We Lost A Hummel

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A/N Sorry (XD) for the horrifically sad chapter

It was their first night sleeping in their new house Burt and Carole bought them.

It was about 2:45 when Sebastian woke up feeling uncomfortable. He shook the feeling off and went back to sleep.

It was about 4:13 when he woke up again but in pain. He shook the feeling off again and went back to sleep.

It was now 6:23 and Sebastian woke up feeling warm and in pain. He took the covers off of him and saw blood. Lots of blood.

He was sitting there in shock and in concern.

"Kurt, wake up," Sebastian nudged him. He didn't wake up.

"Kurt!" He whispered-yelled. He then woke up.

"What?" Kurt asked. Sebastian was now in tears. He pointed at the big stains of blood on the new sheets.

"Oh my god!" Kurt exclaimed. He helped Sebastian out of bed and out of the house.

He helped Sebastian in the car and got in the driver's seat. He drove as fast as he possibly could to the hospital.

He helped Sebastian out of the car and into the building.

"Help!" He shouted. "Help! My boyfriend's bleeding horribly!"

A nurse took notice of this and grabbed a wheelchair for Sebastian. She wheeled Sebastian to a room with Kurt following behind.

The doctors took tests and ultrasounds. An hour later the doctors.came back with horrible news.

"Mr. Hummel, I'm so sorry for your loss," One of the doctors said.

"What? I didn't lose anyone," Sebastian said obliviously.

"You lost your child, Mr. Hummel," One of the nurses said in a soft voice.

Sebastian felt tears stinging at the back of his eyes. He lost one of his babies.

"W-which one?" Sebastian asked.

"Your baby girl," The nurse said sadly.

Sebastian felt his whole world crumbling down. He just lost his baby girl. He sat there, tears streaming down his face.

"I'm so sorry," The nurse said.

They went home an hour later, sad. They went back to bed.

Sebastian went to the bathroom, crying. He felt as if it were his fault Emery died.

"Sebastian," A soft voice said. "are you in there?"

"Y-Yeah," Sebastian sniffed.

Kurt opened the door just to see the sight of Sebastian leaning against the wall. His eyes are rimmed red and his hands are on his tummy.

"Oh, Bas," Sebastian started crying harder.

"It's not your fault," Kurt told him.

"B-But it fe-feels like it is," Sebastian wailed.

"It's not, Bas, I promise you," Kurt said.

They sat there on the bathroom floor until Sebastian had calmed down.

"You alright?" Kurt asked. Sebastian nodded his head, scared he would start crying if he opened his mouth.

"I was thinking," Kurt started, "we could invite everyone over to tell them the news."

"O-Ok," Sebastian stuttered.

They called The Warblers, New Directions, Burt, Carole, Maddie, Ali, and Jayde to come over.

It was about 4:15 when everyone came over. Sebastian felt as if he was going to cry again. But he had to stay strong.

"So, what happened? Did the babies kick?" At Mercedes' mention of 'babies' Sebastian felt tears stinging at the back of his eyes.

"No, uh, we have news for y'all," Kurt had started. Everybody, except Kurt and Sebastian, was anxious.

"We lost Little Emery Grace Hummel this morning at 6:23." Kurt said. Sebastian's lip quivered before he started crying again.

Kurt embraced him in a hug. There was shock on the faces of their friends and family.

"Oh, sweetie," His mom said, "it's ok. It'll be ok."

His mom knew what's it like to lose a child. She lost Sebastian's twin, Emery. That was the worst moment of her life.

Jayde felt bad for her son. She wishes that he didn't lose Emery. She doesn't like seeing her son cry. It breaks her heart.

She felt tears come to her eyes.

"Mom, why're you crying?" Sebastian asked.

"I don't like seeing you cry, Sebby," His mom said.

Sebastian cried harder. Their friends were comforting them.

That night, he just couldn't sleep.

A/N Is it too late now to say sorry? XD

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