Chapters 19+20

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Chapter 19

The girls left an hour ago so now its just me and Cheryl, I walk into the front room to find Cheryl reading a magazine

“anything interesting?” I ask

“not really although there is a story about me and it! And a story about you?” I smiles with a frown in place as well

“it, you mean Ashley?” I say

“yeah he has slept with more people while trying to win me back but he already knows I don’t want him I have everything I need and she is standing right there” she says pointing to me

“aww love you babes “ I smile

“I love you too baby” she smiles back I take a seat next to her and hug her close

“what’d they say about me then?” I ask

“we that we are friends and that your here for a holiday to see us” I says raising an eyebrow

“well they are right about one thing, we are friends but the rest is false as you know” I say Cheryl turns to face me she smiles sweetly at me

“what?” I say

“nothing just admiring your beauty” she says

“HA” I laugh a little if anyone was beautiful it would have to be her she is glowing and stunning

“what’s that for?” she asks

“because your more beautiful then anything in the world that’s why I couldn’t be compared to you”  I smile

“when do we have to get to Sarah’s” she ask whilst places little kisses on my neck

“err at 7 why?” I say shakily my breathing gets heavier as she runs a hand up my thigh

“just thinking of the time that’s all” she says huskily it gives me Goosebumps

“are you okay?” she asks looking at me her eyes are dilated and darker than  usual

“y…ye…yeah I..I..I’m fine”  I say

“should we go upstairs?” she asks I feel myself nodding in reply she takes my hand and we go upstairs into the bedroom she pushes me onto the bed and sits on my lap with her knees either side of my thighs she pushes me down on to my back and she starts kissing me passionately.

Her hand runs up my top and her touch gives me the shivers she stops kissing me and looks at me

“can I take this off?” she asks referring to my top

“yeah” I say quietly she takes off my top in one movement and she starts kissing me again me head has gone all funny like I’m spinning I cant get enough of Cheryl’s touch she moves her hands down to my jeans and undoes them and pulls them down she kisses up my leg and onto my inner thigh I moan In pleasure and close my eyes her touch is amazing! I think she runs both hands down my sides and kisses me again before removing my underwear

Chapter 20

I lay in bed and I feel like I’m on cloud nine I never knew sex with a woman could be this amazing or it could just be Cheryl I look at her sleeping next to me earlier on had been amazing and I paid her back don’t worry she got the same treatment as she gave me I just hope I was good enough, she is sleeping peacefully but I have to wake otherwise we wont make it to Sarah’s  on time I stroke her face with a finger and kiss her eyelids and then her cheeks , then her lips I look at her as she opens her eyes I give her a smile and I get one in return

“hey” she says with a goofy grin

“hey babes” I say and kiss her on the lips again

“I like waking up like this” Cheryl said stretching out

“me too” I smile

“earlier was amazing” she says

“it was more than amazing babes it was wow ,wow and double wow” I laugh making her laugh as well

“babes we have to get ready to leave for Sarah’s” I add stroking her stomach under the sheets

“oh but I don’t want to I want to stay in bed with you” she says with a pout

“I know babes me too but we said we’d go so come on get up and get ready” I say getting out of bed and heading towards the en suite bathroom I look back to see Cheryl still has a pout in place

“you going to join me in the shower or sit there and pout all day?” I say and I move slowly into the bathroom I hear Cheryl scramble to her feet and follow me into the bathroom.

“Hey girls!” Sarah shouts in our ears if I didn’t love her so much I would  have hit her

“hey babes” I say as I hug her I look at her and notice the bug grin she has

“what you grinning about” I ask

“oh nothing I just know something that the other girls might not know” she smiles and walks off to her front room I follow behind her and see Nicola and Kimberley sitting on her sofa me and Cheryl sit on the opposite sofa Sarah leave to get some wine and I look at Nicola 

“you okay babes ?” I ask her

“yeah me and Charlie had a row before I came out so I want to get drunk and forget about it” she smiles

“well that’s the plan to get p!ss arsed  drunk” Sarah comes in with the wine and 5 glasses she pours the wine and heads us each a glass I take a sip and then look around the room my 3 best friends and my  girlfriend I couldn’t wish for more beautiful, and caring people to be in my life right now I drink more of my wine and that’s when Sarah says

“okay I cant hold it in any longer you's two had sex didn’t you” I cough my wine up and I can barely breath I cough a bit then I'm okay how the feck did Sarah know I look at Cheryl and she just rolls her eyes upwards

“why do you think that?” I ask wiping the wine from my chin

“coz I can smell it” Sarah laughs

“so did you's two do the deed??” she asks I turn a shade of red I know I have because my face has gone all hot

“what if we did what’s it to ya?” Cheryl says

“oh it means nothing to me Chezza as long us you are happy and satisfying each other that all that matters” she says downing her wine in one

“well we are, happy and satisfying each other thank you” Cheryl says with a huge smile I cant help but much the smile on my face

“we ready ladies?” Nicola asks I down my wine and then stand up

“yep I'm ready” I say and hold my hand out for Cheryl to take which she does and I intertwine our fingers.

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