Chapter 5; 'She Has A Distrust Of Caves'

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And so they were laying in her bed, their arms slightly against each other in the middle. Staring at the ceiling. "Kíli, this is awkward, and you've stolen the blankets. Can I cuddle you?" Kíli blushed, unseen by the woman lying next to him. He didn't answer he just pulled her closer, she laid her head on his chest. And so they fell fast asleep.

When the sun shone in Enelya's face, its light woke her up as it did every morning when she was in Rivendell. She got dressed, finally being able to wear a fresh pair of clothes since Lothlórien. She put on a green blouse, her normal dark green corset, with a dagger Altáriël gave to her hidden on the back. She put on a new pair of brown pants, attached her swords in the therefor made sheds. And tied her small satchel with some of her potions on her belt. She was just attaching her green cloak around her shoulders when someone knocked on the door. "Come in please, the door is open." The girl said. The door was opened and Fíli came in. "Enelya, come quickly, I have something to show you!" Enelya looked surprised, what could he possibly show her? She followed him to Altáriël's door, which made her even more curious. "I found them like this, I don't have a clue why or how they ended up like this. Just look" Fíli said while opening the door. Enelya looked inside and laughed at the sight in front of her. Altáriël and Kíli were cuddled up on the ground. The blanket they must've lain under earlier still half on the bed, the other half was wound around the pair still slightly snoring on the ground. Kíli's arm was around Altáriël's mid, her head still on his chest. One of her legs was somehow still hanging on the edge of the bed. "Shall we wake them up? Or do we let them sleep, they look so peaceful. Especially with him drooling on her hair." The blonde girl said. "We'll wake them up. We have to go soon. Do you know where to find a bucket? We're going to wake them up the old-fashioned way." Fíli said.
"WHAAAAA" Altáriël screamed, instantly waking up from the ice cold water hitting her body. Kíli yelled as well. They tried to get up to get revenge on their friends, but they were so tangled up in the sheets they tripped and fell down again in a puddle of water. The blondes were rolling on the ground from laughter until the rest of the dwarves came in. Thorin had a small smile on his face, analysing the situation. He wondered why indeed he had never introduced his nephews to Altá before talking. "Altá, Kíli, get dressed and hurry up, we have to go before the elves find out we're gone." The soaked pair blushed. They knew they'd never hear the end of it. The company went back to their rooms to finish up. It was a miracle no Rivendell elf had woken up yet. Enelya looked at the pair that were still on the ground, trying to escape from the soaked sheets again. And thought that they would make a good couple. She closed the door, and went back to her room.
"Okay, you can turn around. I've got my pants on Altáriël." Kíli said. After they escaped the blankets, they had quickly dried themselves and got dressed. Altáriël was wearing her scarlet red blouse with dark brown corset. She had pulled on her black trousers and was securing her numerous daggers in place. The black cloak that was once her fathers was still on the bed they fell out of. Altáriël knew she was energetic, even in her sleep. But how in Durin's name had they ended up on the ground? They grabbed the rest of their stuff. Deciding that they would get revenge on their friends. As she turned around she noticed Kíli hadn't put on a shirt yet. He was quite muscular, and there was some hair. She found herself staring at him, but couldn't stop. He was standing by the window, trying to unfold his shirt, somehow he had put it on inside out first. The rising sun behind him made him look even hotter somehow. He looked up and this made her quickly look away. "Are you enjoying the view?" He asked with a smirk. She cursed herself silently and decided once again to not let him win. "Yes, the view outside is quite beautiful. Don't you think?" He looked kind of disappointed at her answer, but she ignored it for now. "I'm gonna miss it here." The girl said, falling on the bed again. The dwarf followed and together they looked up at the ceiling. This had been Altáriël's room every time she came to Rivendell, she had been decorating this room, making it a bit more hers. Her ceiling had been transformed into a map of stars. Kíli traced the lines with his eyes. "I'm glad that I've met you Altá." He said when she got up. It was time to go.
Bofur was that day the first to make a joke about the pair. "Enjoyed your night didn't ya? I haven't heard a thing last night, was he that bad Altáriël?" Said girl was already annoyed, silently swearing revenge on Enelya and Fíli again. She didn't need to answer because Thorin spoke next; "Be on your guard; we're about to step over the edge of the Wild. Altá, Enelya, you know those paths; lead on." The girls quickly jogged to the front of the pack. They knew they had to cross the Lonely Mountains again, and knew of the horrors within. Still, they walked without doubt over the safest paths in the mountain. Playing 20 questions as always. "Alrighty Enelya, question four. Do you or do you not like the prince of Mirkwood?" Altáriël asked the elf. Said girl blushed and nodded; "I think so, but I'm not certain. I think I like someone else as well. Altá smirked, knowing exactly who she meant. She was about to ask about it but Enelya quickly continued. "Altá, which dwarf in the company do you think is the cutest?" She knew that her older friend didn't like questions like this. "Yes Altá, please do tell. Who do you think is the cutest?" Fíli interrupted them, Kíli came walking in between the girls, sweetly smiling while looking at the both of them. "You guys wanna join the game?" Altáriël tried to get their attention off of her question. The dwarves answered with a 'yes of course' and they continued. Fíli started; "Enelya, have you ever been in love?" Enelya froze for a second. Had she ever been in love? No. Was she in love right now? She didn't know, so she decided to be honest. "I do like someone, but I don't know if I love him. Alright! Kíli, have you ever kissed someone?" The blonde was blushing and she knew it. "Of course