Chapters 17+18

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Chapter 17

Later on during the night the others have gone to bed while me and Cheryl are tidying up down stairs

“I’m so glad the girls took it well” Cheryl says putting the glasses in the dishwasher

“I know I’m glad too, and I’m happy that they are happy I’m moving back” I say helping load the dishwasher

“of course they would be happy about that they will get to see you a lot more now and I’m guessing Sarah will want to go clubbing in the week to celebrate it more” Cheryl laughs  Cheryl finishes loading the dishwasher and then turns to me she moves towards me and wraps her arms around my neck so I wrap mine around her waist her lips connect with mine and soon we are passionately kissing I break away for air after a few minutes I look at her and see her eyes have dilated and are more darker in colour if possible, she throws me a smile I smile back I stare into her eyes for a long time and my breathing gets a little heavy then we hear a bang from upstairs and we break eye contact.

Cheryl raises an eyebrow in question to which I just give a shrug and roll on eyes upwards  we go upstairs

to see what’s happened and to our amusement Sarah has fallen out of bed and is still sleeping with the cover half on her and half on the bed

“that’s going to hurt in the morning “ I say  as we shut the door and walk to our bedroom, we get in and change in to our PJ’s , we lay in bed for awhile then Cheryl turns to me so I turn on my side so I'm face to face with her

“I still cant believe we are together I wanted this for so long, I'm so happy” she smiles I smile in return

“I will never hurt you babes, I’ll always be here and I will protect you the best I can because you mean so much to me” she adds tears brim in my eyes what she said has brought me to tears literary

“I love you” she says and my heart stops beating tears fill my eyes even more if I wasn’t sure a minutes ago if I was in love with her, her saying she love  me changed that I do love her, unconditionally.

I hug her tight for few minutes and then cup her face in my hand and look her in the eye

“I love you too” 

Chapter 18

I wake up in the morning and rolled over to look at Cheryl but she wasn’t there I sit up in bed and that’s when I hear laughter coming from down stairs I get up and walked through the landing and walk down the stairs and into the kitchen were the girls are but still no Cheryl

“morning babes you sleep okay?” Kimberley asks me

“yeah like a baby where’s Cheryl?” I ask

“she went out about 15 minutes ago she should be back soon” Kimberley smiles

“oh right okay then” I take a seat next to Sarah who looks like she wants to be in bed again I place a hand on her head and shake her head

“get of Nadz” she says It makes me laugh

“we have to go clubbing tonight to celebrate you coming back and you and Cheryl being together” she adds with a smile

“Cheryl said you would want to do that” I say

“to right as well” Sarah says

“I'm in” Nicola says

“me too” Kimberley adds just then the door opens and closes and Cheryl walks in with a bag of things and smiles at us

“your awake good” she says looking at me she waves a finger to tell me to follow her out into the hallway which I do she take hold of one of my hands and says

“I brought something for you I know it not a lot but it means some thing” she pulls out a rose from behind her back and hands it to me, it’s a fake rose huh?? I think

“I know it fake it means that my love for you will never die as a fake rose wont die I thought it was I good idea” she says with a shy smile

“aww babes I love it, I will keep it forever” I say and hug her tightly and give her a kiss on the lips I take hold of her hand and walk back into the kitchen when I open the door I hear footsteps telling me the girls were listening in on what me and Cheryl were saying

“you's lot are so nosey you know that right ?” I say sitting down

“don’t know what you mean Nadine” Sarah winks

“ha-ha  we know you's were listening” Cheryl says boiling the kettle we sit and chat for a while until we all get ready for the day ahead.

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