i love him more than anything

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idk how i seem to maintain my love for tae.

usually, when i feel attatched to a guy (be it an idol or a crush), i will loose that feeling quickly. i cant keep entertained.

but with tae, i literally just feel like every single picture and every single video, down to the last frame makes me fall more and more in love.

its like, instead of my love for him peaking and then falling, it just rises.

and sometimes i wish it wasnt tae that had this effect on me, because i know nothing could ever happen between us but my love for him gives me that slightest sliver of hope that something could. it makes it feel like that 5% chance is 90%.

and like,im fully stuck

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and like,
im fully stuck.

i love everything about him.

the way he moves.

the way he looks.

the way he acts.

the way he shits (hehe. thats necessary ok)

i just love him so so so so much.

SOOOOOO Kim Taehyung, you little fool, i love you so so much.

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