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*1 Month later*

Sebastian sat alone in his room reading Telling Christina Goodbye. He was at the part where Trisha found out that Cody was in a coma.

"Jesus." Sebastian muttered when he read the part where Cody's mom tells Trisha Cody was in a coma.

A few chapters later, Sebastian had tears streaming down his face. He's read the book more than a thousand times and he still cried.

"Fuck you, Tucker," Sebastian said as he wiped away tears. "Why the fuck did you have to go and kill Christina?"

Knock, knock, knock. Sebastian quickly wiped away the tears.

"Come in." Sebastian said, his voice cracking a little.

Kurt came in with a smile on his face. His smile tirned into a concerned frown when he saw that one tear still on Sebastian's face.

"What's wrong?" Kurt asked.

"Nothing. Just this book." Sebastian shook his head while showing Kurt the book.

"Oh. I love her books. They're amazing." Kurt said. "Anyway, my dad and Carole have a surprise for us downstairs. Come on."

Sebastian sat up and walked out of his room. He followed Kurt into the kitchen where Burt and Carole sat at the table.

"What's the surprise?" Kurt asked jumping up and down.

"Calm down, honey." Carole said.

Carole took a deep breath and said, "We bought you your own house."

Sebastian and Kurt couldn't contain their excitement. They started bouncing up and down and squealing.

"It's a two story house. Six bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a kitchen, a living room, basement, and a garage. You live right around the block." Carole described.

Sebastian squealed.

"What's happening?" Finn asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"We bought Kurt and Sebastian a house." Burt repeated.

"Does that mean I get Kurt's room?" Finn asks.

"Yes, Finn, that means you get Kurt's room," Carole laughed.

"Well, let's get them moved." Finn said.

"Thank god we didn't set up the nurseries." Sebastian sighed.

"I know." Kurt agreed. They went upstairs and grabbed all they could and put it into Kurt's Navigator.

"Sebastian, don't lift anything." Kurt demanded as he saw Sebastian try to lift up a box full of diapers.

"Can I at least carry the bag of clothes?" Sebastian asked.

"I guess." Kurt gave in.

Sebastian grabbed three of the bags and put them in the trunk of Kurt's car. They decided to get the cribs later.

Kurt drove to the new house with Burt and Finn and settled everything in there before going back and getting the cribs.


They had gotten everything at their new house. All they had to do was paint the nurseries and put the baby things in there.

Kurt didn't want Sebastian to paint the nurseries or put anything in there because he didn't want to almost lose the baby, again.

It took him a whole 4 hours to redo the whole nurseries. Sebastian went upstairs to go look at the nurseries.

He went to Caleb's nursery first. He entered the nursery and happiness filled him.

 He entered the nursery and happiness filled him

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"Oh, Kurt. It's beautiful," Sebastian cooed.

"I know," Kurt said proudly.

Sebastian was admiring the room and didn't feel Kurt come up behind him and wrap his arms around his waist.

"How about we go check out Little Emery's room?" Kurt asked. Sebastian nodded.

Kurt unhooked his arms around Sebastian's waist and held Sebastian's hand. They walked together to Emery's nursery.

"It's beautiful," Sebastian said in admiration

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"It's beautiful," Sebastian said in admiration. "I can't wait until I get to hold these precious darlings."

"Me too," Kurt smiled putting his hands on Sebastian's big belly.

"Emery and Caleb are the best thing that has happened to my life," Sebastian told Kurt.

"What about me?" Kurt asked in fake shock.

"They're the best thing that's happened to me because they brought us closer together," Sebastian admitted.

"I love you," Kurt said.

"I love you too," Sebastian said. Kurt kissed him.

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