Finale: Dying Flame

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Heyyyyy, welcome to the (at last) final chapter of this shyt story that's been continuous for literally the last five years... it's been a journey, man, and considering I actually finished it after all that time, I'm actually proud of myself (and since I haven't even watched Fairy Tail since then, either.) The only thing is that this book is literal trash from an ex-twelve year old who didn't know how to write. It's kinda sad that is is my most popular book, not gonna lie, haha— But anyways! Please enjoy...

Swirling and spiraling.

Your magic fused with radiant flames and burst into what almost looked like dragon wings, embracing the both of you, providing a valiant warmth in your chests. It was a nice, joint feeling... like after all the years of knowing each other, you both at last found that complete, entire understanding that you've longed for.

The light that flickered of your faces released itself into a beam of united magic power, embracing Daylin's form and causing Erza to detach herself and hurdle to the crumbling ground, shakily landing at her own two feet. She staggered a bit, bit overall, that endless fire in her eyes to defeat this enemy never faltered; only ignited.

Daylin let out an ear-piercing shriek as his eyes rolled back while the magic overtook him, and deteriorated his chimera's body... for once, he looked almost saddened, or despaired. The sky shifted and churned into a breathtaking orange as the purple-clan man faded with his creature, lips sealed and no last, lingering words to stain you with. He figured, that upon his defeat, he might as well allow you to live with it:

"I suppose that's... checkmate."

And with that, he was gone.
Forever lost to the hands of fateful magic.

Upon his defeat, yours and Natsu's magic circles dissipated and shattered into the new-morning sky in little crystals of light. You couldn't help but close your eyes for a moment, allowing the fatigue to overtake your form, heaving a sigh. That moment however, turned into a full grogginess, your legs collapsing underneath you, falling softly to the ground with Natsu's help, now resting on his knees for he, too, was tired.

Though, his was a different kind, unknown to him.

The salmon-haired boy just smiled down at you, a hand behind your head, his other around you in a needed support. "We did it, huh..?" He spoke out, his voice slightly rugged.

"We did." You managed out, a modest smile slowly painting itself across your lips as you fought unconsciousness. "...We really did."

Natsu took rather clear note of your tiring vocals, his grin faltering as it was replaced with tears dripping down his cheeks, whilst remaining a sad calm. "So why'd ya do it?" He asked you, as you opened your eyes once more to share a lingering glance in his onyx ones. "You promised... and you still... still..." voice cracking, he couldn't find it in himself to continue— he knew what you did, he could tell during the unison mere moments ago, leaving his heart heavy.

Taking in a quaking breath, you chirped a wavering laugh while placing a hand over his arm. "Don't worry... I used my last wish with a little pizazz," you added that last bit as comedic as you could; you hated seeing him cry. "I'll be back, just gonna... take a small..." pausing to inhale properly, "...nap."

You then slept, letting unconsciousness absorb you while nuzzling into his arm. Natsu didn't know entirely what you meant, but the relief that fell over him was obvious as he watched the rise and fall of your chest continue, while the small (f/c) stone eroded away into sand. He knew you would live, and that's all he could have asked for, have wished for.

Take my magic, in turn for my life.
If she acts recklessly, please forgive her, I can't lose her again.

Upon the arising sun, the two of you lay there for just a bit longer, as Erza approached cautiously, the rest of the Guild, curious and worried, followed suit behind her. Natsu lifted his head, and began to break down, lips quivering and improperly taking in breaths.

He wasn't sad. You were alive.
He was just so, so happy.

Lucy, Gray, Wendy and Carla all ran up to the Dragon Slayer boy, making sure he was alright, sure enough he was as he clung to your asleep form, resting his head against yours while he pushed back his own tire. His plan had succeeded, and he was so glad to see that damned stone gone from his sight, as well as his final one just a lingering thought.

"Oh my God— are you guys alright?!" Lucy checked, holding up your wrist for signs of a pulse, dropping it as she was relieved of yet another heart attack.

Natsu chuckled, wiping his tears with his scarf. "We should be asking you that, Luce... You were hurt pretty bad, when'd you wake up?" He quizzed, turning to face her, finding his composure.

The blonde shook her head with a smile, as if to say she was fine, "Just a little bit ago, I watched you and (Y/n) fight off Daylin with that crazy Unison Raid."

Gray then pitched in, running a hand through his hair with a sigh. "At least you two were able to pull it off, man... you three stopped a whole war. I'll admit, that's pretty cool." He snickered, playfully punching Natsu's arm as the two teens shared that mutual understanding-filled glance.

"It was thanks to these two, really," Erza admitted, staggering over while re-quipping into her regular clothes, setting herself down rather roughly as her face held that satisfied elder sibling smile. "The point is, we don't have to worry about him anymore... the Guild is safe."

She couldn't mention anything about her initial plan to take you out before all this, now wasn't the time. Besides, she couldn't have done that to a fellow Guildmate; Natsu was able to rightfully convince her of that much. And she was grateful that he had, she didn't want any more guilt to hold on to... to carry with her. She was glad.

Though that shared happiness between the lot of you, just all seemed like a fairytale.

Welcome to the end! We've done and made it... And I seriously want to thank you all for your patience, and if you have been reading since the beginning all that time ago, good Lord you are a trooper. It's been a ride, but now this book's off my plate... and I can finally put that "completed" stamp on it. I may come back and edit what I don't like in each chapter— I might never touch this ever again. We'll see.

It's been a trip, and an accomplishing one. See y'all later.

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