Chapter 20 'Ravenhill'

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The golden clock was released. As it crashed against the wall there was only one sentence on her mind; after this would all be over, she and Kíli would live happily ever after in Erebor.

There was no going back. As Altá ran next to Thorin, shouting, hoping to scare every last one of the ugly orcs, she wasn't frightened anymore. She felt Kíli's rune stone in her pocket. Her axe raised high above her head. She heard her husband running next to her, her father and best friend on her other side. Enelya was behind Fíli, he would try to save her with his life. The rest of the dwarves began to rally with them. They were rallying towards their King. Her axe hit the first orc, killing it as soon as it came in contact with the floor. There was no time to think. Orcs attacked her from all sides. She swung her weapon again, and again. Never missing one. The Company had given the dwarves new hope, they fought with more energy. Altá was using all of her rage in the blows she delivered. She was counting her kills in her head, 25, 26, 27. As soon as their formation broke she stayed with Kíli, Enelya and Fíli. Altá swung her axe above her head once, and then around her. 30. 34. 39. She counted. There were too many of them. She grabbed one of her daggers and threw it straight into the left eye of a troll. 40. Putting the axe into its shed on her back she grabbed her bow, shooting the bastards. 42. 45. Altá looked around to see where her friends and husband were. On her left. It looked as if Enelya was in trouble killing the orcs coming her way. 46. 47. 48. Not anymore. She threw her axe to Dwalin, he had lost his to a troll. 49. 50. Balin stopped on a Dwarfish war-machine next to her. "Altá! Jump! We're going to take out their leader!" Dwalin was up front in a few seconds. Fíli and Kíli followed. Her husband held out his hand for her to take, even in war he was trying to be a gentleman. Fíli had grabbed Enelya by the waist, helping her on their new plan. Kíli did the same to her, one hand to hold them onto the machine, one to make sure she wouldn't fall off. And then they were gone. She had put away her bow, and grabbed her sword. All she had to do was keep it steady. No effort was made killing the next 20 orcs. 71. 72. She counted, she heard Enelya laugh behind her. turning around she saw that Fíli was attempting to dance with her. He truly was crazy. Dwalin rolled his eyes and continued to kill the orcs that came the pair's way. Balin yelled for the goats to stop, and Altá almost fell off, Kíli holding her in place. "Oi Dain! It's been a long time!" She yelled, and Dain looked at her; "A long time indeed little flame! Go kill the bastard Altá!" She chuckled at his nickname for her. He always called her that because of her fiery personality, she called him redhead in return, but that wasn't really related to his personality. She smiled at him one last time before they rode on. It was indeed time to finally kill Azog.
Enelya had never had so much fun during a battle. Fíli was attempting to dance with her, twirling her around and singing a song. He knew she was afraid, she had never been as good a warrior as Altá. Stopping before Dain he smiled at her, leaning in for a quick kiss. She shook her head. He pouted at her. But she wasn't going to decide if she would take him back yet. "Hold tight, lads!" Balin shouted before urging the goats to run again. Dain yelled a goodbye, something with the usual bastards in it. She looked at Altá, she looked at ease, as if she had done this a million times. She was holding on to Kíli, sharpening her blade on the wheel. She wished that she could be so calm, but she wasn't. She was on the verge of a panic attack. What if they wouldn't make it? What if their chariot was destroyed before they'd reach Ravenhill? She silently stared at the wheels, the iron pins in the middle. It was destroying orc after orc, and somehow it calmed her down. Her only problem now was to stay in Fíli's arms, make sure she wouldn't fall. She heard the horn of the orcs again, Azog had ordered the trolls to kill them. Her panic rushed back, and she could barely hold in her tears. She squeezed Fíli a bit closer, he would deal with them. Kíli had spotted the trolls as well; "Watch out!" He yelled, and Altá swung her blade once again, killing one of the nasty trolls. The others got their heads chopped of by their wheels. Kíli, Dwalin and Altá cheered in victory, but Balin shouted something. An even bigger troll with armour on was making its way towards them! The old dwarf could barely change their direction in time, and Enelya had to buck to make sure her head remained on its place. The sudden action almost threw her off, but Fíli saved her once again. It