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It all started with him; Jake that is, I had been on the park ground from being bullied. My head was bleeding, oozing blood into my hair.
He was the new kid in school so I expected him to just laugh at me like everyone else, instead he stopped, looking at me for the first time, and asked "are you ok?", at first I thought he was joking, until he offered me his hand and I got pulled off the ground, everyone in the park was now looking at us this wasn't how it was meant to end, I immediately let go of his hand and struggled to runaway due to the abnormal angle my leg was at. Tears streamed down my face as I couldn't help but scream in pain as my leg continued to twist and turn, he had followed me, why ?, I collapsed onto the ground as my leg couldn't take it anymore.

Next thing I know I woke up and found myself in a hospital with my leg casted and held above me while my head had stiches in it and a bandage wrapped around it. I looked around the room and saw Jake sitting in the chair asleep; he was holding a bouquet of orange, red, yellow and white daises( My favourite how did he know) , as if he was protecting them from someone. I looked around the room only to make eye contact with the people who did this to me they were glaring at me, as if I was a cockroach. I sat there awkwardly as I stayed silent my most powerful scream. I hadn't expected to be here and even if for some reason I was I certainly hadn't expected any visitors, at least not the people who were in my room right now.

I managed to get a few words out "what... why... why are you here", They started saying because you weren't meant to get help, you were a failure even your dad thought so" , when the nurse walked in and said " your awake". "Um yeah, I'm going to be going now" I replied, "You can't leave. You're in terrible condition, at least let your friends help you out", she said "THERE NOT HER FRIENDS" Jake had been woken up and wasn't happy. "And she's not going home" we all tried debating but eventually the nurse and Jake won and the group of girls we're asked to leave. After that I rested for 3 hours before finally waking up. I guess that's when I started to become interested in Jake I didn't know why he was like he was , he was like no one I had ever met he was caring, loving and actually gave a shit whether I was happy or not. The opposite of every person I had ever met since my mum, he brought happiness to my life he returned it, and reminded me of what it felt like, like I had never lost it in the first place.

When I lost my mum, it was like I lost my dad to but not to death, to drugs and alcohol I hadn't known how to deal with it at first but eventually I found some of my own coping strategies (cutting my wrists, legs, back and shoulders), in other people's eyes it wouldn't have looked like much of a coping strategy more a cry for help. But in my eyes it was the only option I thought I had, as being raised as an only child I no longer felt I had a family. The kids at school All hated me my dad had left me when I needed him the most ,did he really hate me that much, was I that much of a failure in his eyes, or was he just scared he would disappoint me again. Before my mum died my dad had promised me mum would be ok he said that god would help her on her journey I was 7 at the time I wanted to believe him so much but it was hard so he got mum to tell me it as well, so I left believing them all.

That's when my happiness had disappeared; it's been nine years since the incident now and I still find it hard, why do bad things have to happen to good people?

Oh I forgot to tell you my names London, my mum loved London so much as that's where dad took her on their honeymoon, and she used to tell me stories about how she danced under the fountain next to Trafalgar square, like a princess, she couldn't bring the fountain back, with her and certainly not the city, so she decided instead of bringing back souvenirs she would call me London as a memory of the beautiful time she had there. She was pregnant at the time

I tell Jake a bit of my story every day and he tells me a bit of his, it's what brings us close together he sits with me every day now and helps push my wheelchair to and from school, I live alone so sometimes Jake comes over and chills with me to keep me company (he persists I find a new house as to get to the kitchen I have to cross a rotten wooden plank). his constantly saying sorry and when I ask him why he says because his the reason the bullying has gotten worst in a way that's true but there's no way I'm admitting that to him and risking losing him for good even if he says he will always be there for me.

Soon Jake introduced me to his family, at a family dinner it was the first time, I had laughed in a long time, jakes mum came to me after dinner was finished and told me" that if there was anything I ever needed they were there". After the first dinner it became a constant thing I went over 2 to 3 times a week it was like I had a family again but I wasn't going to say that to him at least not yet. Soon after I had been to about 20 dinners and I was going to my 21st while we were eating, jakes dad said "London were going to the grand canyon next week do you want to come with us, it's a family trip so we figured you had to at least be invited" he said, "you consider me a part of your family?" I asked nervously almost scared. "Of course why wouldn't we" his mum said with a certainty in her voice I had heard never before.


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