Mean Mum

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Stampy's POV

      "Come on guys my mum is going to be here in a few minutes!" I shouted up the stairs. Today is kinda an important day for me. My mum is coming over, but she only likes me for my fame. She never liked me as a kid, and now she's trying to come back into my life. Sqaishey walked downstairs and came up to me.

      "You seem nervous," she said. One of the things I love about her is her honesty.

      "Is it that obvious?" I laughed.

      "Why does your mum have to come over?" Squid whined as he and Emily came down the stairs. He doesn't like my mum any more than I do.

      "It's not like I had a say in whether she was coming or not. She just told me 'I'm coming over at 2,'" I replied.

      "That's messed up. You're a grown man, and she's still bossing you around," Emily said. She rolled her eyes as she said it, clearly annoyed with the thought of my mum.

      The doorbell dinged and I sighed. I'm not looking forward to her being here, who needs a crazy bossy lady in their house?

      "Hi mum," I said emotionless as I opened the door.My mum smiled and hugged me. Oh how I didn't want to hug back, but I did anyway.

      "Hello Joseph! It's great to see you again," mum cheered. I bet it is I thought, but I just kept smiling my fake smile.

      "Hello Mrs. Garrett," Squid said as mum walked over to him and hugged him as well. I could tell in Squid's voice that he wasn't happy to see her.

      "Um, do you mind telling me who these girls are?" Mum demanded. I closed my eyes and rolled them so she wouldn't see.

      "This is Beth, my girlfriend, and this is Emily, David's girlfriend," I introduced them as nice as I possibly could, but mum looked pissed.

      "So you have a girlfriend and you didn't tell me?" She almost screeched. My ears ringed and my face grew hot, getting ready for her to scream at me.

      "Mum, I am a grown man, I can have a girlfriend if I want. Besides, we don't talk."

      "Don't get sassy with me! I'm your mother, and I should know about the things that go on in your life."

      The house was silent after mum said that. I really hope this day goes by fast.

      "I remember seeing you somewhere, you had long hair back then. I like your hair better that way," mum said to Sqaishey. I made fists, biting my bottom lip to keep the mean words from spilling out of my mouth.

      "How about we sit down?" I said gesturing to the couch. Mum nodded, and sat down.

      "So how long have you two been together?" Mum asked Emily.

      "Well, we've been together for about 3 months now," Emily replied. Time has flown by. I never noticed that we've all been friends for such a long time already, it feels like we all met a few weeks ago.

      "Hm," mum said. I don't know what that noise was supposed to mean, but I don't think it meant anything good. "and how long have you and Joseph been together, Beth?"

      "A little over 3 months. Emily and I were-" Sqaishey tried to say.

      "I didn't ask for a whole backstory," mum snapped.

      There go my fists again.

      "How about we talk about something else?" I suggested. I just really want to stop talking about this, all my mum is gonna say is mean things.

      For the next hour we just talked about random things, but really half of the things spoken was just my mum saying rude things.

      "May I talk to you for a second Joseph?" Mum asked me. I nodded my head and we went into the kitchen.

      "What's up?" I asked, trying so hard for my voice not to crack since I was so nervous.

      "I don't like that Beth girl, I want you to break up with her."

      I thought I was going to throw up.


      "I'm telling you to break up with Beth. I don't like her. She isn't good enough for you."

       That was the last straw.

      "That's it! Mum, I'M TIRED OF YOU BEING MEAN TO MY FRIENDS! I've had enough of this! I will NOT break up with Beth because I love her! Of course you wouldn't understand that because you've never experienced love. Beth IS good enough for me, and I will not leave someone that I love. I think it's best that you go home, because you DO NOT belong in my house, AND YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE!"

      With that said, mum stormed out. I walked back into the living room and everybody was staring at me.

      "Woah," Emily said.

      "I've never seen you that mad," Squid laughed. I sighed.

      "So you guys heard all of that?" I asked.

      "Every single word," Squid nodded.

Sqaishey's POV


      Stampy would yell at his mum to protect our relationship?

      I didn't know that he liked me that much.

      I've never been in a relationship this well before.

      My ex abused me, and he was my first boyfriend.

      I didn't hear every word like Emily and Squid, but I heard enough to know that his mum wanted him to break up with me and he said no.

      Stampy came over to the couch I was sitting on and sat to next to me. He took my hand.

      "Sqaishey, I love you, and I wouldn't let anyone as stupid and cruel as my mum tear us apart. I've never loved anyone as much as you, and I don't think I ever will," Stampy gushed. Tears filled my eyes. I love him so much. He wrapped his arms around me, and I could feel Emily's smile hitting my back. If Stampy and I were alone, we would have kissed.

      "Stop guys, you're gonna make me cry," Squid laughed. We all laughed too.

      I'm so lucky to have friends like them.

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