was too late to get back on their original course as the goats ran down a hill towards a frozen river. She hated rides like this. The goats jumped on the ice, almost slipping, but regaining their foothold once again. The chariot slammed against the wall, this time it was Kíli that had to stop Altá from falling. She hid her face in his chest for a moment, before pecking her husband's lips. One day, Enelya hoped to achieve this with Fíli, or with somebody else, she still didn't know. Fíli let her go briefly to provide Dwalin's canon with more arrows. But got back immediately. The armoured troll jumped behind them on the ice, falling through it. The crash almost threw Fíli off, Enelya grabbed him just in time, wiggling her eyebrows. They were almost even now. The ugly creature continued to follow them. With each step it tried to wave its weapon, every time barely missing them. Kíli and Altá had both grabbed their bows, attempting to shoot it. Dwalin shouted something about weak spots. "It doesn't have any weak spots!" The couple yelled, frustrated with their new task. They shot arrow after arrow, hitting the troll, but it didn't do much damage. And then there was Bofur! On top of a blind troll with spiked balls as legs and arms. Enelya did pity the poor troll. But her pity turned into a bit of happiness when their chaser fell into the lake, dragging Bofur and his newfound toy with it. Bofur steered his troll that it hit the other one in their former pursuer in the head. Fíli threw his hands in the air, complementing their fellow dwarf. Enelya smiled again, she really did like him. The chariot hit the rocks again, and again at their other side. This time they had no problems staying put. Ahead of them they saw another troll standing on the ice, making a bridge for several orc filth to cross. They wouldn't be able to cross past, the ice around their new foe had disappeared! Kíli and Altá were helping Dwalin with firing the canon. The troll turned around to find the source of his new pain and saw them. With one shot the troll went down. Balin steered them over the troll. Enelya sighed in relief, surely Ravenhill wouldn't be that far anymore. The others once again cheered, Altá and Kíli shared another kiss, and they rode on. Their moment of happiness was over again. two wargs had jumped on the ice in front of them. She was really starting to hate this ride, even though Fíli's hand on her waist did feel quite nice. The two new treats were upon them in no time, they both grabbed a goat from the front lines. Altá screamed, Enelya knew she really liked the animals. The part were the now dead goats had been attached to was now scraping over the ice. She turned around, hoping to see the goats get away, but she only saw more wargs, now coming at them from behind with riders on their backs. She looked as Altá ducked, holding on to Kíli so he could kill the enemy that rode next to them. The first blow was deflected, but Kíli fastly finished the orc off by slashing its throat. Fíli killed the one that came on her side, she made no effort to help, she was hiding behind Fíli so she wouldn't get hit. "Enelya! Help him then! Come on, I didn't teach you to hide from a fight!" Altá snapped at her. Fíli had indeed some problems with his foe, Enelya hanging on to him made it even harder. When had she become like this? The old Enelya wasn't so daring, but she would always help when needed. The old Enelya would never have attacked a small army of orcs like she did with Legolas. Legolas, where was her elven prince now? Another warg attacked from the front, taking another goat with them. They were slowing down, more wargs were quickly gaining on them, she had to do something! "We're pulling too much weight. We won't make it!" Dwalin stated to Balin. The white-haired dwarf thought for a moment, making up a plan. "Cut the tracers. Ride them to Ravenhill." Was his plan. She looked at him in disbelief, surely he wouldn't survive that! Dwalin protested against his brother's words, but Balin won the argument; "My good fighting days are over. Durin be with you, brother." Dwalin put his hand on Balin's, nodding his head. Fíli released her from his grip, walking over the narrow ledge to the front goat. "Enelya, you share with Fíli. Otherwise we won't have enough goats!" Altá decided. Enelya held her breath, she did not want this. But she would never ignore an order from the older girl. She followed Fíli over the beam, trying not to fall. She jumped on the goat behind Fíli, holding on tight again. Altá ran swiftly behind her, wearing a smirk on her face, she got to ride a goat. Fíli cut their goat loose, and the others followed. She looked back, the chariot had turned. She could only see Balin's back, he was using the cannon to shoot the remaining wargs.
