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A week later Jakes family left for the Grand Canyon, and I waved goodbye as they boarded the plane, I had said no as we had exams coming up and Jake was in a grade above me so he didn't have them till the next term. Soon I was wishing I had gone as the moment Jake left the ground I got texts from all the people who had bullied me saying it was time for revenge, and that I no longer had my protection, the next day I went to school to face whatever bullshit was going to hit me I certainly hadn't expected what I got when I walked through the front gate.

I had several people egg me, I had another lot chasing me while I was trying to get through it another lot had put some rocks in every classroom door way so every time I entered a classroom I tripped over and my knees got cut open the day involved a series of rude and hurtful pranks by the end of the day I could barely walk, which was a real inconvenience as I then had to walk home. By the time I got home I had no idea how I was going to face the next day, all I knew was that I had to go as our first exam was on and it was unmissable I just told myself I had to go I had to do it for Jake as he would have gone for me to reassure me that he was brave, that if he could handle it I could handle it.

I didn't know what was going to happen the next day so I just told myself that whatever it was it couldn't be any worse than the first day... right. I continued to tell myself this all night to prevent myself from crying myself to sleep.

It's our first exam and nothing has happened yet it makes me so nervous I can't even focus on the exam, all I can think about is whether or not I should call Jake, I don't want to worry him but I don't know how much more I can take of this fucked up scheming. The exam ended and nothing had happened still, I looked down at my exam to see I had only finished the first few questions , maybe there plan today wasn't to physically hurt me, but too mentally hurt me to ruin the most important exams in my life. Great they knew me way too well; I guess it really did pay off to have connections. That night I went home and couldn't help but call Jake, at first I had the ringing sound for 10 seconds I was nervous he wouldn't pick up but when he did he sounded worried. "Are you ok? What's happened?" he asked when I heard the worry in his voice I couldn't bear to tell him what really happened so I lied to him "I'm fine just calling to ask you how you're going "it was in that moment that I couldn't tell him how much I was suffering because I was worried I would hurt him, that I realised I loved him.

Later that night I went into the medicine cupboard unsure of what I was doing in there, I hadn't felt this down since before I met Jake no one was there to stop me and no one except for Jake cared about me, so he would be the only one to come looking for me if I went missing and I would be long gone by then, my pure existence was hurting him and I wasn't going to do that to someone I loved. I knew that it wasn't my fault that those girls hated me but I wasn't going to let that destroy jakes life as well I didn't want to do that to him and I knew for a fact that he would hate me if he knew what I was going to do next.

My hands were shaking as I reached my hands up and into the medicine cupboard, medicine was meant to help you when you were sick how was this any different, I had been hurt so many times and all I did was drive people away from me they didn't deserve that and neither did I if Jake really cared about me he would accept that it had come to this point surely he had to know this would happen at one point or another. My hands came out with my dad's old cardiac meds, a box of Panadol, some cold and flu medicine and some other boxes of medicine which I was uncertain of their names. I walked to the sink my hands still shaking and poured myself a glass of water; I then placed all the tablets in my mouth in two goes and swallowed them whole. I quickly made a call to 000 so my body wouldn't start rotting in my house alerting the few neighbours I had. Soon after that the effects of the medicine I had taken kicked in, I started to feel drowsy and was wondering if I had made the wrong choice, but then the hard core drugs started to really kicked in and all thoughts were carried away from me, but not before I could hear the ambulances blaring alarm.

I heard the paramedics exchanging words, had it worked, I looked around the room to see my body lying there I took a few hurried step backwards, was I dead... had it worked I asked myself again there was a tiny part of myself wishing it hadn't, what had I done that's when I heard what the paramedics we're really saying. "She has a liver dysfunction, her ribs are broken from the fall, and she has potential brain damage we can't be sure of this until she potentially wakes up she's in a comotised state right now" the first paramedic said, "SHE NEEDS TO BE RUSHED TO THE HOSPITAL RIGHT NOW, SHE COULD DIE IF WE DON'T GET THERE QUICK ENOUGH" the second paramedic yelled. That's when everyone realised the seriousness of the situation and all jumped into action an oxygen mask was put over my face to help me breathe ( or my body, I didn't know right that second I was just confused). My body was then lifted up and placed on a stretcher as fast as they could without dropping my body; I was then jostled into the ambulance I then followed myself into the ambulance before they slammed the door behind me. From then on it was quiet as the paramedics whispered between themselves as what action should be taken when we arrived at the hospital, 5 minutes later we arrived at the hospital and the voices changed from quiet and slow to rushed and loud.stat"


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