Some Things Are a Blessing In Disguise

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Beth's POV

      I can still hear the sirens.

      It happens when I sleep.

      Some things scar you for life.

      In my case, my mom dying is my scar.

      It happened when I was 8, now I'm smarter than I should be.

      With things nobody should have to know.

      My mom wanted to take me shopping, but the mall was in the bad part of town.

      "Come on sweetie, it's getting dark" my mom said as we walked to the car. But, since it's the bad part of town, I was scared.

      "Mom! I'm scared!" I whined. We were getting closer to the car.

      "It's oka-" my mom broke off, falling in front of me. Behind her, a guy in all black, holding a gun.

      "Hey little girl," he said, in a creepy voice. He pointed the gun towards me. I ran back into the mall. I went to security and hid.

      "What's wrong sweetie?" They asked concerned as I cried.

      "There's a man outside and he killed my mom!"

      "What?!" They all jumped, and ran outside with guns, ready to fire.

      The guy ran away, and I don't know where he is now. But he killed my mother, and I want revenge.

      I don't have a dad, he ran away. I was about 3 when he did. When this happened, I lived with my grandma.

      Maybe my mom dying is a blessing in disguise. Maybe I'll make a great friends, (besides Emily) or an amazing caring boyfriend!

      Mom, I hope you're happy in heaven. I hope you miss me as much as I miss you. 

Heyyyyy. Sorry it's so depressing and short. Next chapter, hopefully will have Stampy in it! Yay!

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