They were nearing a bridge again. Altá was in front of Kíli, who held her close to his chest. He traced little figures on her belly, whispering words of encouragement. Thorin appeared on the bridge with a goat of his own; "Lead on." He shouted. Altá knew this was meant for her, she had climbed up to Ravenhill many times when she was younger. She steered her goat the quickest way to their destination, leaning back on Kíli's chest, enjoying his touch. There were enemies running towards them once again, footsoldiers. Should be easy. Kíli stopped making the patterns to swing his sword on their right side, she protected their left. Altá looked behind her, making sure the others were still following. She was startled when Kíli took over the reins, pulling the goat sharp to the right. They barely dodged an arrow from above. She drew her bow, making sure Kíli could still see. 95. 97. 98. "Where to now?" Kíli asked her, and she answered, saying they had to go up here. Kíli took her bow from her hands, switching jobs. Altá had no difficulties with the goat. It was as if she had done this before, which she hadn't. Kíli gave her bow back, hugging her waist so he wouldn't fall. They had made it away from the big battle. She had no doubts that they would survive this. They had arrived at Ravenhill. Now all there was left to do was cross the frozen river between them and Azog. Thorin and Dwalin were the first ones off the goat. Fíli followed, but when he held out his hand to help Enelya, she ignored him and jumped off on the other side. The blond dwarf looked confused, what was she doing? He looked at Altá for help, but she shrugged her shoulders. Enelya was acting weird. "Where is he?" Thorin asked. Altá looked around, she could clearly see his signalling machines through the mist, but she saw no pale orc. "Looks empty. I think Azog has fled!" Her husband stated, turning to face her. A smile appeared on her face, they could go back to the mountain. "I don't think so... Altá, Fíli, Kíli. Scout out the towers. Keep low and out of sight. If you see something; report back, do not engage – do you understand?!" Altá nodded, confused why she couldn't kill the orcs if she saw them. Was her father trying to lead them away from the fight? Why wasn't Enelya send with them? "We have company; Goblin mercenaries. No more than a hundred." Dwalin stated. Fíli sneaked one last look at Enelya, and then they ran towards the river. It wasn't hard to get there, but keeping the urge to just attack under control was. It wasn't smart, she knew that, but right now she couldn't care. They were currently in the tunnels underneath Azog's signalling things. It was dirty here, mud on the ground, as if there had been someone before them. "I think we're going in the right direction lads." Altá said, but Fíli shushed her. The brunette gave him an annoyed look, but then she heard why he had shushed her. A noise. Barely hearable. Kíli and she immediately tried to run towards it, but Fíli stopped them; "Stay here. Search the lower levels. I've got this." Altá hugged him. "I'll see you after. Don't die or Enelya will have my head." "I'm not sure about that, I don't think she loves me anymore." Fíli whispered. The noise was closing in on them it seemed. He gave her a sad look, then turned around. Kíli nodded his brother farewell, and grabbed her hand once more. She sighed, pecking his lips again before running off together. Tunnel after tunnel, nothing. They had searched every centimetre of the lower levels. Nothing. Not even one little orc to kill. They walked through the last tunnel, this one led them to the place they had started again. She saw Thorin and Dwalin... and, Bilbo? What on earth was the hobbit doing here? She was about to call out to them, when a drum could be heard from where they were earlier.
Enelya, Thorin and Dwalin had easily killed the goblins, she had begun to feel the stiches in her side though. The wound hadn't healed yet. She remembered Fíli helping her clean up after she had come to Erebor. It was a strange memory, she had made her choice between Fíli and Legolas there. She loved Fíli. She hadn't forgiven him for what he had done to her, but everything would heal in time. He loved her, and she loved him. She heard drums, there were no drums in this memory? She looked up to see the source of the sound. The grey ruins became orange, a light. Were Fíli, Altá and Kíli signalling that everything was safe? No. Azog appeared in sight. Where was Fíli? Where was he? She noticed someone struggling behind Azog, only the person was on the ground, she could not yet see him. Please let it be Kíli. No please not. Since when did Enelya Lossëhelin choose her own happiness above... Azog was saying something. She could barely translate it, "This one dies first. Then the brother. Then the brown- haired woman. Then you, Oakenshield. You will die last." She let out a sob, she could now see who Azog had captured. "FÍLI! NO!" She yelled, and in return he yelled for them to run. Their eyes met one last time. "I love you, Enelya, Amralime." She cried out for him again. But there was no chance of saving him as the pale orc stabbed her love through his chest. She watched as his eyes went wide with pain, and he drew his last breath. Azog dropped Fíli, and she watched as he fell lifeless on the cold ground. She cried out, running towards her fallen lover. She kneeled by his side and hugged him; "I forgive you, I forgive you. Please... come back to me."
