Chapters 23+24

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Chapter 23

Its later in the afternoon and Cheryl is feeling much better she is in the kitchen while me and her mam are in the living room

“so Cheryl tells me she is with someone now?” Joan says my body turns tense what has Cheryl told her

“yeah” I say quietly

“I hope their good for her she always picks bad ones, I just hope this fella doesn’t hurt her like Ashley did, but I will be have stern words with him about my Cheryl how to treat her right” Joan says , OK now I’m really nervous to be around her what if Cheryl tells her its me she with and then Joan shouts at me about turning her daughter gay! Oh dear lord, what am I gonna do?” I think

“well im sure they know how special Cheryl is and they will treat her right” I say

“oh so you have met him then” Joan smiles oh damn

“err yeah I have he’s nice tall dark hair and dark eyes” I say then I realize I’ve given a good description of me self

“oh right I cant wait to meet him” Joan says just then Cheryl enters the room and im thankful for it

“Are yous talking about me?” she smiles

“actually we were talking about your new lad” Joan says

“oh right” Cheryl winks at her mother

“Nadine gave me a description of him he sounds nice” Joan says Cheryl take a seat next to me

“so pet when I can meet him” Joan winks Why Are the winking ? I think that moment Cheryl laughs

“it okay mam I will tell her” Cheryl says

“babes me mam knows” she smiles huh?

“knows what?” I smile nervously

“about us I told her yesterday?” she said so she has just been messing with me arghhh

“so you talking about cheryl’s new man you were thinking I would tell you she is with me?” I say to Joan who is laughing slightly

“yes I was actually but Cheryl told me you wouldn’t tell even if I pressed the matter” she said now I feel like an idiot I laugh nervously and give Cheryl the evil eyes

“aww babes don’t be mad it was a little funny” she says and shows of her dimples she knows I cant get mad at her with them in place

“im not mad I just feel a bit stupid now” I say looking to the floor

“aww babes” Cheryl says and hugs me

“don’t worry I wont be having a talk with you, I know you will look after Cheryl and I know you care for her a lot, and plus you said it yourself she is special and you make her very happy that all I want is for her to be happy” Joan smiles at me

“well she make me very happy to she is very special to me” I smile back

“plus yous make a cute couple” Joan adds

“everyone says that” I say

“its coz we are good together baby” Cheryl smiles

“I know” I reply

Later that evening me and Cheryl are getting ready to go out with the girls for dinner when I’m sitting in front of the mirror and Cheryl walks up behind me she places a hand on my shoulder and leans down to kiss me cheek she looks at our reflection and says

“see look at how we look together we are perfect” she takes my hand and intertwines our fingers and says

“we fit together perfectly” I must say she does have a point we do I get up and hug her tight I move a piece of hair out of her face and smile

“love you” I say

“love you too babes” she says and gives me a peck on the lips.

Chapter 24

Where are at a diner and we are seated and talking when Nicola says

“so when are we getting back together as a band because I miss working with you guys!”

“well how about next year on our 10th anniversary?” Sarah says

“sounds good to me” Kimberley nods

“me to” Cheryl says

“me three” I smile

“okay then” Nicola smiles

We eat our food and then after have some wine while we drink Sarah is telling us about her plans for her wedding

“guess what, Katie price wants an invite to my wedding!”

“really” Kimberley asked raising an eyebrow

“yeah all coz I went to hers and peters I do want my wedding to be about me and tommy not her, plus she will bring lots of pap's with her I want it to be a small quite ceremony” Sarah says

“tell her p!ss off then” Nicola says laughing

“I’ve already told her she isn’t invited” Sarah smiles which makes me laugh she can be so blunt some times

“is there any wedding bells for you Kimba?” Nicola asks even though we all know the answer

“no not yet stop asking me!” she laughs

“we only want to know” Sarah said holding her hands up

“you's will be the first to know if it does happen so don’t worry” she smiles

“what about you Nic?” I ask

“oh no, no me and Charlie are happy at the moment with how things are thank you” she says sipping her wine

“oh right fair enough” I say.

Its later on in the evening and me and Cheryl are at home her mam went home while we were out so its just me and her,

“you okay babes?” I ask

“yeah I’m fine” she says

“what are you doing for your birthday?” she asks

“errr I was thinking I would stay here with my beautiful girlfriend” I say with a smile

“really?” she says

“yes why?” I say

“well I thought you would want to go to LA to spent it with your family” she says looking down to the floor

“I did think about it but I thought I would have more fun here with you” smile Cheryl smiles back at me and sits on my lap I wrap arms around her waist and kiss her on the lips

“ but I do want to go there at some point” I say

“right okay what about the day after your birthday” she suggests

“okay but only if you will come with me I want to tell them about us since your mam knows its only fair my parents know too” I say resting my cheek on her head

“are you sure you want me with you when you do that I mean what if they don’t agree?” she says

“don’t worry I'm sure they will be happy for me when they find out how happy I am with you” I kiss her lips

“do you want to go to bed?” she asks

“I have a better idea” I say and kiss her passionately I push her down onto the sofa and she breaks away from the kiss I look up at her when she says

“lets take this upstairs” I get up and hold my hand out she takes hold of it and we both go upstairs.

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