Chapter 1: The Fire of Hatred

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Ever sense the day his friend left, Natsu hasn't felt the same. He's always moped around, barely ever smiled, and only taken about twelve jobs in the past three years he's been at the Guild. His Guild: Fairy Tail. The place where he had first met her.

At the moment, he was silently sulking to the Guild, and honestly didn't know why he even bothered going to the guild anymore. She used to always laugh along with him, help him on jobs, lend him money when he didn't make enough. But now that was an impossibility.

"Natsu! Cheer up!!" Happy cried with a hint of worry lacing his little voice, following along side the salmon-haired mage.

Natsu looked down at him, and sighed. He wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone, not even Happy, the little flying cat that he raised ever since he was an egg. He barely ever spoke to anyone at the Guild, or outside. He just dragged his feet and painfully pressed on with his life.

They finally got to the Guild, and pushed open the doors, then stalked in and slumped down onto the table farthest from everybody. Well, except for Happy of course. He refused to leave Natsu alone. He would follow him around, trying to cheer him up, but, to no avail, his mood never shifted to anything but pure agony.

Natsu lay his head onto the wooden structure, and started to doze off, like he normally did when he arrived at the Guild. About all the fun time him and she had ran through his thoughts. The way she'd smile, her laugh. It'd been to long, her memories were starting to fade from his mind.

'I just hope she comes back...' He thought, drowning out the chaos that was known as the Fairy Tail Guild Hall.

Just then, Happy spoke up. "Natsu, let's go on another job! We need the money! And it would get your mind off of--"

Natsu then interrupted Happy mid-sentence. "No, Happy. One, I don't want to go on a job. Two, you know that I can't forget her. She was my best friend. She was the only one I could rely on when we were little..." he explained, trailing off towards the end.

He knew that he only called her his "best friend", but whenever she'd hug him, or playfully punch his arm, he'd get all red in the face and flustered; his heart would pound heavily. Making him come to one conclusion: that he liked her. (Loved, whatever, same thing)

He'd always denied it, though, when Happy said something such as, "Ooh! You like her." Or "You guys are so lovey dovey!" Both of their faces would turn shades of bright pink, and they'd turn away from one another, scratching the backs of their necks nervously.

That was the good old days, in his point of view. But, ever sense that day....
Nothing's been the same.

~Flashback 3 years ago~

Natsu was merrily walking to the Guild Hall, along with Happy, you, and your exceed, (E/n), at his sides. But it was odd, no matter what he said, you would just look up at him, smile with a hint of sadness, and look back down at the ground, intently gazing at your feet.

"Hey, you okay (Y/n)? You seem a bit down today." He asked, hoping to actually get an answer.

You looked up at him, and smiled. "Yeah! Natsu, everything's fine." You lied, he could tell. But why wouldn't you tell him?

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