The love story of Larry Stylinson

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Harry’s P.O.V.

When I woke up this morning I looked to see that where Louis usually lies is empty and I realize he’s properly with Eleanor and I cry because I now know that he never really loved me he only made me believe he did but now he’s laughing at me with his girlfriend and that hurts more than anything in the whole world but I know I have to get up and pretend that I’m ok with everything even though I’m not.

When I walked into the living room I could hear arguing coming from the living room so I walked back into my bedroom got dressed grabbed my coat and walked out the front door slamming it behind me because I knew it was Louis and Liam arguing about what Louis did to me and I just couldn’t deal with the arguments today because it would have been mine and Louis 3rd anniversary so I decided to go to the place we first met and that was the x-factor toilets, I know that it’s not the most suitable place to go but I just wanted to visit one last time before I leave.

I guess you’re thinking where is he going, well I’ve decided to go in a different direction from the one where I was meant to be going but it’s got nothing to do with me being in love with Louis it’s just I think it’s time I leave the band and go in my own direction which unfortunately will be moving to France to get away from the other boys because I know once they realize I’m leaving they will try and stop me but I don’t want them to because I have to do this for me I just hope Louis will realize how much he truly means to me before I leave and maybe he’ll be the one to stop me but I don’t think he will because he’s all about Eleanor these days and nobody but her matters.

When I looked at my watch it said it was half 2 in the afternoon and I left the apartment at 10 am but I couldn’t bring myself to leave the toilets that brought me and Louis together and I know I will always remember that day even though I don’t want to.

When I got home everyone was sat on the sofa but I just walked straight past them and went to my room and I began packing my stuff and while I was packing someone knocked on my door so I locked it and said ‘ go away’ I heard Louis say’ we need to talk’ I just said’ now you want to talk now that it suits you ‘I heard him sigh and then he said’ I’m sorry’ and then I heard him leave just like he did the he told me we couldn’t be together no more because he had a girlfriend and just like that day I let him go.

When I had finished packing I unlocked the door grabbed my suitcases and went to where all the boys where sitting on the sofa and said ‘I’m going to France and I don’t think I’m going to be coming back and I’ve already signed my resignation in and before you all blame Louis it’s not his fault so please don’t fight no more’ and with that I left and got in a cab and went to the airport.

Louis’ P.O.V.

When I woke up in my bed I tried not to cry because I just wanted my harry back but I know that as long as management are around that will never happen and even Eleanor can’t stand to be around me sometimes because she tries to be nice but I always throw it back in her face and sometimes when I wake up sobbing and crying I go to her room and she sits and holds me until I can get myself under control and then we just sit and talk about all the good moments me and harry had and she sits and listens and whenever she sees  our manager she tells him how much she hates him because of what he’s done to me and harry.

When I finally got out of bed I went to the living room to see Liam sat on the sofa but I didn’t say anything to him because he was still mad at me about harry but I couldn’t tell him about management because then I would get kicked out of the band and then I would never get to see harry again because they would tell him some lie about how I cheated on him and they would make sure that it was persuasive enough so that he’d believe their story over me but I hated to see him so destroyed over something that shouldn’t even have happened.

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