Finding Out

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A/N Hey guys, I decided to make this into a book. I'll be starting all the way from Finding Out.

"KURT!" Sebastian yells as he came. Kurt came in Sebastian a few seconds later.

"That was nice. Now get out." Kurt said falling back on his bed.

"What?" Sebastian asked.

"Did I stutter? Get out. This was only a one night." Sebastian made no movement.

"ARE YOU DEAF?! GET OUT!" Sebastian hurriedly went to get dressed and ran out of the house.

He didn't have his car so he walked home. He started crying once he was almost home.

He ran through his door, all the way up the stairs, to his room. He collapsed on his bed and cried into his pillow.

He thought he really liked Kurt. Apparently, Kurt didn't like him. All he wanted was a one night stand. Well, he couldn't blame him. He did really bad things.

Sebastian fell asleep in his thoughts.


It happened for the very first time at Warbler rehearsal. It was two weeks after the one night stand. Jeff was teaching the choreography. They did a turn and that's when it happened.

Sebastian ran into the bathroom and puked his guts out. While he was vomitting, someone(s) came and rubbed his back.

He started dry heaving. When he was done, he flushed the toilet and wiped his mouth. He turned to see two Warblers. Nick and Trent.


"No problem." Nick and Trent said.


The second time it happened was when Sebastian, Nick, Jeff, Trent, and Thad were at the Lima Bean.

The New Directions, except Kurt and Blaine, were there. They went up to the five Warblers.

"Look what the car dragged in." Santana Lopez said, hands in her Cheerios jacket.

"What do you want, Sha-queer-ah?" Sebastian smirked.

"Wait, uh, Sebastian, you ok?" Mercedes asked.

"Perfectly fine. Why?" Sebastian asked confused.

"You're a little pale." Tina said.

"I'm fine, Tina Blo-" Sebastian paused.

"I'll be right back." Sebastian said. He slipped out of his seat and quickly ran to the restroom.

He went into a stall and puked his guts up. Again. He flushed the toilet and put the toilet seat down.

He left the restroom, a little dizzy. He went and sat back in his seat. The New Directions were still there.

"Again?" Trent asked.

"Yeah." Sebastian replied.

The New Directions were confused. Sebastian forgot they were even there.


The third time....was at Sectionals. After they performed Stand, they were performing Glad You Came.

Sebastian went to the front of the stage.

You cast a spell on me, spell on me
You hit me like the sky fell on me, fe-

He puked. He puked right there on stage. He had never felt so embarrassed in his whole life.

He ran off the stage. He ran into one of the unoccupied janitor closets. He cried silently.

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