Chapters 7+8

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Chapter 7

“well hello to you Nadine” Kimberley says

“answer the question please babes” I say

“well its not for me to say is it ask Cheryl”

“well that will be an easy conversation” I laugh Kimberley laughed at that

“how have you been?” she asks

“I’ve been okay had better days but I'm good” I say

“you okay?” I add

“yeah I'm fine” she says

“how’s things with you and Justin?” I ask

“we’re okay nothing’s changed” she laughs

“so no ring yet” I say with smile

“no, no ring” she laughs again

“so how’s Cheryl been?” she asks

“she’s been okay she had a cry today about everything” I say

“aww poor thing she has had so much on her plate at the moment” Kimberley says

“I know it makes me angry at everyone who hurt her I just want to kill them!” I say a little bit angrily

“I know I feel the same she’s just so fragile but all we can do is be there for her” she says

“I know I know it just hurts me when she hurts you know?”

“yeah I know babes”

“Kimba can I say something I’m not sure of it my self but I’ve had no-one to talk to and I cant tell Cheryl because it involves her” I say hesitantly

“yeah what’s bothering you?”

“well I’ve been feeling these things for Cheryl and I cant but my finger on it” I say

“right what feelings?”

“well when she walks into a room it makes me smile, when she smiles, I smile and earlier then she said she loved me my throat went all dry and my stomach did flips!” I say

“well maybe you have a little thing for Cheryl?” she says as a question

“oh don’t know and earlier I swear she was gonna kiss me” I say

“how did you feel about that?”

“well she didn’t kiss me but when she walked away I felt kinda disappointed like I think I wanted her kiss me” I say

“well doesn’t that tell you something?” Kimberley said

“well I don’t know what to think, I mean if I did get with Cheryl how would it work, what if we broke up and it effected the band” I say

“well babes you know me and the girls will be happy as long as you are, you have to take risks sometimes you said you are still waiting for the right person, what if Cheryl is that person?”

“are you saying in a long way that she is actually in love with me ?” I ask trying to still get the answer because I really don’t want to talk to Cheryl about this I might have it all wrong

“babes you should talk to her okay” she says

“okay I will talk to her I will ring you to tell you what happened thank you babes for talking with me I can think a bit more clearly now” I say

“anytime babes good luck , love ya” she says and I put down the phone I let out a frustrated sigh and exit my bathroom I sit on the bed and lay down on it

What do I say to her, how do I even say it, maybe I should leave it for tomorrow….but then I probably wont be able to sleep thinking about it oh feck I don’t know what to do!

I sit up and rub my head , all this thinking is giving me a headache, I get changed into my PJ’s to hold off talking to Cheryl when I’m ready I leave my room and walk slowly down the hall to Cheryl’s room.

Chapter 8

I knock on the door and wait the door opens to reveal  Cheryl I her PJ’s she looks so small I think to myself

“ermmm I think we need to talk” I say Cheryl’s eyes go wide and I think a see a flicker of fear in her eyes

“okay”  she says and moves from the door to allow me to enter she sits on the bed so I sit next to her Cheryl starts playing with her hands, she does that when she’s nervous

“so what do you want to talk about?” she asks

“I think you know babes” I say looking her dead in the eye she looks briefly into my stare then looks away to look at her hands she licks the corners of her mouth before saying

“I .. well …ermmm…”

“why don’t I go first” I say now I have to think of something to say!

“o..okay “ she says

“well since you came here I've been feeling these things for you and then when you mentioned that you liked a girl and have done for a while and then when we were sitting down you looked like you were going to kiss me, am I right?” I say nervously

“uh huh” she says, does she have nothing else to say, I guess I’m going to do all the talking then

“so is it me you have feeling for?” I ask

“well… I .. yes” she says looking me in the eye , okay now I don’t know what to say I didn’t think she would admit it

“well since you have been here I have felt feeling for you too I guess” I say

“right okay” she says sod it I think I might as well do it now otherwise I’m never gonna do it, I bring a hand to her face and place my lips on hers, I break away and open my eyes she still has her eyes closed is that a good thing? I think to myself I look at her again to see her opening her eyes

“wow I wasn’t expecting you to do that” she says with a smile

“was it the right thing to do?” I ask quietly

“yes it was” she says I'm about to say something when her lips are on mine I open my mouth a bit and she takes the hint when she enters her tongue into my mouth I hear her let out a little moan I bring a hand to the back of her head to deepen the kiss  I get lost in the sensation of our tongue s dancing together then she breaks away from the kiss

“wow” I say

“I know” she has a huge grin on her face I stroke a finger down her face and stop at her dimples

“your smile is so adorable”  did I just say that out loud oh god!! I didn’t mean to it just slipped out her smile grows even bigger

“I’ve wanted to do that for so long” she says I smile at her and take her hand in mine

“babes I’m scared what are we going to do?” I say

“you don’t need to be scared babes we have each other now” she smiles

“I know but what about the band I mean are we girlfriends now or what?” I say

“well I guess we are and we can just keep it between our self's for now it can be our secret” she says

“right okay I can deal with that” I grin at this moment I so happy for some reason I mean I didn’t realize I liked her this much until we kissed, I still can’t believe we kissed I thought we were just going to talk I have so much to tell Kimba… wait maybe I shouldn’t I mean Cheryl just wants it to be between us for now.. I will think about it tomorrow

“babes I could stay up all night talking and kissing you but I'm so tired do you mind if I go to bed” she says

“yeah that’s fine babes I will see you in the morning” I smile and give her one last kiss before exiting the room and going to mine with a huge grin still placed on my face

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