Chapter 13 'Starlight'

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Thorin looked back one last time at his family. Waving them goodbye with a sad face. Bofur suddenly turned up next to Enelya. "Ah! So you missed the boat as well?" he said with a smile. But suddenly, Kíli moaned in pain and fell over, Fíli barely catching his brother. "Kíli? Kíli!" The brown haired prince heard Altáriël say before his sight when black.

Enelya was the first to move. She instantly bend over to look at Kíli's wound, she was trained in staying calm in even the hardest moments. She ripped off the bandage Altáriël had bound around it. It was stained it blood, only this blood was darker, as if there was something foul poisoning it. "We need some place where I can examine him!" Enelya spoke. "We have no place to go." Bofur said, the leftover company looked around, but all the people were gone. "We have only one option." Altáriël spoke, she hoped that Bard would be so kind to help them once more.
"No. I'm done with dwarves. Go away." Was the answer they got. Bard tried to shut the door, but Bofur stopped it with his foot. "No, no, no! No one will help us; Kíli's sick. He's very sick." Altáriël said, the panic clear on her face. The wounded prince had woken up in the meantime, he was weak, very weak, but with the support of Altáriël and his brother he managed to stand. Bard hesitated while looking at Kíli, and let them in after a moment. The dwarves and Enelya came in quickly. Altáriël helped Kíli get on one of the beds, where he could be best examined. She sat next to him, holding his hand. "Ah! Ugh! Argh!" where the only sounds the dwarf prince could bring out. The half-dwarf dipped a piece of fabric in a bowl of hot water, wiping away the sweat from the prince's face. "Can you not do something Enelya?" She asked frantically. She had tears in her eyes, afraid for her friend's life. Enelya was looking in her pouch with herbs, but she paused at Altáriël's words. This was the first thing they had said to each other in days. "I need herbs, something to bring down his fever." She stammered. Bard began to name some of the herbs he had, but nothing was going to help according to the blonde. "Do you have any Kingsfoil?" She asked him, but Bard said something about a weed and pigs. "Pigs? Weed? Right." Bofur said after a moment's thought, he then pointed at Kíli and ordered him not to move. He ran out of the house to find the herb they needed so much.
Altáriël wiped away her wounded prince's sweat once more. He was still moaning in pain, she searched for his eyes. They were full of tears, and Altáriël leaned down to press her lips on his forehead, hoping to make him feel at least a bit better. He tried to smile, but failed. "Can I do something for you? Anything?" The half-dwarf asked, Bofur still hadn't returned, and it was beginning to worry her. "Will you.. tell me about... the mountain?" The prince managed to whisper. Altáriël felt a sting of pain in her heart, the rest of the company would have to face the dragon soon. "Of course I can, what do you want to hear?" She asked in a reassuring voice, she knew she would do anything to make him feel better, it hurt so much to see him like this. The prince shook his head, a sign that he couldn't speak anymore, he was in too much pain. Altáriël took a deep breath and started to tell. "It was autumn, a young boy of..." She began the story Thorin had told her about himself so many times. But Kíli cut her off. "No.. tell me something.. about you." "Alright. It was on my fifth birthday when I first entered Erebor. I remember it well, I had never seen so much gold in one place, we visited at night, and the starlight that shone through one of the few windows made the coins shine even more. My father was carrying me on his back, letting me see all the places the dwarves worked. He first took me to the smithies, he asked them to make a coin with my face on it. It only took a few minutes, and when I got the coin it was still warm. I had hugged the dwarves who made it for me, they had laughed because I was so small. A small five year old who had just lost her two front teeth. It was a funny face I think. he carried me further to the King's throne, he took me to see the Arkenstone. When we got there Thor had not yet succumbed to the dragonsickness, he was a very nice man. He even bowed to me when I walked up the steps towards him. It was the first time I had seen the Arkenstone. I think that was the best birthday I have had." Altáriël told him, it was an attempt to cheer him up, and it worked, a small smile formed on his lips. She wiped his head again. and continued to tell him about how she had tripped and lost the coin in the King's collection. Enelya was standing just around the corner. She had never felt sadder than now. The blonde had done some stupid things in her life, but never ruined it this much. She knew that she was deeply in love with Legolas, yet she had probably kissed Fíli. She hadn't been there enough for Altáriël, who was about to face all things she had lost at an early age. She was about to go over to the pair, when she heard Sigrid, Bard's daughter speak. "Da? Is that you, Da?" Suddenly there were noises on the roof. Sigrid walked from the balcony she was standing on inside, but screamed when an orc unexpectedly dropped on the balcony behind her. Enelya looked back at Kíli and Altáriël, who seemed to have heard nothing yet, the brunette was telling her admirer about the first time she rode a horse and how bad she was at it. Enelya grabbed a sword, and killed the orc. But more came inside. The orc that was threatening Bain suddenly had a knife in his eye. Altáriël had heard the noises this time and had come to fight. She threw a dagger to Fíli and ran back to Kíli, protecting him from the orcs that had started to attack them by coming through the roof. And all of a sudden, there was a second elf; Legolas had followed one of the orcs through the roof. And began to help them. Enelya paused for a moment, she was confused, why had he come? As soon as all the orcs were dead Bofur ran into the house, trying to catch his breath. "There.. are orcs.. everywhere!" Enelya grabbed the Kingsfoil Bofur had in his hands and hurriedly ran over to Kíli's side. Altáriël had returned to her former place after the orcs were dead. But Legolas stopped her. "There are others, Enelya, Altáriël. Come with me and my father will allow you back in Mirkwood." Altáriël's eyes didn't leave the eyes of Kíli when she answered; "I will never go back to that place. If you help your family once, the King puts you in a horrid cell, where you spend the rest of your life." She had never felt so betrayed and hurt when Thranduil had sentenced her to an unadventurous life in a space so small she could barely breathe. "I will come Legolas. But first there is something I must do." Enelya offered. This was her chance to leave Altáriël for some time. This was her chance to take back her life. Fíli realised that there wasn't any hope for him. He didn't have the luck his little brother had. It was clear that Enelya was in love with that ugly elf. He listened to her honeysweet voice. Hoping that one day, he would have the privilege to kiss her again."I'm going to save him. Hold him down." The blonde commanded, and she started to chant the healing spell. "Menno o nin na hon i eliad annen annin, hon leitho o ngurth." [Rough translation: May the blessing that was given to me be sent from me to him, may he be released from death.] Altáriël jumped up to hold Kíli down, who was trashing and screaming in pain, she called Fíli to help her as well. It felt strange for Kíli, he heard the blonde elf chanting from a distance, two steady hands on his chest. He looked up and only saw Altáriël, she was glowing like a star and he remembered Tauriel's words, starlight wasn't a cold white light, it was a memory, precious and pure; like his Altáriël and the memories he had with her. As she began to shine brighter and brighter, his eyesight faded once again, and everything became black while he was released from his pain, and he entered what seemed an entirely better world.

