School Ends, Fun Begins!

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Emily's POV
School stinks. My best friend, Beth, thinks so as well.
"Ugh I hate school!" She says every morning. I feel like saying the same thing.
Beth and I are different, but yet we are the same. We both like alternative music, like My Chemical Romance, but she swears more than me.
My parents always told me never to swear, or I will be grounded for life. And they're not joking.
The last bell rings on the final day of school, and all the students run out.
"YES SCHOOL IS FINALLY OVER!" I cheer. Beth and I pour out of the doors with everybody else.
"I can't believe it! We finally get to relax all summer and chill on the couch" she exclaimed doing a little dance. Then I thought about college.
"Since we're not going to college-" I started.
"We should totally hang out all summer!" Beth interrupted.
"-we should do something awesome together" I continued. "And I don't just mean hang out. We should start YouTube channels!"
"Oh my god we totally should!"
"Come to my house as soon as you get home" I said walking away. I said bye to Beth and ran home.

Beth's POV
The best part of having best friends is that you tell them everything, right? Well, not in my case. I tell Emily almost everything, but there is something that I haven't told her.
When she said we should make YouTube channels, I almost screamed. Of happiness, of course.
There is a you tuber called Stampylongnose and I really like him. Every time I hear his voice, my heart flies away. I love his videos, which I think Emily will think is childish of me. He plays this game called Minecraft and I find it fascinating.
The problem is, I don't know why I tingle when I hear Stampy's voice. It's almost like I like him. How ridiculous, right?!
I am almost positive that I have feelings for Stampy. Not sure why. He just seems so amazing.
But a little girl like me that just finished high school could never date someone as amazing as Stampy who is in his 20's.
It just can't happen.

Hi guys! Sorry this first chapter isn't that good. Some chapters will be long and some will be short. I really hope you liked it! More to come soon! (By the way Stampy will probably be ok the next chapter! Yay!)

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