The love story of Niam Horayne

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Liam’s  P.O.V.

When I woke up this morning I thought maybe it would be different and maybe just maybe me and niall would stop arguing but here we are yet again stood in the middle of the living room arguing over something stupid like always but this time I walk out on him even though I promised him that no matter what happened I would never turn and leave him but here I am packing my bags and leaving with him begging me to stay but I just couldn’t bring myself to stay because I had hurt him too many times and I know niall will move on and be happy but I know that if he stays with me, he will never get anywhere in life because all I do is bring him down and even the fans have begun to notice how stick thin niall is, that’s the reason we argue all the time now because he says he’s fat and he needs to loose wait but he was perfect the way he was but now he’s just all skin and bones and every time I tell him to eat he says ‘ I can’t’ and that’s what my problem is because no matter how hard I try I know he will never realise he’s perfect just the way he is.

When I was finished packing I walked out of the apartment we shared even though it killed me to leave niall and the band it has to be done so that niall will be ok again and maybe when I’m gone he will start top eat again but I know he won’t.

When I arrived at my mums house she held me in her arms as I cried all the unshed tears that I had been holding in since I first told niall we was over and even now I wish I could take back the things I say but I can’t because then that will mean its ok for him to not eat or that’s what I keep telling myself just so I won’t get in my car and go back to the apartment and just hold him close to me but I don’t instead I pull out of the hug from my mum and I say my last goodbyes before I walk out of her house but before I do I hear my mum say ‘ I love you’ but I don’t say it back because know if I do I won’t be able to do what I’m about to do so I keep walking and when I arrive at my destination I take out the pocket knife I carry encase I ever need it and I gently run the blade over my wrist and I watch as the blood gently runs down to my fingertips and when I get light headed I lay down on the floor and stare into the lake where I fetched Niall on a first date and as I slipped away I heard someone say ‘ Liam please don’t go I love you’ and I knew Niall had come looking for me but I couldn’t open my eyes but I tried to smile at him to let him no its ok now.

Niall’s P.O.V.

When Liam walked out on me I knew I couldn’t give upon him so after sitting on the sofa for an hour after he left I went to his mums house because I knew that’s where he would  be because he always goes there when we argued and I knew this time wouldn’t be any different, but when I got there his mum said ‘ he’s just left but I don’t know where he’s gone’ I looked at her and said ‘ I think I know where he’s gone’ with that I hugged her and said ‘ I love you like a mother and I hope no matter what happens between me and Liam that won’t change’ she smiled and said ‘ you are always welcome here honey’ I kissed her cheek and said goodbye and I walked to where I knew Liam would be.

When I arrived at the lake he was laid on the floor his wrists bleeding by his side and I knew he wasn’t going to make it because his eyes were closing but I had to try so I said ‘ Liam please don’t go I love you’ but he wouldn’t open his eyes instead he smiled at me as if to say everything’s going to be ok now he’s gone but I didn’t care I just wanted my Liam back and I knew there was only one way that would happen and that’s if I was with him so I grabbed the knife lying next to him and I run it over my wrist where the veins were and then everything went black and I knew I’d be seeing him soon.

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