Chapters 13+14

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Chapter 13

Nadine’s POV

“right that is everything packed” I say with a smile and sit down on the sofa next to Cheryl she places her arms around me and I close my eyes, we’ve been together for 3 weeks now it seems like it was only yesterday we got together how times flies  eh? I’ve just finished packing the last of my stuff and tomorrow the van men will be picking the stuff up to be flown to London and me and Cheryl will be on the plane on our way home I cant believe its gone so quickly, I open my eyes and look up to be met with Cheryl's chocolate eyes I lean forwards and kiss her sweetly on the lips

“I cant believe we will be on a plane home tomorrow” she says as I break away from the kiss

“I know we have to get the girls rounds yours so we can celebrate” I say smiling I cant wait to see the girls and see their reaction to me moving back.

“yeah we can do that when we get back do you want to tell them about us?” she asked looking me in the eye, to be honest I didn’t know if I wanted other people to know, but the girls are our best friends and we don’t keep secrets in the band or as friends

“yeah we could do if you want if your ready that is” I smile

“yeah I think I'm ready, I know Kim will be happy but I'm not sure about Sarah or Nicola” Cheryl says looking into space, I sit up properly and run a hand through her hair she turns and looks at me with a smile she leans forward and her lips are on mine I open my mouth to allow her tongue to enter and she gets the hint our tongues dance together until I break away for air, Cheryl has a smile on her lips

“Nadine..I…never  mind its not that important” Cheryl says she looks like she has something important to say but I don’t push her to say it she will tell me in her own time I put an arm around her this time and place a kiss on her temple

“should we get some sleep got a big day tomorrow” I say

“yeah come on then” she says, she gets up and stretches out a hand, I take it and we walk upstairs together.

Chapter 14

As soon as the plane landed in Heathrow I let out a sigh the plane journey  seemed like it would take forever normally I sleep on a plane  journey but this time a couldn’t Cheryl did she looked so peaceful when she was asleep

“Home sweet home baby” Cheryl said as she placed a kiss on my cheek I let a smile play on my lips and got out of the seat we went through the airport and when we got outside there were loads of pap's

“oh god” I says I start shaking a little

“It will be okay babes hold onto my hand until we get to the car” Cheryl said I took her hand in mine and we made our way through the crowd the pap's were shouting at us like mad

“NADINE!”  “Nadine is it true you and Jessie are back together” Nadine is this a flying visit” Nadine!”

Then again people where shouting out for Cheryl too

“Cheryl!” “Cheryl is it true you went to LA to look for a house for you and Ashley”” Cheryl, Cheryl are you and Ashley back together did you meet up with him in LA?” they just wouldn’t shut up.

Finally we got to the car I sit down next to Cheryl and look at her she has tears in her eyes I hug her close and she sobs quietly

“Babes what’s wrong?” I ask

“They just wont leave us alone wherever I go they are there” she says as her tears dry

“babes it will be okay, you have me now okay” I smile at her she smiles back which I’m glad for the car starts and we head to Cheryl’s new house which she brought after the divorce from Ashley I start to think about what if the press got hold of mine and Cheryl’s relationship we would be harassed day in day out I mean Cheryl’s profile is high in the UK but mine isn’t if they do get hold of me and Cheryl then all hell would break loose I stop thinking about it as we arrive at Cheryl’s place I get out of the car and look up at the house it is 3 stories high and it is white on the outside it looks huge much bigger than my place in LA but this is my home now as Cheryl asked me earlier if I wanted to stay with her or be on my own but I knew I would miss her too much especially at night not having her warm body next to mine I don’t even dare think about it . I grab my bag and follow Cheryl up the path to the front door she opens it and I gasp at the inside of the house the hallway is coloured a light brown and from the hallway I could see the open plan kitchen and the spacious living area

“this house is lovely Cheryl” I say sitting in the living room

“I know right and the area is nice too, it’s the only place I can get away from the pap's as they aren’t allowed entry into the area” Cheryl smiles, well that’s an upside to this area no pap's I like it even more now

“Do you want me to show you to your room?” she asks, wait a minute!

“I thought we would be sharing a room?” I ask

“Well I didn’t know if you would want too I mean its up to you, you can if you want” she says licking the corners of her mouth

“Of course I do” I smile why would she think I didn’t want to I laughed inside me head

“Well it’s a good thing I have two walk in wardrobes then init” she laughs

“I haven’t got that much stuff” I say

“yes you have it took about 20 big boxes to pack your clothes” she says back, okay that is true and I have nothing to say back to that,

We sit in the living room for a while just hugging and sharing kisses before soon it has turned to 5 o’clock and the girls will be here in an hour

“right we better get ready, it’s a good thing your things came before we did otherwise you’d have nothing to wear” Cheryl laughs

“well I could always walk around the house in the nude” I laugh and walk upstairs to get ready I already know the picture on Cheryl’s face so I didn’t need to look.

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