Chapter 5: Apartment Sweet Apartment

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~Lucy's POV~

I was walking around the Guild, dodging all the furniture. I can't afford to have a concussion, well, I can... But I'm not!

I looked over at a table to see (Y/n) talking to Wendy. But she also had a piece of paper out spread across the table, pencil in hand.

I walked over to them and peered over (Y/n)'s shoulder, "Oh, hey Lucy!" She muffled, she had a whole bunch of place markers in her mouth.

"What's up with the paper and pencils?" I asked.

She spit out the placement markers onto the table, gross, "Sense I have nowhere to stay, I'm figuring out a plan to make a little Hutt or something so--" I interrupted her.

"No, no, no! You cannot do that! Wait-! You can stay at my place! It'll be fun! And besides, it'll benefit us both! We'll both pay half of the rent- which will leave us with more money- and you'll have a place to stay!"

Her face lit up, "Really? Arigato Lucy-San!" She yelled, giving me a hug.

"No problem! But wait-- Didn't you have a house before you left?" I asked.

She nodded her head, "Yeah, but it's been three years, so it's probably been bought by someone else or just an abandoned house now..." She stated.

"Oh, well that makes sense! Anyway, let's go get yah settled in!" I grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the Guild Hall.

~Natsu's POV~

I was enjoying my little tease settion with Gray when I looked around and saw that (Y/n) wasn't at the Guild.

I started panicking a little, but then I saw (E/n) talking to Happy over at the bar.

I walked up to them, "Hey (E/n)! Where'd (Y/n) go?" I asked, leaning up against the bar counter.

"Oh, I think she went over to Lucy's to unpack her things. Lucy said that we could start with her until we got ourselves a new house," she replied.

"Okay, Thanks!" I thanked, and walked back over to the table where Gray was sitting, and started laughing at the way he looked at me when I sat down. His face said "Why are you here? Go away? Why do I know you? Why are we still friends? You're really annoying..." all at the same time.

~Your POV~

I didn't have much to unpack. Just a few pairs of clothes, my novelizing journals, and a few other personal items.

I finished putting away all of my things- making them as perfectly placed as possible, even though I don't know why- and flipped down onto my bed.

I started thinking about the Guild, why did they take me back after all those years? I stayed on that one thought, I guess that's what a family does..!

I was thinking of all my friends and the new ones I had just made today, until one particular person clouded my mind.


He went through all that trouble, just to bring me back, why?

That one question played through my mind, over and over again, until it stopped. I realized, even though we were best friends, vowed to help each other find are Dragons, and it's been all this time... He still hasn't forgotten me.

He really was the first friend I've had, even my parents didn't care about me...

They locked me up, put me through hard labor, and barely ever fed me. That's what I thought a parent was, for a long time.

Until I met Kiari, my Dragon Mother. She took me in knowing I wasn't in the best of shape, fed me, taught me how to read and right. But most importantly, she taught me the ways of the Millennium Dragon.

She saw my potential, and she helped me learn the most powerful of spells..! I then became (Y/n), the Millennium Dragon Slayer.

I could use any element I wanted, but it was 8 times stronger than normal, and at was always golden. It also would sometimes say Yujō wa hi no kokoro de moemasu.

I kept on thinking about how much Kiari and Fairy Tail actually cared for me. I was on the verge of tears when I heard a knock on the door.

"Yes?" I asked, sitting up.

She creaked the door open, "You all packed yet?"

I nodded my head, "Yup! All settled in!" I smiled, patting the bed.

"Good, now take a shower! It's good for the soul..! And your hair!" She pulled me out of the room, and pushed me into her bathroom.

"I'll set a fresh pair of your clothes on your bed for you!" She smiled and started to walk off.

"Okay!" I called, closing the door, undressing, and hopping in the shower.

~Lucy's POV~

I walked into (Y/n)'s new room, and opened her dresser to see what kind of outfits she had.

I only saw cheep, and worn-out shirts and pants. How long has it been sense she--

My eyes lit up with excitement. After she gets out of the shower, I'm gonna take her shopping! It'll be so much fun! (Yeah, I bet most of you are thinking, Oh no! Lucy is taking me shopping..! Well, you're right XD)

But first I better find a more, suitable, outfit for her to wear. So I danced off to my room, and searched for the least-revealing items I had.

I ended up with a (f/c) tank-top and (s/f/c) shorts the went just below the knees. (Or whatever outfit yah want, Idc, I'm not much of a girl for clothes... I'll wear the outfit I was wearing before to bed and then go through the next day in the same clothes.)

I folded them, and placed them on her bed. And went off back into my room, planning out our first store we'd go to in the mall. (Me: *Hears the word "mall"* *Shudders* Doom city full of DeathTraps called "Jeans")

~Your POV~

I finished up my shower, wrapped a towel around myself, and walked into my room. I saw a (f/c) tank-top and a pair of (s/f/c) shorts on my bed. (Or whatever outfit)

'Those aren't mine," I thought.

But I didn't want to be rude, so I slipped them on, and knocked on Lucy's Door.

She opened the door and told me, "Get ready, we're going shopping!"

I could already tell this was going to be a disaster... "Alright, fine. But we gotta go get (E/n) from the Guild first, she might wanna come," I replied with a sigh.

"Alrighty then!" As soon as I slipped on my shoes, she dragged me out the door and headed back to the Guild.

This was going to be a long rest of the day..!

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