Chapters 1+2

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Chapter 1

I’m sitting in my LA house thinking about the past year how I went solo with my music and how my album flopped big time, how I got engaged and then broke it off and split with Jason, all the girls called me telling me they were sorry for me and that they are there whenever I need to talk I spent quite a long time on the phone to Cheryl amazingly it was weird a little bit because I hadn’t spoken to her much since she got fired off the US X-factor she told me that if I needed her she would fly out and stay with me for a few days I told her I was fine and thanked her for her kind offer but I didn’t want to see anyone at the moment I just want to be on my own, I broke things off with Jason because I didn’t want to get married I thought I did but then I started to do some major thinking about it and decided that we should end things that it was for the best, I mean I’m not a commitment worrier but I just didn’t think he was the right one, at this rate I’m never gonna find the right one.
For the next hour or so I sit there thinking about everything I’ve ever done and hadn’t done, things I wish I had done but it is too late now I keep thinking that if I did things differently would my life be different but I will  never know sometimes I wish I was back in London with my friends and stuff I mean i love it here in LA  I mean I have my family and my pub and a few friends but its not the same  as being in the same place as your friends not being able to see them whenever I want because right now I could do with a Kimberley hug seriously, I hear a knock on my door and go to answer it I find my mother on my door step I welcome her in and we sit in the living room
“I just wanted to see if your okay darling” my mam says
“I’m fine mam stop worry I’m a big girl” I say
“I know that babes I just worry you’ve just broke up from a big relationship it must be hard” she places a hand over my and gives it a squeeze, I look at her and think, “it not hard It hurt breaking up with him but I’m not finding it hard to deal with, I mean it was my choice” but I don’t say that aloud because my mother will start talking about soul mates and stuff and that bugs me to near death.
“I’m dealing with it really well mam okay” I say and look her in the eye so she sees I’m telling the truth
“why don’t you come round tonight and have dinner with me and dad?” she says
“maybe I have a few things to do first I will call you” I say she gets up from her seat next to me and heads to the front door I hug her goodbye and repeat what I said about ringing her later she gets in her car and drives off leaving me alone with my thoughts again.

Chapter 2

The next morning I wake up early as I have to go to the recording studio I look at my phone a I have 5 missed calls two from my mother, one from Kimberley and two from Cheryl, weird I think why would they ring me?, I have no clue I jump in the shower thinking I will ring them later in the day. I get dressed and head out my car and drive to the studio, when I get there my phone starts ringing I answer it to my surprise its Sarah calling me this time
“hey babes whats up?” I say
“whats up, whats up have you seen the papers or gone on the internet?” she says
“well no I haven’t why would i so  why?”
“there’s pictures of you and Jessie in there front page as well they saw him leaving your house!” she says quite loudly it hurts my ear
“well he came round unannounced a few nights ago he heard about me and Jason he wanted to see if I was okay” I say calmly I mean there’s nothing between me and Jessie there never will be again never
“oh right I was just worried you got back with him I mean kim has rung ya and so has Cheryl we got no answer from you” she said
“well I was sleeping” I say as I sit down in one of the chairs in the studio
“oh okay so there’s nothing going on between yous two then?” she asked
“he wishes no there’s nothing going on don’t worry babes” I say
We talk for a few more minutes then I start to record some new songs for my new album.
At the break from recording go to a little cafe outside the studio and grab a coffee I sit down at one of the tables and check my phone I have a missed call from my mam so I decide to ring her I dial the number and wait for her to pick up after 3 rings she picks up
“hey mam you okay?” I ask
“hello dear I’m fine how are you how’s the recording going?” she asks
“I’m good recording is fine I still have a few songs to record today I noticed I have had 3 missed calls from you today?” I say and wait for an answer
“I called to ask why Jessie was round yours Cheryl phoned me and told me” she says I can sense a bit of apprehension in her voice
“he wanted to see if I was okay after me and Jason broke up I swear I didn’t know he would come round” I say quickly before she gets the wrong idea
“oh right but why did he come over you haven’t spoke to him in a few years”
“I know I don’t know why he did, he just did he only stayed for like less than an hour anyway so don’t worry I’m not going to get involved  with him again”
“oh right that’s okay then when Cheryl phoned she sounded really worried I think you should phone her and tell her that everything is okay” she says
“I will do later, I gotta go now mammy I will come round later love you” I say
“okay sweetheart love you too” with that I put the phone now and drink my coffee , I cant help but think that people don’t trust me not to go back to Jessie I mean yeah I did really love him at one point but not now I couldn’t even imagine going out with him now it just proves how much little faith people have in me I mean please like I would even think about Jessie in that way!. I drink the rest of my coffee and head back to the studio.
After finishing in the studio I head home to get showered again and head to my parents house, i arrive there within the next hour and mu dad answers
“hiya dad” I say hugging him and giving him a kiss on the cheek and enter the house I go into the kitchen were my mam is doing the dinner
“hi mam” I say and hug her then take a seat on one of the stool out in the room my dad walks in and looks at me in the eye I know what he is going to say
“what was that Jessie bloke doing at your place!” he says sounding annoyed
“I already told mam why, didn’t she tell you?”
“no she didn’t I want to hear it from you there better not be anything going o between the pair of you”
“no, no there’s not he just came round to see if I was okay after me and Jason “I say for like the third time this day
“right that’s good, have you spoke to Jason?” he asks
“no I haven’t he asked me to respect his space while he get over us” I say
“right okay..” he says but I know he wants to say something more I just know it so I wait quietly  before he opens his mouth to say more
“wont you think of giving it another go with him I mean he is such a nice bloke he can take care of you, he did and will treat you right” he says
“dad I’ve been through this he’s not the right one for me okay it wouldn’t be right on him if I stayed with him and didn’t love him back” I say rolling my eyes upwards
“dinners ready” I hear my mam say so I go to take my place at the table to eat, we eat in silence for a while then we start making small talk which is quite uncomfortable for me.
After dinner I leave to go back to my house when I arrive I see a car parked outside my house “who the feck is parked outside me house” I think I pulled up and got out of my car and walk towards the other car as I approach it I notice it is a woman in the drivers seat I don’t see their face until they get out and start walking towards me then I realize who it is and start walking fast until I practically jump on the petite woman
“Cheryl! I cant believe you’re here” I day hugging her tight
“hey diney I know I just got on the first flight” she says I stand back and take her in, her hair in hanging loosely down her shoulders she is wearing a black and white patterned top with leggings and has black boots on which I love by they way I wonder where she got them from I will have to ask her later.
“what you doing here?” I ask still shocked that she is here
“I had some recording to do here so I thought I would come and see you” she smiles with her dimples showing, oh those adorable dimples they are so cute, wait what the hell am I thinking, i think as I catch myself out on what I just thought I push that aside and hug the Geordie again and link our arms together and walk up to my street door..

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