Telling Everyone (Except Kurt)

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Sebastian and Nick drove back to Dalton.

"When should we tell them?" Sebastian asked.

"Sebastian, this is your baby. You tell them when you're ready." Nick said.

Sebastian nodded. They went back to their dorm.

"Wait, shouldn't we have told the headmaster?" Sebastian asked.

"Do you want to?" Nick asked.

"Please?" Sebastian asked shyly.

"Let's go." Nick chuckled.

They walked to the headmaster's office.

"Hello, boys. How can I help you?" The secretary asked.

"Hi, Mrs. Vivian." The boys said.

Mrs. Vivian was a 24-year-old secretary for Headmaster Jones. She actually looks like she is only seventeen. She is 5"4 with a brwon-to-blonde ombre hair. She has dazzling blue eyes, kinda like Niall Horan or Danny Edge.

"We were wondering if Sebastian and I can talk to the headmaster?"

"About what?" Mrs. Vivian asked. If you have to talk to the headmaster, you have to tell Mrs. Vivian what you want to tell the headmaster because she doesn't want you to tell Headmaster Jones stupid stuff.

"Sebastian has a problem...he's pregnant." Mrs. Vivian gasped.

"Oh, go right on in, boys."

"Thank you Mrs. Vivian." The boys said.

They knocked on the door.

"Come on." They heard a sweet voice say. If someone said Headmaster Jones and you weren't from Dalton, you would think Headmaster Jones was a dude. But she's not.

They walked in and saw Headmaster Jones with a smile on her face.

Headmaster Jones was a woman in her late thirty's. She may look sweet and tiny but she can be mean when necessary.

"Ah, Mr. Duval and Mr. Smythe. How may I help you?" Headmaster Jones asked.

"Headmaster, I don't know if you will believe this but keep in mind. We are telling the truth. Sebastian." Nick said.

Sebastiam took a deep breath before saying, "Headmaster, I-I'm pregnant."

"I see. Sebastian, I'm not mad. But you know, you can't be in The Warblers or lacrosse until after the pregnancy." Headmaster said.

"I know. Gosh, I failed The Warbler, didn't I? I mean, I'm the first Warbler to get pregnant in Dalton history. I can see it in big lights."

"Sebastian, you didn't fail anyone. I'm pressuming this was an accident?" Headmaster asked.

"It was. But this baby will never be an accident." Sebastian said pointing to his tummy.

"I understand. If I may ask, who is the other father?" The petite woman asked.

"You may know him. Kurt Hummel."

Headmaster Jones nodded.

"Uh, headmaster, can we bring my parents up here so I can tell them the news?" Headmaster nodded.

"Of course, Mr. Smythe." Headmaster said.

She called Sebastian's parents, Brent and Jayde Smythe, and they arrived a short ten minutes later.

"Sebastian, what happened? Is he in trouble?" His mom, Jayde, asked.

"No, Mrs. Smythe. He actually has something to tell you. Sebastian." Headmaster Jones said.

"Mom, dad, uh, um, I, uh, I'm pregnant." Sebastian stuttered.

Brent and Jayde froze.

"Excuse me?" Brent asked.

"I'm pregnant." Sebastian repeated.

"No son of mine is going to be a fag, let alone a fag that's pregnant." Brent retorted.

"Um, Mr. Smythe-" Headmaster Jones tried to protest.

"NO! Sebastian, you are no longer a Smythe anymore." Brent yelled.

"Well, good, Brent, because he is going to be living with me! We're getting a divorce and Sebastian will legally be a Martin." Jayde spoke.

"You're making a big mistake, Jayde-"

"No, I am not, Brent. He's my son and I will accept him no matter what. Go now, Brent."

Brent left.

"Oh, Sebby, I am so sorry you had to deal with that disgrace as a father." Jayde said embracing him and kissing him on the forehead.

"It's fine, mom." Sebastian said.

Jayde left, moments later. His mom wouldn't have enough money to cover everything the baby needs.

"I guess we can make a little nursery for the baby here." The headmaster said.

"Thank you, headmaster." Sebastian said. Nick and Sebastian then left.

"Let's go tell The Warblers." Sebastian said.

"Gosh, Seb, you're on a roll." Sebastian laughed.

They went to the senior commons, where all The Warblers were.

"Hey, everyone. Seb has some news." Nick said.

He went to where the council desk stood.

"I've figured out why I've been throwing up and having cramps lately."

"Why?" Trent asked.

"Because...I'm...pregnant." Gasps were thrown everywhere.

Then, "Can I be the godfather?", "How far along are you?", and "What are the names you have chosen?" Were flying.

Sebastian was happy. Everyone wanted to be in the life of his child's.

"To answer some of y'all's questions. No, you cannot be godfather." Nick said.

A chorus of 'Why's were flown.

"Because I'm godfather, suckers. Hahaha!" Nick stuck his tongue out.

Sebastian and a few other Warblers laughed.

"Hey, Sebastian, do you have a baby bump yet?" Thad asked.

"Yes, he does." Nick said.

Sebastian lifted his shirt up a little. Nick was right. He did have a baby bump.

"Well, will you look at that? I do." Sebastian said.

Sebastian turned a little so it was more clear to everyone. He barely had one but you can tell.

He let some of them touch it. It felt weird. But nice.

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