Altá looked in shock when her best friend was killed. Her shock turned into rage as she screamed out. Kíli stood by her side still, watching his brother's lifeless form in front of him. Altá and Kíli looked at each other, and ran towards the steps that led to Azog. "ALTÁ! KÍLI!" she heard Thorin yell. But she didn't look back, she didn't saw Enelya kneel by Fíli, she didn't see anything but red. The raging fire within her built up again. She drew her blade once more. Kíli was faster than she, he had already killed the first two orcs that came towards them. She killed the third, shoving it off the tower, not wasting her sword on his blood. She slashed right and left, not caring if she just chopped of an arm or head. As long as they wouldn't stand in her and Kíli's way of revenge, she couldn't care less. An orc managed to cut her arm, she cut off his head. It was just a small wound for her luckily. One of her new opponents was a bit better trained. She slashed and hacked, but her rage had troubled her vision. With a cry she shoved her blade into the orc's chest. Pulling it out and pushing the orc aside. Where was Kíli? Where was her husband. "KÍLI!" No answer. She shouted his name again. "ALTÁ!" She knew where he was. She would be by his side again. She looked for stairs that would lead her there, but instead her eyes met Bolg. Azog's ugly right hand. She had no time to respond to his sudden movements. She flew through the air against a rock. Never had she felt so much pain during war. Altá got up again. She tried to chop off his arm. She would make him suffer for the pain he made her feel. Her blade met his flesh, but it only went through half of his arm, there it got stuck. The orc threw his arm back, and her blade shot out of his arm. There was no way she could reach it now. Without thinking she had grabbed two of her daggers. One of them she threw between the iron on his chest, it stayed stuck there. How could he not die from that? He made his way over to her, she waved her blade through the air. His arm wound was bleeding badly. If she could fight him long enough so he would bleed out it would be fine. Faster than the light she had grabbed another dagger. But when she heaved her arms to deliver a final blow to his head he grabbed her arms. He twisted them, and she cried out in pain. He pushed her against the stone floor, lifting one of his arms, he smashed his fist down on her head. Altá's sight went black for a moment. But she was not so easily defeated, she rolled over the floor, waving her arm. She pushed her dagger into Bolg's heel. This time it was him that cried out. But he remained standing. Coming towards her once more with his mace raised. She knew it would be over now, her head hurt too much. She thought of Kíli, his smile, his eyes she so loved to get lost in. Her thoughts were disturbed by a battle cry. Kíli. Her husband had come to save her! Altá opened her eyes once more, she could move again. Kíli had jumped on Bolg from behind, raising his sword to pierce his head. Her desire to help the love of her life was bigger than the pain. She got up, drawing the string of her bow back. But before she fired Bolg had grabbed Kíli's head and held her love before him as a shield. She lowered her bow, tears in her eyes as Bolg did something she had not foreseen. She couldn't stop him. She was too late. The base of Bolg's mace pierced Kíli's chest. It was as if she felt it too. Her heart broke when he threw Kíli to the ground as if he was nothing. She raised her bow again and shot him in the heart. She had given him so many wounds, how could he still be alive? He swung his mace, hitting her in her side. She hit the wall with a dull thud, but felt no pain. She reached for her ankle, she had one last dagger hidden in there. Bolg ran towards her one last time, prepared to finish her off. Altá's need to avenge her lover was greater than the desire to die with him. The dagger she had gotten from Thorin pierced the arrow first, and then his heart. A sick smile appeared on her face as she watched Bolg's eyes roll into his head, the giant creature fell back of the ledge. The tears came when she heard his corpse hit the ground. She crawled towards Kíli, he was alive. "I love you, my Queen, my everything. Do not mourn me too much. Live your life. I will always love you." He whispered, she kissed him one last time. "My heart will go on. I will see you soon, My King." And with her last words, he let go. A tear slipping from the corner of her eyes. He was gone. Her husband, the love of her life, her Kíli.

Hiya guys, there will be an epilogue after this. As always; I do not own the hobbit. I only own my own two characters Enelya and Altáriël. 

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