4 Months, Showing, Warbler Surprise, & Appointments

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Sebastian was now four months pregnant and showing a lot more. Him and Kurt were going to Sebastian's appointment. Carole wanted to go but Burt wouldn't let her. Kurt and Sebastian promised a sonogram.

They drove to the clinic, Sebastian smiling and ready. Caitlin was already there so she made their appointment earlier.

"Hey, Sebastian. Who's this?" Caitlin asked.

Kurt wasn't able to go to any of the other appointments because of glee club but today, Mr. Shue was sick so they canceled rehearsals.

"This is the other father." Sebastian said.

"Kurt Hummel." Kurt introduced himself.

"Caitlin Snow."

"Let's get on it with it." Caitlin said.

Sebastian lifted his shirt. She put the gel on Sebastian's stomach and spread it with the wand.

"Oh!" Caitlin said.

"Oh? What oh? Is it a bad oh?" Sebastian was worried. He didn't want to lose this little miracle.

"Sebastian...you're having twins!" Sebastian's eyes widened.

Caitlin was surprised Kurt didn't faint. Usually, a lot of fathers faint if they find out they're having twins.

"Unfortunatley, you won't be able to find out the sexes until you're six months." Caitlin said.

"Fraternal or identical?" Kurt said.

"Franternal." Caitlin said.

"Wow." Sebastian said.

"Can we have a sonogram?" Kurt asked.

"Do you need one or more?" Caitlin asked.

"Lets see, we have your parents, my mom, Rachel, Quinn, Puck, Finn, Artie, Tina, Rory, Blaine, Brittany, Santana, Mercedes, Mike, Sam, Nick, Thad, Trent, David, Wes, Jeff, anyone else I'm missing?" Sebastian asked.

"Nope. 22 copies, please." Kurt said.

Caitlin nodded and left to print the sonograms. About ten minutes later, Caitlin came back with twenty-two copies of the sonogram.

"Here you go. Sebastian, don't forget your appointment in the next two months." Caitlin said while Sebastian was rubbing the gel off.

Sebastian nodded. "Bye, Caitlin." Both boys said in unison.

They were in the car. "Twins," Sebastian said. "I can barely take care of myself and I'm having two babies."

"We'll be fine. Plus, we also have my dad and Carole." Kurt said. That made Sebastian feel better.

They areived home to see the Warblers and some New Directions.

"Sebastian, we have someone you would want to meet." Jeff said.

"Who?" Sebastian asked.

"Me." A voice said. Sebastian turned and saw a Warbler he hasn't seen before.

"Hunter. Hunter Clarington." Sebastian seemed amused.

"Sebastian. Sebastian..." Sebastian looked at Kurt. Kurt nodded.

"Sebastian Hummel. Who are you?" Sebastian asked.

"I'm Hunter Clarington. I'm the new captain of The Warblers and I'm not even remotely bi-curious." Hunter said.

"Ok?" Sebastian looked at Nick.

"He's your replacement for The Warblers and lacrosse, for now. Just until after you have the baby." Nick reassured.

"And Hunter knows about the baby." Jeff said.

"Well, Hunter, if I knew about you beforehand, I would've gotten you a sonogram. I guess we can give Finn's to you." Sebastian said giving Hunter Finn's.

"Hey!" Finn yelled.

"Oh, hush up, Finn. You can look at dad and Carole's." Kurt said.

Sebastian handed out the rest.

"You're having twins?! I thought it was just one baby?" Rachel shouted.

"Yeah, I'm surprised Kurt didn't faint. All he asked was 'Fraternal or identical?'."

"Are they fraternal or identical?" Quinn asked.

"Fraternal." Sebastian replied.

Quinn looksd over at Sebastian.

"Hey, you're showing!" Quinn walked towards Sebastian.

"I remember when I was pregnant with Beth." Quinn recalled right when she was in front of Sebastian.

"I was the exact same age as you. I gave her up for adoption, though. Rachel's biological mom adopted her." Quinn said.

"Wow." Sebastian said.

"Yep, I was just like you. I was kicked out, I went to go live with a friend, but it was worth it." Quinn says.

"For Beth." Puck said.

"For Beth." Quinn repeated.

"Have you thought of any FULL names yet?" Puck asked.

"Yes, Emery Grace and Caleb Joshua if a boy and girl pair, Emery Grace and Ella Sophia, if a girl and girl pair, and Caleb Joshua and Liam Carson, if a boy and boy pair." Kurt explained.

"Those are such beautiful names." Tina spoke.

"Thank you, Tina." Sebastian said.

"You called me Tina. Yay!" Tina exclaimed.

"I'm guessing we should go." Nick said.

"But we just got here." Sebastian said.

"I know but we have Warbler rehearsal." Nick said.

"Okay. Bye, guys." Sebastian said.

"Bye, Sebastian." The Warblers, except Hunter, said leaving the house.

"Bye, Sebastian Hummel." Hunter said. He walked to where the other Warblers were. They then left.

"Weirdo..." Kurt whispered in Sebastian's ear.

"I know." Sebastian whispered back.

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