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Possible trigger warning: hospitals (I'm not sure if this triggers many people, but it triggers me)

Sqaishey's POV

When we got to the hospital, the people drivng the ambulance rolled Stampy out of the back, and forced us out of the back as well. They were rolling the stretch very fast, so Squid, Emily, and I had to run to catch up with them.

"Which one of you is Joseph's girlfriend?" One of the men rolling Stampy asked. I raised my hand. "He has to get surgery, but otherwise he should be okay. If you're planning on staying, you're going to be here for the whole night."

"We're all staying," Squid said. I smiled. Emily nodded her head.

"Okay. You can all wait in room 169, where Joseph will be," The man said. He rolled Stampy even faster with the other 3 people, and went into the surgery room.

"He's gonna be okay," Emily said, touching my shoulder. Squid, Emily, and I had a group hug.

"We should probably get something to eat and then go to Stamps' room," Squid said. I nodded my head.

The cafeteria was an interesting place. It had lots of vending machines, and a little stand in one of the corners. There were about 15 tables, but nobody was sitting in them. We were the only people there besides the lady running the stand. Squid got each of us a grilled cheese sandwich, so we sat down and ate. I know that I'm hungry, but I don't feel hungry. I guess I'm too sad and worried to eat. Emily sighed.

"I wish all of this didn't happen. I wish today could start over," she said. Her voice sounded wobbly. I tried to say "me too", but my voice wouldn't come out from hiding. Instead, I nodded my head. The sandwich wasn't great, but it was edible.

When we finished eating, we tried to find the room Stampy is supposed to be in. It took us about 5 minutes, but we found it eventually. There was a TV on the wall, a bed where Stampy would be, a couch, and 2 chairs. Squid, Emily, and I all sat down on the couch. I picked up the remote to the TV from a small table and clicked through the channels. I came across Cars, so I left it on. The channel I found it on, ABC Family, was doing a movie marathon all weekend.

When Cars finished, I looked at my watch. It was 7:30 at night. The next movie coming on was Matilda. Squid, Emily, and I stayed up late watching movies, but I stayed up the latest. At about 1:00 in the morning, Squid and Emily fell asleep. Emily's head was resting on Squid's shoulder, and Squid's head was resting on Emily's head. They looked so cute together.

At about 2:00 in the morning, the door to the room opened and 2 men rolled Stampy in. They gently moved him onto the bed, and made sure not to make much noise so they wouldn't wake Squid and Emily. A few minutes after they left, a women holding a clipboard walked into the room.

"Are you Joseph's girlfriend?" She asked me.

"Yes" I replied. I'm surprised I could talk.

"Well, he's doing fine. He might not wake up until tomorrow, and he'll be sore for a few days from the surgery. You need to make sure that nothing happens to him. Do you live together?" She asked. I nodded my head. "Um, if you don't mind me asking, how did he get shot?"

"This morning he got a call from his ex-girlfriend, Cassandra. She threatened me, and later she kidnapped me. Joe and his best friend, David, the guy over there, went to pick up my best friend, Emily, the girl with David, and they all came to the building Cassandra told them to go to. Cassandra wanted revenge because Joseph broke up with her. When they got there, Joe managed to sneak past her and tried to break me free. He found a taser and tased Cassandra, and then set me free. When we tried to escape, she aimed her gun at us. We tried to run, and she shot Joe."

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