Chapter 14: Kidnapped

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~Natsu's POV~

I fell to my knees, anger boiling inside my chest. But at the same time, tears threatened to fall.

I'd just had brought her back..! And now she's gone, again...

I punched the roof of the building, making a fist-shaped dent. I stood up, and started running straight for the Guild.

There's no use in trying to look for her with no clues on where she is. Once o made it to the Guild, I slammed open the doors, gaining everyone's attention.

"Natsu! You're back from you job! Uh... Where's (Y/n)? We have her ba--" Mira started, but I cut her off.

"That's just it! On our way back, she was kidnapped..! I tried going after them, but he had this weird kind of Magic..."

"What?!" The whole Guild gasped.

But then one little (f/c) car Exceed flew into the room. Everyone looked back at her and just started staring at her with worried and fearful expressions. "Whoa, what's up with you guys? It's like you've seen a ghost..!" She laughed as she fully entered with Happy, Lucy and Zuki in tow.

 Gray, Erza, Levy, Gajeel, Juvia, Wendy, Carla and I got into a group at a table. "Natsu, can you describe what the Magic was like?" Levy asked. {Surprised that Gajeel is in this group talk? Yeah, me too XD}

I hung my head and shook a 'no'. "That's the problem, he didn't show it very much. He just grabbed her, ran off, swished his cloak around, and then he was gone..."

Levy wrote down everything I said to take notes. They all asked me questions, and I answered them the best I could. We all agreed to wait and tell [E/n] what happened. We discussed the matter further, trying to gain any clues to figure out who it was.

~Lucy's POV~

[E/n] and Happy went to play around the Guild. So Zuki and I walked up to the bar to have a chat with Mira. "Hey Mira, do you know where [Y/n] is? She didn't show up at the apartment and she isn't here," I asked, Zuki nodding to my statement as we both sat down.

She froze at the question and stopped cleaning the glass she was drying with a piece of cloth. "You okay?" I asked.

She set the glass down and pulled up a stool from behind the counter. "Yeah, it's just the new news Natsu told us..." She replied with a sad expression.

"Wh-What is i-it?" Zuki stuttered. I really have to ask why she keeps doing that.

"So you know how [Y/n] was just brought back a few days ago from disappearing 3 years ago?" She had to stop to regain her voice. "Well, it turns out, when her and Natsu were walking back here from their previous mission, she was kidnaped..."

"What?!" Me and Zuki yelled.

But then she instantly shooshed us by covering our mouths. "We don't want [E/n] to know just yet, she'd be devastated..."

"Speaking of [E/n], what happened to her and [Y/n] 3 years ago? What's [Y/n]'s story?" I asked. I couldn't help it, Natsu always seems to be different when she's around. The gloomy, sorrowful guy I used to know is now always happy and cheerful. And I want to know why.

Mira hesitated for a moment, but then began to explain. "[Y/n] came from a family that didn't care for her at all. They'd always torture her and put her through unexplainable pain... She grew up thinking that her life didn't matter and that nobody cared about her..." She trailed off, but then began again.

~Zuki's POV~

I almost cried at how much I could relate to [Y/n]... She knows the pain and suffering I went through... The truth that all of these bandages hide...

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