Chapters 3+4

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Chapter 3

We sit in my living room with a glass of wine each we sit there in silence for a minute when Cheryl speaks up

“so I saw in the papers that Jessie was leaving your house?”

“again as I told Sarah and my parents he came round to see if I was okay because of me and Jason breaking up” I say sipping my wine

“oh right, why did you break up from Jason again” she asks

“well I thought about us getting married and it scared me, a lot I mean I loved him but I just don’t think he is the right one for me I mean he is a lovely person and he will make some else happy but not me so I ended things before I did something I would regret” I say

“so what about them rumours about you and Ashley?” I ask

“ha they are all lies I would never get back with him not after what he did I just couldn’t do it , I mean I still love him but I’m not in love with him anymore but that doesn’t stop him trying to get me back” she says taking a gulp of her wine

“so when do you start recording?”

“actually I lied about that I don’t have to record over here” she says looking down to the floor

“oh right why did you come here then?”

“well I wanted to see you. I haven’t seen you in ages I miss ya Nadz” she smiles I get up from my place on the opposite sofa and hug her tight and give her a kiss on the cheek

“I miss you too babes, I miss all of you's, I’ve been doing some thinking actually” I say moving a piece of hair out of my face

“oh yeah what about?”

“well I’ve been thinking maybe I should move back to London I mean it would be easier for us as a band when we get back together and plus I miss all of you's I miss seeing you lot everyday I miss spending time with you's” I say with a smile

“aww babes that would be nice to know that your just down the road instead of across the world I know the girls will be happy, especially Sarah she will have a new drinking partner to go clubbing with” she laughs

“wait what about your family?”

“well I will have to talk with them but its what I want to do you know” I say drinking the last of my wine in my glass 

“well if you need to a place to stay when you move you can stay with me, I miss having company in me house I get lonely” she says with a sad smile and places a hand on my knee, my stomach does flips as she touches me, “ what is wrong with me!” I think

“more wine?” I ask

“yeah please babes” Cheryl smiles with again my stomach does a flip I move quickly off the sofa and enter my kitchen I place my hands  on the side and lower head and take deep breathes I shake my head hoping it will help, it doesn’t I pour more wine into the glasses and head back into the lounge were Cheryl has her feet up on the sofa now and looks like she is deep in thought I place her glass on the table and sit on the other sofa

“penny for your thoughts” I say smiling she looks up at me and stares into my eyes she does it for a while and I cant look away its like I’m being pulled into her stare, she looks away and says

“oh its nothing babes just thinking about how it will be when you move back to London, it will be so much fun” she smiles and gulps her wine in one go

“is it okay if I stay here for the night cos I cant drive now” she laughs

“yeah of course babes let me show you to a room” I say getting up and heading to the stairs with Cheryl behind me.

Chapter 4

4.09am is what it says on me clock I came to bed 6 hours ago why cant I sleep? I think, I stare at my ceiling and think back to the way Cheryl looked at me was it just me or could I feel some chemistry in the air when she stared at me No I'm thinking to much of it I roll over to the other side of my bed and wonder if Cheryl is asleep yet she probably is when she has a drink she normally dozes right off as soon as her head touches the pillow. Talking to Cheryl about me moving back to London made me realize how much I have missed London, I mean the time difference will take some time to get used to again but I can deal with that, being Sarah’s new clubbing buddy I will take me back a few years when we were just starting out in the band, I probably wont be able to drink as much as her too but it will be nice to hang out with her again out of all the girls she was the most supportive of me moving to LA she didn’t mind that I would be thousands miles away, although I think she secretly did. I close my eyes and will for sleep to come over me I think about what it will be like to be back together as a band I cant wait for it, that’s the last thing I remember as I must have fallen to sleep.

The next morning I wake up to the smell of fresh coffee, I get out of bed and put a gown over me, I go down stairs to find Cheryl sitting on one of the chairs reading a magazine

“morning chez” I say

“morning babes, you slept for long” she says

“why what's the time?” I ask

“its 12 in the afternoon babes the wine must have taken it toll on you last night” she says smiling

“it must of done” I say while thinking it was because I didn’t sleep till half four in the morning I don’t tell Cheryl that as she will ask if I had something on my mind and I don’t want to say she was on my mind most of the night, I grab a cup and pour some coffee into it and sit down next to Cheryl she sets the magazine on the table and turns to me

“what you doing today?” she asks, well I was meant to be at the recording studio at 8 but I over slept so I'm not doing anything

“oh nothing was just gonna chill out by the pool” I say

“oh okay sounds nice” she smiles

“why don’t you join me?” I ask placing a hand on her knee

“well I don’t want to intrude on your personal time babes” she says

“you wont be anyway we have loads of catching up” I smile and drink my coffee

“is it okay if I go for a shower first?” she asks like she needs to

“yeah of course babes, treat this place as your own what’s mine is yours” I say

“haha your gonna wish you never said that Coyle” she says and heads upstairs after drinking my coffee I decide that I will go for a shower before going out side.

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