Chapter 18 'Precious Stones'

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Enelya was about to tell Altáriël the whole story about Legolas and Fíli, when she realised what her friend just said. She was about to answer when Thorin commanded everyone to suit up for war.

Altá and Thorin led the dwarves to the armoury. "Thorin, are you sure that it is wise to go to war now?" She asked him, afraid for his answer. He ignored her, commanded her to grab some suited armour for her to wear. Altá stopped walking, the Thorin she loved was no more. Kíli grabbed her hand; "Come on, my lovely fiancée, we have some armour to put on. He dragged her along with him, stopping after one pillar briefly. She leaned against it, hoping to find some comfort in his eyes. "I love you, my Queen. It'll be alright." He reassured her, kissing her once more. Altá managed to smile, and together they walked towards the others. "Kíli, Altá, come over here!" Thorin commanded, he had seen the ring Altá was wearing, and somehow it made him happier than he was from all the gold he hoarded in his halls. "You have asked her to marry you. Good. When will you have the ceremony?" This was the first time since Altá had arrived here that she had actually seen him smile. Her fiancé answered the King; "We don't know yet, we actually wanted to marry before we'd go to war." "Than what are we waiting for! Dwalin, take Enelya and Altá! She must have the most beautiful dress. Fíli, find your brother something worth wearing for him to marry my daughter! The rest of you, come with me." He ordered, after all he still had some good in him, some part still loved Altá and the others.
Dwalin had actually no idea where they had to find the dress. They had been wandering around Erebor until Enelya spotted a small dress shop. It was tiny, but beautiful. They went inside and looked around, fabrics everywhere. No one of them actually knew what they had to do. "Altá, it's your dress, what do you want?" Enelya asked her friend. The brunette thought for a moment, it all happened so fast, just a little over an hour ago they were about to suit up for war, now she was dress shopping. "I.. uh.. I want something that'll blow everyone away." She had never been one for fashion, let alone for wedding dresses. The three decided to search all the white dresses in the shop and compare them, it seemed like the best thing to do. In ten minutes all the dresses they could find were lying next to each other on the dusty floor. Altá looked over all of them, one of them immediately caught her attention. A beautiful ballgown, it had no sleeves and a sweet-heart neckline. "I want this one. It's perfect!" Dwalin put the rest of the dresses away again and lifted the dress off of the ground and held it in the light. Only now they could see that there were millions of the tiniest diamonds decorating the dress, sure they had noticed the stunning gems on the top half of it, but now she surely would shine when she would walk towards Kíli. "Go on now, put it on Altá! I never would have thought I'd get to see you in a wedding dress!" Enelya squealed. Dwalin and Altáriël chuckled, how could someone get so excited over a dress? Altá went into one of the fitting rooms and put the dress on with help of Enelya. The girl could not yet see the end results, so when they both got out of the tiny room she squealed again. Altá looked stunning. The brunette looked at Dwalin, trying to get his opinion. But the dwarf didn't have to open his mouth, his tears said enough. "That I would live indeed to see the day when Altá Alcarin would become Altá Durin. You look absolutely dazzling girl. I bet your parents would be proud of ya." "Here, to complete it." Enelya handed her possibly the longest veil she had ever seen. It was a beautiful headpiece, made for a Queen. This time it was Altáriël's time to squeal. She had finally realized it, she was going to marry Kíli, the love of her life, in less than a few hours! "Come on Altá, we must do your hair. Dwalin, can you check on Thorin to see how much time we have?" Enelya commanded. Dwalin looked shocked, the girl had never commanded her before, she really was excited for her friend. He exited the room at the speed of light. He found the others in the hall with the golden floor. Thorin had prepared a small wedding, Balin was there as the priest, Bilbo was going to be the ring-bearer. "Thorin, the bride is almost ready. How are we doing here?!" Dwalin yelled, he looked around for Kíli, who was smiling like an idiot. It was a funny sight to see actually. Thorin nodded and spoke then to all of them; "My daughter is about to marry my nephew. I want everything to be perfect. Where are the rings?" In their quick preparation they had completely forgotten about the rings, and the army of elves as well. Kíli said that he wanted to make the rings himself, just to make it extra special. Balin had already written a letter for a ceasefire, there would be no war until Altá and Kíli would be wed.
Enelya adjusted the headpiece of the white gems of Lasgalen on Altá's head. "If Thranduil would know that his former captain of the guard would marry a dwarf while wearing his desired gems he would surely be driven mad." Enelya chuckled, she hugged her friend. The blonde wished Altá a happy marriage, saying that they were perfect for each other. Their conversation was interrupted by the King under the Mountain himself; "My lovely daughter, you are even more beautiful than all the gems in this mountain combined. Kíli has already said you to be his Arkenstone. He is a lucky dwarf to be married to you. I am proud of you." And then he hugged her. He had called Altá his daughter, Kíli had named her his Arkenstone. This would have to be the most beautiful day of her life.
Everybody turned around when they saw the bride, Thorin was of course the one to give her away. Kíli looked at his soon to be wife, she was beautiful, she was more than beautiful. Her white dress showed off her body perfectly, the diamonds on it were reflecting on the golden floor. The second Arkenstone. Only he found her more beautiful. She smiled at him, and all he saw was her. Altá seemed to shine again, only this time it wasn't a funny side effect from an elvish spell. It was her beauty, all of her. The bride had reached the altar, and turned to look at him. Even though she was half an elf she managed to be smaller than Kíli, only by a centimetre though. Their eyes met and she shyly looked away, blushing furiously. Balin began to speak, his voice echoing through the hall. This was perfect. "We are gathered here today for the marriage of Altá Alcarin and Kíli Durin." He was about to continue when they got a response to their ceasefire. A white dove flew through the hall, and landed on the altar. Everybody sighed in annoyance, Altá and Kíli just giggled, too nervous to be annoyed. "Thranduil and the bowman have agreed to our ceasefire. We will continue tomorrow at dawn." Balin spoke, the dwarves cheered in joy, they would have time to celebrate! Altá searched for Kíli's eyes as Balin continued to marry them. Her green orbs found his brown ones. She smiled one of her wicked smiles again, he got lost in her eyes. It seemed to be their thing. He thought of her memories with her, drinking ale together in Bilbo's hobbit hole, the late night conversation that had followed. He remembered how they had ended up in Rivendell together, cuddling in bed. Of course the part were his lovely brother, currently his best man, and Enelya, had woken them up. The game of 20 questions and holding hands in Goblin Town. How he had caught her when she almost fell out of the tree when she put his shirt on, and the almost-kiss that had followed. How they had stolen Enelya and Fíli's clothes at the lake. Their brief cuddling in their cell in Mirkwood, and how she had attempted to bind his leg after they had escaped. And when they were in Bard's house, after they had climbed out of the toilet, how they had shared a blanket. She smelled like the dirty water, but he was sure he did as well. How she had given up her dreams of being the first dwarf to step into Erebor again just for him. Their first kiss after Enelya had healed him. The dragon, how he had comforted her. The trip to Erebor, the sweet sweet love making on the gold, and in his bed the next night. He remembered everything crystal clear. Her smile, her personality, she was perfect. He snapped out of his thoughts when Bilbo walked up the stairs, carrying the rings he had made earlier that day. "Kíli, will you take Altá to be your wife? In sickness and health, in life and death etcetera etcetera." Balin was so excited for the two he forgot most of the words. Kíli didn't need to think of his answer; "Yes!" He grabbed the smaller ring of the velvet pillow, shooting the hobbit a smile. As he shoved the ring on her finger the smile on Altá's face was brighter than the sun. And when Balin asked her to take him as her husband, the smile grew even wider. She nearly screamed it, her yes echoed through all of Erebor. She too smiled at the hobbit, and then at the rest of the people in the hall when she picked up the ring. She seemed to be in a hurry, and the ring was around his finger before he could blink his eyes. "Then, Kíli, you may now kiss the bride!" The dwarf wanted this to be a moment to never forget, he grabbed her waist and pulled her close. Sharing their first kiss as husband and wife.

