thorin! I mean... Prince Thorin. Why are you carrying me! If I may ask I mean." The young girl was very forward and often forgot her courtesies. The prince smiled and put her down. "I was searching for your mother and father Altáriël. Do you have any idea where they might be?" The girl told him how her father had left her to find her mother, and they looked around. Her mother worked in a bakery, in the street they were standing right now. "Altáriël! Altá!" The pair heard. They turned around and saw Finn. He was holding something in his arms. It took a moment before she recognized it. She ran towards her father, and saw that it wasn't something, it was someone. Her mother, barely recognizable, she had burns all over. "Mommy! No! Ada, do something!" They sank to their knees, hugging her mother. She was still alive somehow. "Altáriël, I love you more than anything. Be safe, but live your life the fullest. Do not mourn me, always remember me with a smile on my face. I love you." "I love you too mom." Altáriël answered, and then she only had her dad. Thorin stood behind her, horror on his face from the scene in front of him. They never deserved this, no one here deserved this. Finn laid Arátë carefully on the ground before getting up as fast as he could. He looked up and saw the dragon come towards them. Its chest already glowing from the fire within it. Thorin and Altáriël couldn't see it coming, and it was too late to save them all. He leaped forward and pushed them out of the storm of fire.
Thorin lifted Altáriël up with ease, turning her away from her father's corpse. The girl kicked and screamed. She might've looked small, but she was strong. She got loose and tried to ran back, only to see the burnt body that was her father a minute ago.
As soon as Enelya saw the remaining people of Dale were safe upon a hill nearby, she and her mother got there as fast as they could to find their friends. They looked everywhere. But Altáriël found them first. She knew the younger elf looked up to her so she quickly dried her eyes and hugged her. "Where are your parents Altáriël?" Rýn questioned. The brunette didn't answer, and luckily Thorin covered up for her. "Her parents didn't survive, my condolences. I will take Altáriël in if you cannot take care of her." But Rýn denied it, she wanted to at least pay her respects to Finn and Arátë Alcarin. And so they went to find shelter. Living with the stream of traveling dwarves until Rýn, went to war to help and claim the once mighty Moria from the foul beasts that now claimed it as theirs. The kingdom was again the property of the mighty dwarves, but Rýn did not survive. Enelya and Altáriël spend the next years travelling through Middle-Earth where they became known as the two of the mightiest elves of that time. Enelya became the best healer Rivendell had ever seen. Altáriël became the captain of the Guards of Mirkwood. Many years later they both got a letter from Gandalf the Grey demanding their service at once. One had to come to the Shire. One was asked to come to Rivendell. 

I do not own the Hobbit, I only own my own two characters Enelya and Altáriël. If you see any mistakes please tell me. Also if you have any tips for me, I'd be happy to hear.

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