After Kíli had been healed, she went with Legolas. The orcs that had been attacking the house hadn't left the city yet. Enelya watched as the elf jumped over a bridge, she followed in his footsteps and ran towards the first orc that she saw. Her blade seemed to move through the air like a fish through water, so smooth. When she had saved the brown haired prince Altáriël had sprung up and hugged her. Saying how much she would miss her, but that Enelya had to follow her heart. She had nodded her head towards Legolas once, as a sign of forgiveness and respect, and a goodbye. They had parted as friends. The blonde elf was killing the last of the orcs while Legolas fought with the leader of the group, Bolg she knew. The orc was as white as its boss Azog, she thought he looked scarier though. Bolg managed to get away and Legolas motioned her to follow him. They looked around and saw a horse as white as snow. Legolas was on the horse before she could blink her eyes. She looked confused, the prince she knew would never just steal a horse. But Enelya didn't have the time to think about that. She forgot everything when she jumped on the horse behind Legolas. She didn't think about the quest, about her possible kiss with Fíli and the fact that her friendship with Altáriël was hanging by a thread; the blonde only focused on the galloping of the horse and the feeling of Legolas's back against her chest.

"Altáriël." The name left Kíli's lips as soon as he woke up. It was said so soft that she didn't hear him. The girl was looking out of the window. Staring at the mountain in the distance. The dwarf didn't believe it though, he just couldn't believe that she had stayed here for him. And he spoke again, determined to find out where the love of his life was. "You cannot be her, you cannot be Altáriël. She has gone to the mountain. She must have, what is there left here for her but a dwarf that hasn't had the courage to show her how he felt. You cannot be her, do you think she could have loved me?" Kíli looked back to the woman that stood by the window, but she had turned around and was walking towards him. "I don't think she does, I know she loves you." Altáriël whispered, she hoped it weren't side-effects of the spell Enelya had spoken. When she was next to him, she slowly leaned down, and kissed him. Kíli's eyes shot open, when the mystery girl stood next to him he had seen that it really was his Altá, and when her lips touched his, he shot up, kissing back immediately. Their lips moved together, a perfect rhythm only they knew the beat of. Altáriël smiled into the kiss, happy that they had finally found each other. They didn't know how long their first kiss lasted, but they parted with a sigh. Altáriël looked into his eyes. Another sigh passed her lips when she saw he looked at her lips again, his eyes locked with hers, asking for permission to kiss her again.

Enelya and Legolas were still in pursuit of Bolg. The warg the orc was riding was faster than their horse, and they were losing him fast. He had almost disappeared out of sight, over a hill they had yet to pass, when the ground shook once. And then again. "What is it?" Enelya asked, she had her arms around the elf and she felt his muscles harden when the ground shook for the third time. "That, Lya, was the sound of a waking dragon." Enelya hugged him a little closer. Afraid of what was going to come, afraid if the dwarves would survive. But above all; afraid if Laketown would still stand the next time she would see it. But she knew about the prophecy, and with the rising flames, with the rising evil all around her. she had little to no hope. And with a last thought, she focused back on Legolas. Riding on beneath the starlight.

Hiya guys, this was the last part of the second movie. I hope you liked it!

I do not own the hobbit, I only own Altáriël and Enelya.

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