The celebration was something to never forget. There was enough beer for all of Middle-Earth. There was no cake, they had a feast. A dinner worth remembering until the end. It was quiet on the dance floor, the dwarves preferred to watch as Kíli and Altá danced. The only ones who joined them were Fíli and Enelya, the only problem was that Enelya couldn't dance at all. Bofur and Bifur joined them as well, drunk already. As the night grew old, the newly wed had disappeared into their room. No one allowed to disturb. Fíli and Enelya had disappeared too, they were kissing behind a pillar, hoping the dwarves wouldn't come there. Fíli grabbed Enelya's hand and led her to his room. They continued to make out on the bed. But as soon as he wanted to take her shirt off, she stopped him. It wasn't that she didn't want to, it was that she wanted this when they both were sober. But Fíli didn't want to wait, he wanted her now. Ever since he had helped her clean herself up in the bathtub he had thought about the things they could do. "Why not princess? You love me right. Let's just make that sweet love I've been craving." Enelya did really love him, but not like this. She used all her strength to push him off of her and got off the huge bed. "No. I do not want this now. I'm gonna sleep in my own bed, and you will not disturb me!" She turned around to walk away, but he grabbed her wrist and pulled her back into his chest. "No you won't. I've saved you, I want this. You will listen to me now." What had happened to the sweet Fíli she knew? Maybe he was nervous, maybe he was afraid she would leave again, that she would go to Legolas again. "Let. Me. Go. Or I swear I'll punch you in the face Fíli. I love you, but I want to do this when you're sober. You're being a dick right now." She stated. Fíli looked mad, he raised his hand and slapped her. Enelya took two steps back, holding her cheek with her hands. "I thought you loved me Fíli, I thought you would never hurt me. It's over, you ruined it." And with those words she slammed the door behind her. Fíli watched as the door fell shut. He was angry, why couldn't she just do what he said?! He screamed once, twice. And his anger burned away, leaving sadness and regret to fill the hole he now felt in his chest. He was an idiot. How could he have done that? He loved Enelya more than anything. She was the same for him as Altá was for Kíli, like the Arkenstone for Thorin, food for Bombur. And he had ruined it.

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