Chapters 5+6

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Chapter 5

We’ve been outside by my pool for an hour now and we’ve been talking about the band getting back together, when I say I’m going into the pool, I get up off my lounger and dive into the pool

“good dive Coyle!” I hear Cheryl shout it makes me laugh a little I do a few length then get out I sit on the edge of the pool when Cheryl comes and sits next to me I look at her and notice her eyes are a bit red like she’s been crying

“have you been crying babes?” I ask I don’t know what I’ve said but she soon starts sobbing I move closer to her and hug her close

“shh its okay babes just let it out its okay” I say rubbing her back and stroking her hair

“I’m sorry” she says in between sobs

“babes its okay what’s wrong you can tell me” I say

“its everything I mean getting fired then Ashley always calling me and texting he even sends me flowers each day I cant take it anymore Nadine I just cant” she says and then sobs even harder

“its okay babes It will be okay everything will get better I promise” I say hugging her tighter we stay like this for at least half an hour when her sobs start to slow down

“is this also another reason you came here to get away from it all?” I ask quietly

“yeah kinda I’m sorry for just dumping this on you” she says

“it fine babes you can cry in front of me I'm always here for you if you ever need to talk that’s what best friends are for” I smile she gives me a weak one in return

“me head is killing us” she says as she brings a hand to her head

“I’ll get you some water and pain killers” as I get up from the floor I feel a tug on my hand I look down to see that Cheryl has a firm grip on my right hand

“please don’t leave me Nadine not like all the others” she cries again I sit back down and hug her and place a kiss on her temple

“babes I'm not going anywhere I'm here always will be okay I'm not leaving you” I say to try and comfort her, Cheryl looks up at me with her big brown eye which are full of tears that it make me want to cry I wish I could hurt everyone that has made her hurt so badly I bring a hand to her face a stroke her cheek and place a kiss on her cheek

“we don’t we go into the house and I can get you some pain killers for your head” I say she gives me a nod in reply and we get up and I put an arm around her waist because she looks like she cant hold her own weight, we get to the kitchen and I set her down on a chair and search for them pain killers I find them and pop two out of the foil and hand Cheryl them with a big glass of water she swallows the pills and drinks the water

“thank you” she says

“its fine babes do you want to lay down, I mean you did cry a lot and you look tired” I say rubbing a hand on her arm

“yeah I think I will I didn’t sleep that well last night” she gets up and walks to the stairs and stops to look at me I give her a smile when she says

“can you come up with us, I don’t want to be on me own” she says in small voice I agree by following her up the stairs we get to her room and she lays down on the bed I lay next to her, put an arm around her shoulders and she puts her head on my chest I stroke her hair because I know it calms her down

“whys all this stuff happened to us I mean I’m not a bad person am I Nadine is it my fault” she says

“No Cheryl nothing is your fault you have done nothing wrong I promise you, you are the most kind hearted person I know, your loving, caring your perfect babes don’t let people  tell you any different okay and if they do send them to I will sort them out no-one hurts my Chezza and gets away with it” I say, I think to myself I cant believe I just said that I just called her mine!

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