Morning Sickness, Cramps, Cravings, & Baby Names

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Sebastian awoke the next morning at 6:50 with morning sickness.

Two minutes, Kurt, Burt, and Carole awoke to horrible retching coming from the bathroom.

Kurt imeadiantly knew what was happening. Kurt ran into the bathroom and, sure enough, Sebastian was there, hunched over the toilet, vomitting.

Sebastian stopped. He went to go brush his teeth. He spat in the sink. He noticed Kurt, Burt, and Carole in the doorway.

"Did I wake you? I'm sorry." Sebastian apologized.

"It's fine, Sebastian." Sebastian was about to protest.

"Really, it's fine, Sebastian. I know what it's like. Well, I wasn't sixteen but you get the point." Carole reassured.

Burt and Carole went into the kitchen to get coffee. Kurt and Sebastian went to Sebastian's room.

Sebastian's stomach started hurting. He clutched his stomach in pain. Kurt instantly became worried.

"Seb, baby, what's wrong?" Kurt asked.

"Cramps." Sebastian said in pain.

"Do you need me to get you anything?" Kurt asked.

"Do you have bananas?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Caitlin said I should eat bananas if I ever get cramps. It helps." Sebastian said.

Kurt nodded. He went to the kitchen. He got coffee for himself and a banana for Sebastian. He went back to Sebastian's room.

"Is that coffee for me?" Sebastian asked hopefully. He was on the bed covered in a blanket.

"Hahaha, no." Kurt laughed. Sebastian pouted.

"i want mint chocolate ice cream. With pickles. And a bacon sandwhich." Sebastian craved.

"I can get you the ice cream and pickles. Just not the bacon sandwhich. Sorry."

"As long as I get my mint chocolate ice crean and pickles, then I'm fine." Sebastian said.

Kurt went back to the kitchen and got the ice cream and pickles and went back to Sebastian's room.

"Thank you, Kurtie." Sebastian said in a baby voice. Kurt thought it was the most adorablest thing ever.

Kurt sat on the bed next to Sebastian.

"Wanna watch Netflix on my laptop?" Sebastian asked with a spoonful of ice cream in his mouth.


Sebastian turned and got his laptop off of his nightstand.

"Whatcha wanna watch?" Sebastian asked.

Kurt looked through Sebastian's list.

"You watch Pretty Little Loars, Gosspi Girl, and Switched At Birth?" Kurt asked.

"Don't judge. They're good shows."

They ended up watching Cyberbully. (A/N good movie you should watch)

After the movie, half of the tub of ice cream was gone.

"Emery Grace. Liam Carson." Sebastian said.

"What?" Kurt asked.

"If we have a girl, I wanna name her Emery Grace and if we have a boy, I wanna name him Liam Carson." Sebastian said.

"Okay, we'll go with Emery Grace, for a girl. I want Caleb Joshua if it's a boy." Kurt said.

"Caleb Joshua Hummel." Sebastian said.

"And Emery Grace Hummel." Kurt said.

"We got to think of backups." Sebastian said.


"What if we have twins that are both boys or both girls?" Sebastian asked.

"True. Well, we have Liam Carson. All we need is another girl name." Kurt said.

"What name do you like?" Sebastian asked.

"Sophia." Kurt said.

"I like...Ella." Sebastian said after moments of thinking.

"Sophia Ella Hummel?" Kurt asked.

"No. It doesn't....flow. How about....Ella Sophia Hummel?"

"Perfect." Kurt said.

Sebastian smiled.

"God, this seems so surreal." Sebastian said.

"What does?" Kurt asked.

"Me being pregnant at sixteen and you're the father at eighteen. I feel like I'm a disappointment." Sebastian said.

"To who?"

"Everyone. No boy can get pregnant except me and I feel like that's a disappointment. An abomination." Sebastian said.

"Who cares what anyone else thinks? This is our lives and this is how we chose to live it. Plus, this baby will be the cutest, most amazing, perfect thing ever. Like you." Kurt said.

"I'm glad you...did the frickle frackle with me." Sebastian said.

Kurt laughed. "So am I. Or else, this baby wouldn't be here and we would still be enemies."

Sebastian laughed this time.

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