I've kissed someone before! I mean, look at me, the ladies fall for me as soon as I wink at them!" Kíli answered his question. "Hmmh keep on dreaming, I bet it'll take a bit more than a blink my dear brother. Let's try it, wink at Altáriël, see what she'll do." Fíli teased, ever since Rivendell he had noticed the looks his brother had been giving Altáriël, he wanted to know if she felt the same. Altáriël began walking backwards, looking at Kíli while wiggling her eyebrows. The dwarf exaggerated his wink a bit, and the girl pretended to faint, falling forwards so Kíli had to catch her. She fell with her head on his chest, hearing a rather fast heartbeat. Was it because of her? Nah, probably not, they were walking pretty fast. "In Durin's name, that was enough to seduce a whole army of girls! Alrighty! Fíli, what do you think of Enelya?" Altá teased, she knew Enelya well enough to know that she would get red. It was the beginning of the revenge for waking her and Kíli up. She smirked when she saw that her question had the desired effect; Fíli and Enelya were both blushing furiously. Fíli did really like Enelya, that was obvious to Altáriël, but did Enelya like him as well? At least more than she liked Legolas? "I... uh... I think Enelya is very sweet, and uh... smart as well. Also uh... very good looking as well." The blond prince stammered. His brother was laughing at the red face of Fíli, and nearly tripped over a stone. Now it was Enelya and Fíli's time to laugh, trying to avoid further questions about what they thought about each other. It was quiet between the four for a few minutes. Thinking what they were actually thinking about each other. Thinking about what the others were thinking of them. Altá was the first to speak again; "Oh no! look, there! Rainclouds..."
Though they did choose the safest paths, they were still narrow and dangerous. And the weather was definitely not on Altáriël's side this time. It was storming, lightning and rain crashed all around them. The Company had reached the Misty Mountains about two hours ago. Dwalin and Thorin walked up front now. The girls were behind the two princes. Thorin yelled something about shelter. "Watch out!" Dwalin called before them. A massive chunk of stone came hurtling through the air, crashing against the mountain just above them. Enelya pulled back Altáriël, who loved walking on ledges. "This is no thunderstorm; it's a thunder battle! Look!" Balin yelled. Enelya had read about the legends, and believed them to be true. Altáriël had seen them before, so she wasn't as surprised. She was only worried that they would take refuge inside a goblin cave. Suddenly the ground between Kíli and Fíli split. "Kíli! Grab my hand! Ki..." Kíli tried to do as his brother said. But Altáriël held him back, knowing he would fall if he tried. She had put her hand on his chest, stopping him from walking towards his brother. She could feel the muscles she had been admiring just this morning. They were separated from the others. One of the giants fell, and a part of its leg went right towards the girls and the part of the company that was with them. They ducked just in time. Kíli had automatically put his arms around Altá, it had become a habit, everytime she would fall or jump out of a tree or anything. But then they heard Thorin shout, he believed that he had lost his adopted daughter and his beloved nephew. "No! No! Kíli! Altáriël!" the other half rushed towards them, to see if they were still alive. "We're all right! We're alive!" Balin yelled. The storm just got worse, they really needed to find shelter. Bofur suddenly shouted something about Bilbo. They looked around, and found him hanging on the side of the cliff. Ori tried to grab his hand, but failed. Bilbo lost his grip and fell, only to grab another handhold a few feet later. There was no way they could reach him now. Altáriël knew what Thorin would do in such situations, and put a hand on their leader's shoulder. Giving him a knowing glance, she swung next to Bilbo, to give him a boost up. She knew Thorin would've done the same, but she was a more experienced climber. Dwalin pulled her up again with little to no effort. Silently thanking her for rescuing Bilbo and to help him instead of Thorin, who is a lot heavier. Altáriël nudged Enelya, saying that they should walk ahead to find some shelter, so they could skip the unsave caves. When the rest followed they walked a bit slower. The girls deliberately skipped a cave, but Bilbo noticed and stopped the company. The elves mentally slapped Bilbo. Altáriël had no memory of that cave, so she didn't trust it. But they really needed some shelter so they went inside. Thorin knew something about the caves in these mountains as well, Altá had told him stories about how she barely escaped sometimes. And he ordered them to search the cave and to not light a fire. Balin said something about Gandalf, and Thorin answered a bit annoyed; "Plans change. Bofur, take the first watch. " Enelya and Altáriël laid there sleeping bags close to the wall, still not trusting the damn cave. Ori and Nori were next to them. "Altáriël, is there something wrong? You look a tad angry." Nori said, hoping not to get on any of her nerves. "It's nothing, she just has a distrust of caves. Especially the ones in the Misty Mountains" Enelya answered with a smile. Satisfied with the answer they got, the dwarves fell asleep. "I hope this cave is safe, remember what happened last time I was with you in the Misty Mountains?" The blonde asked, but she stopped talking when she saw her friend's face. The Goblin king would surely kill her if they were captured.
"Wake up. Wake up!" Thorin called, waking up everyone. The floor of the cave collapsed downwards. Altáriël hated it when this happened, this had happened only twice before. She pulled an annoyed face and slid down the tunnel. The girl tried to hold Enelya close, the blonde wasn't a big fan of these things, but then again, who was? She landed on top of Thorin, who was used to her, using him as his landing pillow. She looked around, but it was as she had feared. She was back in the goblin town.

I do not own the story of the hobbit. I only own Enelya and Altáriël.

If there are any mistakes in the story, or if you have any ideas about how the story should continue, please tell me. Thank you for reading!:)

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