Hate Comments & The Genders

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A/N The names aren't real I came up with them and I mixed some youtubers names up so... I'm sorry that these comments are so mean. It's for the sake of the story.

*2 months later*

Kurt and Sebastian were going to clinic to find out the genders of their little miracles.

During the drive, Sebastian was growing with anticipation. He was tapping his foot and drumming his fingers on his leg, rapidly.

"Sebastian," Kurt laughed. "Calm down."

"I'm sorry, I just really want to know the genders. They're my babies too, you know." Sebastian smiled.

They areived at the clinic. Sebastian went to go sit down while Kurt was signing them in.

Kurt came back 2 minutes later.

"Are you excited? I'm excited. Are you excited?" Sebastian was going wild.

"Seb, honey, I know you're excited. I'm excited too. But, please, calm down." Sebastian nodded.

"Sorry, Kurtie." Sebastian apologized.

"Sebastian Hummel."

"Kurt..." Kurt grinned.

As they were walking to their room, Kurt noticed other moms giving them disgusted looks. When Sebastian tried to turn around, Kurt made him turn back.

They were in the doctor's room. Sebastian lying on the cot and Kurt sitting in a chair beside him.

Caitlin came in with a clipboard in hand.

"How are my favorite people today?" Caitlin asked sitting down.

"Excited." Kurt said.

"Good." Caitlin said.

"I can't wait, woman. Tell me what the genders of my kids are." Sebastian demanded.

Caitlin laughed. "Okay, Sebastian. You know the warnings." Sebastian lifted up his shirt.

She put on latex gloves and grabbed the gel and wand. She squirted the gel on Sebastian's stomach and, of course, Sebastian shivered.

She put the wand on his stomach and started spreading the gel.

"Sebastian, you ready?" Caitlin asked.

"Yes." He said.

"You're having...a girl and a boy!" Caitlin announced.

Sebastian turned to Kurt. "Emery Grace Hummel."

"And Caleb Joshua Hummel." Kurt said.

"Awh. Those are such cute names. I'll leave you alone for a minute." Caitlin said. She walked out the door.

Sebastian had tears in his eyes. "Our little miracles."

Kurt turned Sebastian towards him. He was leaning down to kiss him, before he saw the tears.

"What's wrong?" Kurt asked.

"Nothing. Hormones." Sebastian said. Kurt could see right through him.

"I know this is not hormones. Please tell me what's wrong." Kurt begged.

"I've never planned on this every happening to me. I'm glad it did. What am I going to do for when I go back to school? What's gonna happen when I'm still in school and you're in New York?" Sebastian asked.

"Hey, we'll figure this out. My dad and Carole can watch them when we're both at school and I can watch them when I graduate and you're still in school. I can wait to go to NYADA. I'll do anything for all three of my babies." Kurt said.

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