Full House

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Sqaishey's POV
      The people at the hospital let us leave a few hours later. There are so many thoughts circling my mind right now that my brain hurts.
      We stopped at Emily's house when we left so she could pack her things. I went inside and helped her.
      "I'm so excited that you're moving in with us!" I cheered. "I'm not going to be the only girl anymore!"
      "Oh, come on, it can't be that bad living with them," Emily said. I shook my head.
      "It isn't. Stampy and Squid are good guys, and they don't do anything bad."
      After we finished packing Emily's things, she said goodbye to her parents one last time. Then we got in the car.
      About half an hour later we arrived at the house. A big smile spread across Emily's face. We were all excited, but her and Squid were the most excited. I know how that feels.
      "Shall we go record Sky Den?" Stampy asked me in a funny voice. I giggled.
      "We shall." We walked into our room upstairs.
Squid's POV
      Wow. Now I know how Stampy and Sqaishey felt. Giant waves of excitement keep coming over me. It's so hard to let it so soak in.

      "Let's go unpack your things," I said. Emily followed me into my room where she will be staying. When we walked in, she looked around. She's been in here before, but it must feel different when you know that you're going to be sleeping here.

      "Are you excited?" I asked. In my mind, I felt like it was a dumb question, which I knew it was. If she didn't want to move in with me, than why would she have said yes?

      "Yeah. It's so hard to hold it all in. Ever since we started dating, I knew that I wanted to live with you, and, well, here we are," she replied, in a cheery voice. I brought her in for a hug. I enjoy hugging Emily. There are 2 reasons; 1, because I love her, and 2 because I'm taller than her, but not by much. Only about 5 inches. I pointed to an extra dresser that I have in my room.

      "You can unpack your things in there."

       Emily nodded her head and started to unpack. I hopped onto what is now our bed and turned on the TV, then started clicking through channels. When Emily finished unpacking, she plopped down next to me.

      We must have stayed there for hours, because Stampy walked into the room.

      "Alright you two love birds, it's time for dinner," Stampy laughed. Emily and I smiled and got up. He's lucky that I didn't tease him when Sqaishey moved here. I had to resist the urge to do so back then, which was only about 1 month ago.

      When Emily and I walked downstairs, I found out that Stampy had cooked spaghetti, just like I had when Sqaishey moved in. I smiled at him, and he smiled back. I guess that spaghetti is our special dinner from now on for guests.

      "How does it feel living here so far?" Sqaishey asked when we sat down to eat.

      "I love it so much already. It's really comforting, and it's just so nice," Emily replied. I slipped my hand into hers and treasured the moment as our fingers intertwined. She smiled, and so did I.

      "Are you guys enjoying having no more school?" I laughed. Emily and Sqaishey laughed as well.

      "Hey, having no homework and being able to be with you guys is the best life I could ask for," Emily gushed, and Sqaishey nodded her head. I brought Emily in for another hug, and Stamps hugged Sqaishey as well.

      "Do any of you know if the police found Cassandra yet?" Sqaishey asked, and I'm pretty sure each of us gulped.

      "I have no idea," Stampy said, and I could see the worry in his eyes as they started to fill mine like tears.

      When we were done eating, Stampy turned on the news.

       "Breaking news! Yesterday there was a deadly shooting and internet star, Joseph Garret, commonly known as Stampy Cat, got badly injured, and was nearly killed. In the crime, there were 3 other people with him: David Spencer, known as Iballisticsquid, Sqaishey Quack, and another girl that we do not know of. 26 year old Cassandra Fins was the shooter, but the police have not found her yet since she went on the run," the news man said. We all froze. I squeezed Emily's hand, and Stampy held Sqaishey close.

      "We can't leave each other's sides. For all we know, she can be around here waiting to strike again," Stampy said. I can tell that he doesn't want anything bad to happen to Sqaishey.

      He can tell that I don't want anything bad to happen to Emily.

      I took a look at the clock and saw that it was 7:30 at night. I sighed, but I'm not sure why. Emily looked up at me.

      "Are you okay?" She asked. I nodded, and she kissed me. One of the things I like about Emily is that she's not afraid to do things.

      "Lets go upstairs," I said, and Emily followed me into our room.

(Don't worry, this isn't dirty. They're playing minecraft. XD)

Stampy's POV

      When Emily and Squid went upstairs, Sqaishey and I sat on the couch.

       "Sqaishey, I can't let anything bad happen to you. Last time you got lucky that I was the one who nearly got killed. That could have been you," I said, and Sqaishey's eyes filled with tears.

       "I would rather get killed with the thought of you being okay than staying alive with the thought that you're not okay," Sqaishey replied. My heart felt warm, and I gave her a kiss.

       "Lets play some minecraft."


      We played minecraft for hours. When we stopped, it was 11:00 PM. We walked upstairs into our room and got into bed. In a few minutes, we fell asleep.

Emily's POV

      Squid and I played minecraft for a very long time, but not as long as Stampy and Sqaishey. We stopped at 10:30, and then we stayed in bed and talked. We talked, and talked, and talked. As we laid down, my head was on Squid's chest and he was lying normally.

      Squid kissed me at 1:00 AM, and we fell asleep.

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