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Possible trigger warning (again): threats, kidnapping, gun shots/getting shot

Squid's POV

      I woke to the sound of my phone ringing. Emily was still sleeping, so I didn't want to move since I would wake her. Her eyes slowly opened, and she slowly lifted her head.

      "Hello?" I asked when I picked up the phone.

      "Hello," a voice said.

      "Who is this?"

      "I bet you know."

      It was Cassandra.

      "How did you get my number?"

      "I have my ways."

      "What do you want from us?"

      "All I want is my revenge. Joe broke my heart 2 years ago and he will pay the price. I don't care if I have to kill one of you, or bury you all alive, I WILL get my revenge! Meet me at the abandoned building on River Ave once again. It might be your's or Emily's last time being there and on this planet!"

      The line went dead.

      Emily looked so pale she could be a snowman.

      "Cassandra just called me. She threatened you and I. She said to meet her at the same place as before.

      "We're gonna be okay, right?" Emily asked. I could hear the shaking in her voice.

      "Honestly, babe, I have no idea," I replied. I gave her a hug and kissed her on the cheek. "I'm going downstairs to get breakfast."

      "Stampy said to stay together."

      "I know, but I'll be fine. I'll be right back once I poor some cereal for us."

      Emily nodded her head.

Emily's POV

      When Squid left the room, nervous waves of electricity washed over me. I can't imagine what I would be like if something happened to him. I know I've spent my nearly 18 years without him, but everything is so much better now that I'm with him and I know Stampy.

      I jump up when I hear the sound of a smashing window followed by screeching tires.

      Stampy and Sqaishey ran into mine and Squid's room as I jumped.

      "Where is he?!" Stampy shrieked. I ran out the room and ran downstairs. I saw another smashed window and tire tracks outside. I gasped. There was a note on one of the small coffee tables. I picked it up and opened it.

Dear Emily,

      As you probably know, I have your boyfriend. Don't worry, you won't miss him much. There was nothing special about him. If you want him back, come to the abandoned building on River Ave. This time you WON'T get away!


      Piles of tears filled my eyes. I put the note down. I felt Sqaishey's hand place itself on my shoulder.

      "Cassandra has Squid," I said, trying not to sound like I'm bawling. The mountains of tears tumbled out and streaked down my boiling hot cheeks. Sqaishey and Stampy hugged me, and Stampy's adams apple jerked.

      "Did she say where we have to meet her like last time?" Stampy asked. I nodded.

      "The same abandoned building on River Ave."

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