It's Time

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A/n The pictures (except 1) of Caleb are pictures of my baby cousin, Briar Layne Belcher, who was born last year after Christmas.

Sebastian was now 9 months pregnant and was ready to burst. He wanted to surprise Kurt at glee so he asked Finn to pick him up during eighth period.

He didn't come back until 3 minutes after glee had started.

"Kurt, someone has a surprise for you," Finn said.

"A surprise?" Kurt asked quietly. A surprise? For him?

Someone walked through the door. But not just anyone. Sebastian.

"Bas?" He jumped out of his seat and carefully hugged Sebastian as if he were a porcelain doll.

"What're you doing here?" Kurt asked.

"I just wanted to surprise you," Sebastian blushed and shrugged.

Kurt chuckled and kissed Sebastian's nose. They walked to two seats. They sat down and waited for Mr. Shue.

Once Mr. Shue arrived, Kurt and them were practicing for Sectionals. Sebastian sat by Brittany and watched them. They had to replace Brittany until Sectionals because Brittany broke her leg.

She broke her leg when Finn accidently tripped Brittany and she fell off the auditorium stage. She was sad about it too. She wanted to perform at Sectionals.

She was sitting there looking bored. She turned her head to look at another wall when she saw Sebastian wincing in pain. Sebastian shrugged off the pain.

"Sebby, you okay?" Brittany asked. Sebastian nodded.

"I'm fine," He said. She nodded, uncertain.

She looked around the room for another 10 minutes. She turned her head back to the same wall she saw when Sebastian was in pain.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw something unusual.

"Sebby?" She asked.


"Why are you peeing?" She asked. Sebastian looked at her in confusion. He looked down at his lap. He was damp.

"Brittany, go get Kurt," Sebastian said.


"Just do what I say. Get Kurt," Sebastian said. He was in tears by now. He was just in so much pain.

She nodded. She got her crutches and walked over to where the were rehearsing.

"Kurt!" Kurt turned his head. "Sebastian needs you!"

Kurt whipped his head towards Sebastian and saw him crying.

"It's time!" He yelled. Kurt hopped off the stage and ran towards Sebastian. He helped Sebastian walk out of the school with the New Directions trailing behind.

"Blaine, call The Warblers!" Kurt yelled. "Tell them, it's time."

He helped Sebastian into the backseat of the car. He drove as fast as he could without breaking the law.

They arrived at the hospital. Kurt ran in, Sebastian in his arms. He yelled, "Help! My boyfriend's in labor!"

A doctor helped Sebastian into a wheelchair and wheeled him into a room. They put him on a hospital bed.

"Now, Mr. Hummel, you're going to have to wait at least an hour until the birth," The nurse said.

"An hour?!" Sebastian shouted. He did not want to wait an hour. He wanted to see Little Caleb now. The nurse left.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2016 ⏰

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