How Sebastian Became Homeless & Got A New Family

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Sebastian, The Warblers, and New Directions talked and talked until they heard a beep.

"Oh, that's my phone. Can someone hand it to me?" Sebastian asked.

Santana got his phone. She looked at the message.

"Uh, Sebastian, you might be staying with one of us, for now." Santana said.

"What? Give me my phone." Sebastian demanded.

Santana handed it over to Sebastian. Sebastian looked at the text he got from his mom.

From: Mom

Sebby, I'm so sorry. The money I'm getting from my job can't cover both of us. I have to kick you out. Sebby, please, don't take this the wrong way. I love you♡

Sebastian stared at the text. He replied to the text.

To: Mom

I understand. I love you too♡

He closed the messaging app and put away his phone.

"What happened, Sebastian?" Kurt asked.

"My mother. She, uh, she kicked me out." Sebastian said with a frown.

"I'm sorey, Sebastian-"

"S'Not your fault." Sebastian said covering his chest with his arms.

"Sebastian, you can come live with me, if you want." Kurt said.

"I don't want to intrude-"

"You're not going to." Kurt reasoned.

"Okay." Sebastian hesitated.

Kurt squealed.

"Do you know when you're going home?" Kurt asked.

"Tomorrow." Sebastian said.

"That gives me snough time. I'll see you tomorrow, Sebastian!" Kurt shouted tunning out of the room.

"What was that all about?" Sebastian asked.

"It's Kurt. No one knows." Finn says.

A cheous of 'True's were heard.

"Well, we're gonna go so you can sleep." Nick said.

"Bye, Sebastian." Both The Warblers and New Directions said.

"Bye, guys." Sebastian said.


Kurt ran through the door, supplies in his hand. He ran through the door of the guest room.

He made sure he had all the right things.

"Emerald paint? Check. Rollers? Check. Bed set? Check. Picture frames? Check. All set." Kurt said to himself.

Kurt started taking everything out of the room, just a desk, a lamp, and a bed, into his room.

He then started painting the rokm with the emerald green. It took him forty-five minutes. He put the bed and the desk back into the room.

He took the old bed set off the bed and replaced it with the light aqua blue bed set he bought. He then started to put the picture frames up, putring one of the picture frames on the desk.

"Perfect." He said once he was done.

His phone then started playing Teenage Dream. Blaine! He forgot all about Blaine.

He answered his phone

Kurt: Hey
Blaine: Hi
Kurt: What did you want?
Blaine: Oh, right. Kurt I'm breaking up with you
Kurt: What? Why?
Blaine: You're gling to have a kid with Sebastian. It's not going to be fair with Sebastian if you're still dating me when he's having a kid.
Kurt: I understand
Blaine: We can at least be friends.
Kurt: Yeah, I'd like that.
Blaine: Bye.
Kurt: Bye.

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