How Kurt & The New Directions Found Out

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Sebastian was now two months pregnant and the baby bump was a little bit more visible.

"Sebastian, are you sure you want to do this? I mean, we can go but you can stay. We don't care." Nick asked.

Two months before, when he was pregnant but didn't know, the New Directions and Warblers agreed to have a Michael off.

Today, was that day.

"Yes. I know it's a risk but it's a risk I'm going to have to take. I'm going to take one for the team." Sebastian reasoned.

"Okay." Nick was worried about Sebastian. I mean, Santana Lopez and Puck were on the New Directions. And they were violent when it came to Sebastian.

The Warblers piled onto the bus and drove to the abandoned parking garage.

The Warblers were there, in uniform, waiting for the public school kids.

Santana and Blaine came out.

They talked before the rest of the New Directions came.

Artie then started singing.

Ah, your butt is mine
Gonna take you right, ah

They danced, which made Sebastian nauseous. They threw punched, kicks, and got in each other's faces.

And the whole world has to answer right now
Just tell you once again who's bad?

That's when Santana threw the punch. The punch that hit Sebastian right in the stomach.

Sebastian fell to the ground, clutching his stomach. The asphalt probably skinned his knees but he didn't care. The only thing he cared about was the baby that was growing inside him.

Blood was pouring.

"Oh, look, the meerkat is having his period. Wait- period?" Santana was shocked.

Nick ran to Sebastian's side.

"What is wrong with you?! Trent call 911!" Nick shouted.

"On it!" Trent shouted back.

"What's wrong with dolphin birdie?" Brittany asked Quinn. Quinn shrugged.

"Sebastoan, listen to me, you're going to be fine and so is the baby." Nick said. Sebastian nodded.

"Wair what? Sebastian's pregnant?" Blaine asked.

"Yep." Thad said.

The ambulance got there.

"One of you can ride with him." One of the paramedics said. Nick volunteered.

The rest drove to the hospital.

They saw Nick pacing in the waiting room.

"Nick, did they say abything about Sebastian?" Blaine had asked.

"Not yet." He replied. They waited an hour before the doctoe came in.

"Caitlin, is he okay?" Nick asked the doctor.

"Yes, Nick. We had to give him a blood transfusion though." Caitlin said.

"How about the baby?" Nick asked.

"The baby is fine. Whatever happened did not hit the baby. So there is no harm." Caitlin said.

Nick sighed, relieved.

"I'm going back to check on him." Caitlin left.

Nick turned around and saw the confused faces. Well, The Warblers and the confused faces of the New Directions.

"I'm guessing you want an explanation?" Nick asked.

The New Directions nodded.

"Ok, so, two months ago, when Sebastian brought Kurt and Blaine to Scandals, Klaine had gotten into a fight and Blaine left. Kurt went back inside and got crazy drunk. Kurt wanted a one night stand and Kurt and Sebastian slept together. Kurt fucked him. Sebastian got pregnant." Nick explained.

"Kurt, is this true?" Mercedes asked.

Kurt nodded.

"Kurt-" Blaine tried to say but Caitlin came back.

"He's awake. You can go see him now." Caitlin said.

They all went to Sebastian's toom. Nick knocked.

They heard a faint, "Come in."

They walked in to see Sebastian in a hospital gown lying on a hospital bed.

Sebastian carefully sat up.

"Hey, Seb. How's the baby?" Nick asked.

"Little he or she is fine." Sebastian said rubbing his tummy.

"Sebastian, I'm sorry." Santana apologized.

"It's okay. The important thing eight now is that my baby is alive." Sebastian said.

"Our baby." Kurt said.

"What?" Sebastian asked

"Our baby. That's if you want me in his or her's life." Kurt said.

"Do you want to be in my baby's life?" Sebastian asked.

"More than anything. Please?" Kurt asked.

"Well, since you asked so nicely." Sebastian smiled.

"YES!" Kurt pumped his fist in the air.

"Don't ask to be the godfather." Jeff said.

"Why?" Finn asked.

"Because I'm the godfather, suckers!" Nick said.

Everyone laughed.

"What if the godfather dies?" Puck asked.

"Puck!" Kurt yelled laughing.

"What? I'm just asking." Puck said.

"Then Trent's going to be the godfather." Sebastian said.

"BOO YAH!" Trent yelled.

"Can I see the baby bump?" Kurt asked shyly.

Sebastian nodded. He stood up and lifted up the gown a bit

Kurt got on his knees and rested his hands on the bump.

Some of the New Directions and Warblers took pictures and posted them on Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat.

"This is the most precious thing I have seen." Kurt said ghosting his fingers over the bump.

"Have you told your parents? I mean, you're only sixteen." Finn asked.

"Yeah. My dad walked out on me and my mom. Said he 'didn't want a fag as a son, let alone a fag that's pregnant'. Sebastian said softly.

Kurt got off his knees and hugged Sebastian.

"Talk about disgrace of a father." Tina said.

"That's exactly what my mom said about him." Sebastian said.

"Well, good, because it's true." Rachel spoke.

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