Chapters 33+34

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Chapter 33

Its been 3 weeks since I’ve been in hospital the doctor said I shouldn’t fly until 3 weeks after being discharged and now I’m on a plane back home with Cheryl the girls stayed at my LA house since I left hospital and now they are flying back with us, Cheryl is sitting by the window I’m next to her and next to me is Nicola and in front of us is Sarah and Kimberley, I’m staring at the table in between us when Cheryl whispers in me ear

“I have a surprise for you baby” I turn to her

“what is it?” I ask

“you’ll have to wait till we get home” she smiles a dimpled smile I smile back and start wondering what my surprise is, maybe she brought me a dog?, maybe she got me them shoes I really liked? I don’t know I will have to wait and see.

5 hours later and we touch down in heath row when we get out of the airport there are a flood of papz waiting oh joy I think luckily I have me shades on so they cant see my eyes and see I have no make-up on we get to the car we got to pick us up and we head home. An hour of being home and the girls have gone to their own homes me and Cheryl are laying on the sofa she is stroking my hair and I find it so soothing I intertwine our fingers and kiss her hand

“be back in a minutes baby” Cheryl says giving me a kiss on the lips and she’s gone I sit up and look at the TV the news is on and guess who’s on it? Me of course coming out of heath row with the girls and the news about mine and Cheryl’s relationship is being talked about, their saying that it will never last and that we are just filling time with each other because we have got rid of our men, well they will see in 5 years time me and Cheryl will still be together I can tell you that now, Cheryl comes back into the room and turns the TV off she sits next to me and has a hand behind her back  she takes my hand with her free hand and starts to speak

“Nadine we’ve been through so much in the past 4 weeks and I was so scared that I thought I had lost you I cant bare the thought of not having you in me life, if you left me half of me would be missing there would be a hole in me heart, I love you so much it hurts but is a good hurt my every thought is about you when I wake up your there and at night the thing that helps me sleep is your heart beat and your arms around us or my arms around you, what I’m trying to say is….., Nadine Coyle will you marry me?” I sit there so touched by her words that I’m crying I can barely speak but I manage to crock out the words I want to say

“yes I will marry you Cheryl” she jumps on me and hugs me tight and kisses me passionately she pulls out a box from behind her back and opens it inside is a diamond ring a white platinum, diamond ring should I say I hold out my hand and she slips the ring on and stare at the ring dazzling in the light I look up at her and cup her cheek and kiss her on the lips before saying

“I love you Cheryl tweedy”

“I love you too baby” she smile we sit back on the sofa with her arms around me and I intertwine our fingers again and I look at my ring again.

Chapter 34

5 years later

Me and Cheryl have been married  4 and half years now, when we got married we did an OK! Exclusive because Cheryl said she wanted a small wedding but I wanted to show the world how much I loved her and how she was the only one for me and how we would prove people wrong that we we’re in it together and that we will always be together, a year after the wedding me and Cheryl decided to have a baby so I chose to carry our baby and we had two little boys who we named Oscar and Oliver  and then 2 years after they were born we decided to have another baby which Cheryl carried this time and we had two beautiful girl Layla and Alex , we moved house to live in the country side on London where its less busy and more laid back we have a 6 bedroom house with 5 bathrooms a living area, kitchen  and playroom and we have our own studio in the basement which we converted when we moved in after our wedding .

I’m sitting in the living room with Oscar and Oliver playing with their toy cars when Cheryl walks in with the twins in her arms

“hey baby” I smiles she sits down next to me with the girls on her lap

“hey beautiful” she says and gives me a kiss on the lips she puts the twins down and Alex walks over to Oscar and Oliver to play with them but Layla walks over to me with her arms held up I pick her up and kiss her in the cheek

“what’s up baby?” I ask

“mummy” Layla says and hugs me I hug her back I look at her and she and Alex are the split image of Cheryl brown hair and chocolate brown eyes and long lashes and they have dimples too, Oscar and Oliver look like me they have brown eyes and light brown hair, my hair now is back to my original colour of brown

“how was Nicola?” I ask

“yeah she was fine had her hands full with little Lilly though she is getting big I tell ya now” Cheryl says Nicola has a 17 month old baby girl , Kimberley has a little boy and girl twins named harry and Kylie and Sarah has a little girl named Olivia we’ve are now all married with families but girls aloud are still together and we are going strong, Layla sits on my lap playing with my necklace the one Cheryl got me for my 26th birthday I never take it off,

“awww we will all have to get together round here one night make a night of it” I say

“yeah that sounds good” Cheryl smiles with her dimples on show at that moment Oscar walks over to Cheryl and crawls onto her lap

“mammy I missed you” he says

“awww baby boy I missed you too have you been good for mummy?” Cheryl replies

“yes I have, I helped her tidy the toys up” he smiles

“good boy” she says giving him a kiss on the cheek The boys were 3 and a half and the girls were 1 an a half years old and they are so cute and they are very smart for their age, but the girls have just started talking so we have to be careful what we say but Cheryl spills up sometimes the other day she swore and now Alex keeps repeating the word, Cheryl puts Oscar on the floor and he walks over to Layla sitting on me

“come on buba play with me, Oliver and Alex” with that he took her hand and helped her on the floor and they all played together I move closer to Cheryl on the sofa and wrap an arm around her waist and she puts an arm around my shoulders and rests her head on my chest I kiss on top of her head

“love you” she says

“I love you too baby” I smile, I look around and see pictures of us and our family and the girls and their kids and I look at mine and Cheryl’s babies and I smile, I think back to a conversation I long had with Kimberley

“what if Cheryl Is the right one for you what if she’s the one?” Kimberley once said and she was right Cheryl is the right one for me my only one and I know she feels the same we always buy each other little gifts and I still have to rose she gave me that day it has is own place on my bed side table next to a picture of me and Cheryl on our wedding day having our first dance, I look at Cheryl and she is looking back at me I smile and she smiles back I rub our noses together and she giggles I kiss her cheek and I look once more at our children and I know that this is where I belong, with Cheryl . with our beautiful kids our wonderful families and our 3 best friends I rest my head on Cheryl’s on my chest and I let out a contented sigh my life is fulfilled my dream job and my wonderful wife and kids there nothing I could ask for and nothing else I need I’m totally happy and still very much in love with Cheryl, this is the end of another chapter in my life the future looks bright and happy and I cant wait for the next chapter in my life to unfold.

The End

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